Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 239 The Knife of Aerospace Science and Engineering

Sometimes things don't go as smoothly as you imagined. On the third day after Xingkong Group announced the news of the test flight of the space shuttle, that is, four days before the test flight, something happened that made Chen Qiang a bolt from the blue. This test flight of the group provides measurement tasks. The reason is that Yuanwang-7 has sailed for three months and needs some small-scale maintenance and fault inspection.

The reason is very good. After all, the Yuanwang 7 survey ship still has many tasks, especially in recent years. Yuanwang 7 usually goes to sea for more than 200 days a year, but this time it is very abnormal because Yuanwang 7 underwent a major repair three months ago, so Chen Qiang knew this when he got the news This thing is not that simple.

Although Chen Qiang was very angry, he did not go to Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation to question this matter, because he was afraid that this matter would be further implicated. But he is not a very easy boss, he directly ordered Xingkong Metal to stop supplying metals for Aerospace Science and Industry.

Now Star Group's aerospace program has also entered the harvest period, and the demand for various metals has reached its peak. Star Metal Manager Su Yan has also approached Chen Qiang many times, hoping that Chen Qiang can stop supplying CASIC. The group's metal, metal company's production capacity has reached its peak. Now is an opportunity.

"Old leader, I have already given orders. This time, the survey ship will be undergoing maintenance, and it will no longer be able to support the launch mission of the Star Group." In the general manager's office of the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, Gao Hong reported by phone.

"That's fine. The Star Group has been too conspicuous recently. It's time to tap." The voice on the other side of the phone said this and hung up the phone.

Gao Hong, on the other hand, looked at the phone in his hand dumbfounded. He knew that this was a dangerous period, and he was also very careful. But he wants to have a merit to achieve his goal of promotion. The space shuttle project of the Star Group is his best choice. By then, buying one or two space shuttles will make rapid progress in the space program of Huaguo. And he also found out that the Star Group has sold a space shuttle to the domestic Pearl Aerospace and Interstellar Aerospace.

But now this plan has failed, and he will never have the chance to take the space shuttle program again. But there is still good news, his old leader will rise a step up when he changes, which is why he dared to do so.

In a heavily guarded courtyard house in Beijing, a middle-aged man in his thirties was drinking tea and talking with an old man.

"Dad, is the layout of Feixun starting now?" This is Song Xuan, the chairman of Feixun, the largest communication provider in Huaguo.

"Don't worry, let them mess up their positions first, attacking the city and attacking the heart first, the Star Group's impression on it is too deep, and those who are currently in office are more supportive of this company, now we can't move. "The old man's face was calm and breezy, as if the Starry Sky Group was vulnerable to a single blow in his eyes.

"But more time means more risk." Song Xuan said anxiously. He has been greedy for Star Group for more than a day or two, and now he wants to get the virtual network construction and control rights of this company, especially Star Group, and he must get it.

That's right, since Star Group released the virtual Internet, all communication providers in the world have been forced to survive in the cracks. The three major communication supply companies in Huaguo are fine, because they all have their own communication base stations. So they can still survive. As for those foreign communication companies, they are not treated so well, and their result is direct bankruptcy.

But it’s just a matter of living. The three major telecommunications companies in Huaguo are no longer as unattainable as they used to be. Although they are still a central enterprise, they are more like pension companies established by the state to accommodate these millions of people. . The entire company does not have its own technology, they can only sell and sell some communication chips, and the entire communication chip is not produced by themselves. The general manager of the former three major communication companies was a favorite, and it was easy to get promoted. But now there is no light at all. So Song Xuan, as the general manager of Feixun, was very unwilling.

"Mr. Gao, what's going on, Star Group suddenly interrupted the supply of our company's pure metal." Zheng Jiefang rushed into Gao Hong's office and asked.

"Oh? The Star Group directly stopped our metal supply." Gao Hong stood up in shock. He didn't expect Chen Qiang to fight back so directly. He still underestimated Chen Qiang. He used to think that Chen Qiang was a very patriotic businessman. , he should understand the righteousness of the country, but now he has miscalculated.

"Yeah, just now the captain of the transport plane we went to pull the metal directly called me and said that our metal supply was stopped directly. As for the reason, the Star Group's space program has reached a critical stage, and now there is no trace The materials are sold out." Zheng Jiefang is also very anxious, because now their foundry needs a lot of this kind of metal every day, and now their inventory will be completely consumed in another month.

"How much inventory do we have?" Gao Hong suddenly felt as if he had made a bad move.

"It can still produce normally for about a month." Zheng Jiefang said directly without thinking.

"Then do we have any substitute materials?" Gao Hong asked immediately, he still understood his responsibilities. The current Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the space station, launching a spacecraft every other month. The space station's skill-based supply, and the moon landing plan designated by the entire country has also begun. This is a national policy. If he loses the chain on this, then his life should come to an end.

"No, because of the materials from the Star Group, we directly gave up the research on this material." Zheng Jiefang then reported.

"Understood, you go back and ask the materials department to restart the research on materials. It's been a month since the materials have been produced. I'm trying to figure out a way to start normal production. Okay, you can go." Gao Hong now feels a little dizzy.

Zheng Jiefang was not curious and asked to find out everything. He was saying that when the sky fell in the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, it was natural for someone to go to the top, and it was not his turn. He came this time to fulfill his responsibility. If he didn't even have this bit of wisdom, Zheng Jiefang wouldn't be the director of the foundry department of CASIC.

And he also knows that the source of this matter lies with CASIC, otherwise Star Group would not have directly stopped the supply of metals and has not sent an official letter to CASIC.

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