Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 230 Admit defeat

"Hahaha, Mingzhu Group has suffered retribution. It sold high-quality assets. Now the entire domestic real estate companies are overwhelmed with how they will have the energy to receive these assets."

"That's right, my wedding room was originally reserved by the Pearl Group, but in the end I just refunded it. Such a company is not worthy of our support."

"The cowhide upstairs is very strong. I like people like you who do what they say."

"This time, it seems that the Pearl Group is really going to fail. Does anyone want to help me out? I still have some shares in the Pearl Group."

"Let's go together, the last time it was over before I could react, this time I must participate."

So there was a crazy scene on the Shanghai A-share market. The shares of Pearl Group were sold at a low price, and the amount was getting bigger and bigger.

"Check it out for me. I don't believe there are so many stocks in the hands of stockholders after the last time. I also notified the financial department to buy up these sold stocks. We must stabilize the stock price of the entire group." Han Hao's temper is getting worse now. The more irritable, he yelled at the secretary next to him.

"Yes, Mr. Han." The secretary, who was already trembling all over, left the office as fast as he could.

After calming down his anger, Han Hao connected a phone call, and the call was quickly connected: "Mr. Morgan, I don't know what you are thinking. Now the shares of Mingzhu Group have been sold maliciously, so I hope you You can come forward to help stabilize the stock, after all, we now have a common goal."

"Mr. Han, the financial regulatory system in the entire world is already very strict. It is impossible for us to mobilize large-scale funds from Huaguo, so we are helpless now."

"Mr. Morgan is crossing the river and demolishing bridges?" Hearing Morgan's perfunctory words, Han Hao suddenly understood the current environment of the Pearl Group.

"No, no, Mr. Han, we will always be allies."

"Okay, Mr. Morgan, let's talk about this." Han Hao was completely disappointed with the Morgan family, and the entire Pearl Group was an abandoned pawn.

Since yesterday, he has begun to sell some high-quality assets, including the largest movie theater chain in China and commercial centers in some first-tier cities. There are indeed many people who want to take over, but the price is kept very low. For these people who took advantage of the fire to rob, Han Hao recorded them one by one. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

The Mi family who cut off the Xiaomi company has emptied the cash of the entire Pearl Group, and the current Pearl Group is more like an empty shell.

"Mr. Jiang, didn't you always want a commercial center in Guiyang, how about three billion now."

"What, one billion, then you might as well go and rob."

During the whole day, Han Hao made no less than a hundred phone calls, but none of them wanted to accept the assets that Pearl Group was going to buy. At this moment, Han Hao tasted the feeling of being overthrown by everyone.

"Dad, the situation is like this. Our Pearl Group has no way to go now." Han Hao now has a dejected and decadent expression on his face.

"No, there is another way. Prepare a private jet tomorrow, and let's go to Star City." After a long time, Han Yuanchao said these words.

"Dad." Han Hao was proud, and his pride did not allow him to bow his head.

"Go, remember that people must live first. The Pearl Group has offended many people over the years, and many people want us to die. The Pearl Group is our talisman, and it cannot fall." Han Yuanchao said firmly.

"Okay Dad. I'll give the order." Han Hao still didn't have the slightest vitality, and he couldn't see any chance to turn things around now. As for the Star Group, he doesn't think that Chen Qiang is an easy character to mess with. He has also studied Chen Qiang's development trajectory over the years, and he found that although this person is not very meddlesome, he is quite a ruthless character.

"Aid North Korea, I have heard about the group. Why do you do this? The Star Group is still very high in the hearts of the people, and the Pearl Group has no business competition with the Star Group." Mrs. Han said in Han Hao After leaving, he entered the study and rubbed Han Yuanchao's temples.

"Some of the competition in the shopping mall is not superficial competition. This time, we lost and went to Star City to admit defeat. Mr. Chen of Star Group is not a stingy person, he will let Pearl Group go." Han Yuanchao Close your eyes and enjoy the lady's massage.

"Then does my waking up have something to do with Star Group?" Mrs. Han asked in a natural tone.

"Of course not. The Star Group doesn't have that much ability yet. You are a miracle in the history of medicine." Han Yuanchao suddenly sat up and said with a smile after feeling uneasy. But a woman's sense is sensitive, Mrs. Han can clearly see Han Yuanchao's unnaturalness.

"Lie down, I'm giving you a massage." Mrs. Han didn't mind this matter, but coquettishly pressed Han Yuanchao on the chair and continued to massage.

"Xiaoli's method is better." Han Yuanchao continued to enjoy with his eyes closed.

"Yanchao, remember the vows we made when we got married. At that time, we hadn't made a fortune, and we even lived in the dormitory in the factory when we got married. At that time, you told me that you must die after me and it wouldn't make me sad. Now I've already died once, it's time to replace me." Madam Han's voice was soft but full of love.

"Okay." It took Han Yuanchao a long time to spit out these two words.

On the second day, Han Yuanchao took Han Hao on the plane very early and came to Star City.

"Mr. Han, Mr. Han welcomes you to Xingkong City." You should do what you should do, after all, you still have to give face, so Lei Jun, who is in charge of the company's external affairs, received Han Yuanchao and Han Hao at the airport.

"Mr. Lei was joking. I have wanted to come to Star City for a long time. I hope Mr. Lei can forgive us for interrupting us this time." Since it is a natural gesture to admit defeat, Han Yuanchao also said with a smile.

"Then I will take you to take a good look today, Mr. Han, please." Lei Jun pointed to the anti-gravity flying car beside him.

Under the leadership of Lei Jun, Han Yuanchao and Han Hao spent three hours visiting the Starry Sky City. Looking at the prosperity of the Starry Sky City, Han Yuanchao and Han Hao suddenly felt a sense of regret.

"Mr. Lei, I actually came here today to ask for something. I wonder if you can find a place for us to sit down and talk." Three hours have worn out the patience of Han Yuanchao and Han Hao. He wanted to confront Lei Jun, but was stopped by Han Yuanchao.

"Oh? Yes." Lei Jun looked innocent and puzzled, but he sneered psychologically. Lei Jun and Anderson are also continuing to pay attention to the situation of the Pearl Group. If it were not for the attack by the Pearl Group last year, the Star Group would not be in such a mess. In order to appease the employees of the Mi family, the Star Group raised them for nothing. For several months, these are expenses without income.

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