Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 231 Let go

"Mr. Lei, we came here for one thing today and that is to ask Xingkong Group to let us go. It was our fault that we targeted Mijia last year. As for those stores, we will transfer them to the name of Xingkong Group as our apology." .” Since it was an apology, Han Yuanchao lowered his status very low.

"Mr. Han, you don't need to apologize about the Mi family. After all, this is a normal business competition. I also understand the situation of the Pearl Group, but I really can't help you, after all, I am just a deputy of the Star Group. It's just the president, and we, Mr. Chen, are the ones who are really in charge." Lei Jun looked helpless, but in the eyes of Han Yuanchao and his son, this was a blatant mockery of them.

"Then can I ask Mr. Lei to introduce Mr. Chen for us?" Han Yuanchao asked while suppressing his anger.

"Grandpa, haven't you read the news? Mr. Chen has participated in a scientific research project three months ago, and it may take another three months to get out. Why don't you come back in three months?" Lei Jun tentatively asked.

"Mr. Lei, you also know the situation of our Pearl Group. Not to mention three months or even three days is a big problem, so can you please help us invite Mr. Chen." Only then did Mr. Han suddenly think of it. Some media reported that Chen Qiai joined the research of a project after the launch of the anti-gravity flying car.

"Mr. Han, you also know something about the entire Starry Sky Group. As long as we put all our efforts into the experiment, it is absolutely impossible to communicate with the outside world before the experiment is completed, and there is no way for outsiders to contact them, even my deputy. It's always the same." Lei Jun spread his hands to express his powerlessness.

"Mr. Lei, why don't you help us make an appointment with President Anderson, maybe he can make the decision." Han Hao interrupted suddenly.

"Mr. Han, President Anderson is not in Star City, but is going to Beijing to participate in the press conference and foundation stone laying ceremony of the country's East-to-West Water Diversion Project. He will be back the day after tomorrow. This should be reported in the media." Mr. Lei seemed Very surprised look.

"Dad, it's true that President Anderson is in the capital, which was mentioned in yesterday's news." Han Hao said in Han Yuanchao's ear.

"Then Mr. Lei, can you give us the contact information of President Anderson, and we will rush to the capital right away." Han Yuanchao didn't think that he would sometimes ask for help in his forties.

"That's fine. I'll also call the staff over there and try to let you meet President Anderson as soon as possible." Lei Jun readily agreed.

After getting Anderson's contact information, Han Yuanchao took Han Hao directly from Xingkong City to the capital, but what they didn't see was that Lei Jun showed a cruel sneer at the moment their plane took off.

The current situation of the Pearl Group is the result of the Xingkong Group contributing to the flames, especially in the stock sell-off, which is directly the work of the Xingkong Group. And because of the anti-gravity flying car, many companies in the whole world are now selling face to the Star Group. There is no need for the Star Group to say anything to directly block the Pearl Group.

As for the four major state-owned banks, it is the will of the country. Not only the Pearl Group, but all the real estate companies in Huaguo can't get a penny in loans, but other companies have already prepared sufficient cash flow before that.

Han Yuanchao and Han Hao returned to the capital, but to their disappointment, although they met Anderson, they did not get any promise from Anderson. Although they had expected this kind of situation a long time ago, the fact that it actually happened now made them somewhat unacceptable.

Although Anderson and Lei Jun of the Star Group are the first and second in command of the entire Star Group, they are regarded as part-time workers in the eyes of their families. They have no qualifications to participate in specific decision-making. The reason why they would look for these two people He also wanted to get in touch with Chen Qiang through these two people, but obviously they failed.

"Dad, what should we do now, sell high-quality assets at a low price directly." Han Hao asked with a sad face after returning home.

"Hao'er, how many properties have we successfully developed under the Pearl Group?" Han Yuanchao asked suddenly.

"About more than 1.3 million units, including some properties in good locations left by us in some cities." Han Hao replied with some doubts.

"Sell them all at a low price, at 30% off the current market price, so we can still make money." Han Yuanchao said with a golden light in his eyes.

"No, if we do this, we will break the unspoken rules of the entire industry, and we will be directly rejected by the entire industry." Han Hao directly objected.

There is an unwritten rule in the real estate industry in this country that real estate companies cannot sell houses at a malicious price reduction to form malicious competition. Under this unwritten rule, many real estate companies disappeared inexplicably. Because of the unity of the entire Huaguo real estate companies, this made the entire government's regulation of housing prices a joke.

Now if the largest real estate company in Huaguo starts to sell its own houses at low prices first, then the entire real estate company in Huaguo will plummet, and Pearl Group will also be nailed to the pillar of shame by the entire Huaguo real estate.

"Why not? The country now needs such a leading person. Our Pearl Group is the most suitable person. Why do you think those banks dare not give me a loan? Besides, the real estate companies in the entire Huaguo are now eyeing us. Take a bite out of the Pearl Group, first they are unrighteous, then don't blame me for being unkind. Let me sell it at a reduced price, and we will almost double the profit at 30% of the current price, that's enough." Han Yuanchao unexpectedly revealed at this time Excited smile.

"Dad, how can we continue to mess around in this spoof industry? When the time comes, companies in the entire industry will target us. Then what should we do." Han Hao continued to persuade, he didn't want the Pearl Group to decline like this.

"No need, just sell all the houses of the Pearl Group and keep the commercial real estate. After we enter the aerospace field, I think the next outlet is here?" Han Yuanchao turned his eyes to the sky after speaking.

"Aerospace? Dad, are you crazy? Is that an industry we can do?" Han Hao said dumbfounded.

"I'm not crazy, the Star Group can do it, why can't we do it." Han Yuanchao seemed to have realized it.

"The Star Group will not succeed at all. What Chen Qiang said at the press conference is simply eye-catching..." Han Hao directly denied.

"No, they will be successful, and I have a hunch that the Starry Sky Group will change the pattern of exploration of the starry sky in the whole world. Actually, I was also negative before going to Starry Sky City, but after I went to Starry Sky City I changed my mind. The Pearl Group was founded by me, and I don’t want to let it become history, so this time we bet that there might be a way out.” Han Yuanchao continued to explain to his son, Han Hao is a qualified defender, but he is not a very good pioneer. This is what Han Yuanchao is most worried about.

"Okay, Dad, I'll make arrangements now." Han Hao had been thinking for a while and finally gritted his teeth and agreed, because as Han Yuanchao said, if he doesn't take a gamble now, the Pearl Group will really be swallowed up.

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