Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 232 Want to enter the aerospace field?

Watching Han Hao walk out of the study, Han Yuanchao couldn't help turning his eyes to the sky outside the window again and murmured: "I just want to be with my lover, she has suffered too much, am I wrong, I hope This time I didn't make a wrong choice, after all, I don't have a few years to live now."

At this time outside the study door, a woman who still has charm has already burst into tears. Perhaps the most regrettable thing in the world is the previous regret. If this regret can be made up, then she will definitely use her life to exchange for this regret. Chance.

The bone slices of the Pearl Group have been falling for two consecutive days, and the capital president of the Agricultural Bank of China in the Pearl Building is also waiting for Han Hao's arrival.

"President Wang, honored guest, the secretary took out my treasured Yuqian Longjing to make a cup for President Wang." Han Hao said as he strode into the reception room.

"Mr. Han, in fact, you also understand that I am here this time, so don't make things difficult for me." Seeing Han Hao's enthusiasm, President Wang said very euphemistically without reaching out to hit the smiling face.

"President Wang, we have also cooperated for so many years. You don't know who I am, Han Hao. If you give me another three days, I will definitely get it all together for you. If you can't get it all together, you can do whatever you want. "Han Hao said sincerely.

"Mr. Han, you are embarrassing me a bit. After all, where are our rules?" President Wang was very embarrassed.

"President Wang, don't we owe you 30 billion to the Agricultural Bank of China? I'll give you another 50 million in three days, okay?" Han Hao also knew that the other party was blackmailing him, but he still had to accept it.

"Well, Mr. Han will give you three days. This is already my best ability." President Wang looked embarrassed.

"Then please trouble President Wang. This is a catty of Yuqian Longjing that I treasure. You can take it back and taste it." Now that the cooperation has been reached, Han Hao still has something to do at this time, so he took over the property from the secretary and handed it to President Wang. road.

"Then I'll be disrespectful. Mr. Han seems to be busy with something, so I'll leave first." President Wang is also a person who observes words and emotions. Now that he has achieved his goal, he took the tea and left.

After Han Hao sent President Wang outside the Pearl Building, he directly held a high-level meeting of the company and made adjustments to the top management of the entire Pearl Group. He had wanted to deal with it a long time ago by directly firing a few senior executives who were outrageous, but he was too busy and lacked energy. Now that he was going to break through the reorganization, it was time to settle the accounts.

Because of Han Hao's power to fire several executives, the entire Pearl Group moved very quickly. On the same day, all the residential buildings of the Pearl Group in Huaguo issued a discount of 30% off for house purchases. At the beginning, no public believed this information. Compared with the current house price, the 30% discount is a direct gift. There are not a few people who dare to eat crabs regardless of Huaguo.

But after the first person who went to have a try came out with the purchase contract, the whole Huaguo went crazy. Many people who went to buy houses sold 50,000 houses on the same day. The full payment method will sell more if they accept the loan method.

"Crazy, is Han Hao trying to break the rules of the entire industry?" As the second largest real estate company in Huaguo, the chairman of Wuda Group, World, roared for half the night.

"Crazy." This is what all real estate companies are thinking at this moment, and now they can't wait to bring Han Hao over to drink his blood and eat his flesh. Just when they were thinking about how to get revenge on the Pearl Group, the comprehensive channel "News Network" of Huaguo National Television that night directly shattered their thoughts.

"Today, my country's largest real estate company, Pearl Group, actively responds to the country's call and participates in the national real estate regulation." Although it is less than a minute, in the eyes of all Huaguo real estate companies, the entire Huaguo real estate regulation has become a It's a foregone conclusion, and now their psychology is mixed, with unwillingness and relaxation. In fact, the high housing price is not a good thing for the bosses of most real estate companies.

The next day, Pearl Group's real estate sales were still booming, and 200,000 properties were sold in one day. On the third day, the popularity of Pearl Group's real estate also dropped, because other companies in Huaguo also joined the ranks of price cuts. In fact, every real estate company can make a profit at the current price, and what these companies sell at a reduced price is the same kind of residential buildings. As for some high-end communities, the price has not been lowered at all. However, in the real estate industry in Huaguo, one kind of people have suffered very badly, that is, the real estate speculators. They paid twice or even five or six times the current price of the house, and now the entire Huaguo holiday has been reduced to the point where they are now. Their property has shrunk several times, so they can't accept it at all.

No, some real estate speculators organized a group of people to protest in front of the company of the Pearl Group, but the protest was over before they were over. The Beijing police directly came to more than a hundred of them and detained them all as disturbing the public order. . At this time, if you dare to touch the housing price mold, it seems that you haven't read the news.

With the lead of the Pearl Group, the real estate in Huaguo has entered a rational stage, which has also brought the housing occupancy of the entire Huaguo to about 60%. It can be said that the Pearl Group has contributed a lot to this matter. The above also commended the Pearl Group, and the result of the award was to allow the Pearl Group to enter the aerospace field, so a company named Pearl Aerospace was established.

"Han Hao is crazy, is aerospace something they can play?" Everyone is not optimistic about this move of Pearl Group. Now the Pearl Group has also survived this crisis. Although the profit rate of the entire real estate has been greatly reduced, it is still profitable. Therefore, the transformation of the Pearl Group is a kind of nonsense in the eyes of insiders.

"It was preempted by Han Hao. Lu Wen and the country's application must be accelerated. Before Chen Qiang leaves the customs, we must establish our own aerospace company." After seeing the news, Lao Ma directly sent Ali's CEO Lu Wen called to the office and ordered.

"Mr. Ma, our application materials have been submitted for three months. I don't think the country will allow so many companies to enter the aerospace field." Lu Wen has always been opposed to Lao Ma's establishment of an aerospace company.

"Old Lu, we have to look at the long-term. Sigh. Forget it, I will do it myself." Lao Ma knew what Lu Wen was worried about in front of him, so after thinking about it, he gave up his plan to let Ali intervene in this field idea. In fact, Lu Wen, the CEO of Ali, is right to object. Now all Ali’s money has been invested in the field of scientific research. Now there is no extra money to form an aerospace company. After all, the establishment of an aerospace company is not 10 to 20 million. That's fine.

On the same day, Lao Ma took a special plane to the capital. A week later, an aerospace company called Interstellar Aerospace was established, and the legal representative was Lao Ma. Of course, this news cannot be hidden from the media. After being reported by the media, many people are not optimistic. Moreover, the first thing these two companies do after their establishment is to train astronauts, and this announcement is to recruit from the whole society.

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