Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 240 Mature Xiaolong

Chen Qiang is also very upset at this time, because the space shuttle will be tested in four days. If there is no space survey ship, the space shuttle will not be able to receive information from Star City after flying into the sky. The technology of the Institute still has no way to solve the problem of ground-air communication, which requires a relay agency, that is, the ocean-going survey ship

The ocean-going survey ship is a special ship for tracking, measuring and controlling spacecraft and launch vehicles. It is a mobile survey station for the aerospace measurement and control network. Its mission is to track and measure the trajectory of the spacecraft under the command of the space control center, receive telemetry information, send remote control instructions, communicate with astronauts, and rescue and return astronauts who splashed down on the sea; it can also be used to track and measure the flight of ballistic missiles Flight trajectory, receiving warhead telemetry information, measuring the coordinates of the warhead’s landing point at sea, salvaging the data cabin, etc.

Therefore, if there is no ocean-going survey ship, the Star Group's test flight of the space shuttle will be cancelled, because it is impossible for Chen Qiang to bet on the lives of the pilots on the space shuttle.

"Old Lei, hurry up and contact the United States, France, and Russia to the north to see if their survey ships are available, and take them over and use them." Chen Qiang hurriedly called Lei Jun.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll get in touch right away." Lei Jun also knew the news, and he was waiting for an order from Chen Qiang. There are only four countries in the world that have ocean-going survey ships, and they are Hua Guo. Mr. Lei from the United States, France, and Russia had already checked the information when he heard that the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation refused to provide the Xingkong Group with ocean-going survey missions.

After receiving Chen Qiang's order, Lei Jun started to move. The first four countries he contacted, this country will do anything as long as it has money. But this time Lei Jun failed. Even though Lei Jun offered the price of this voyage to one billion US dollars, it was still rejected by NASA.

"Mr. President, just now the president of Star Group's external affairs contacted us NASA, and I refused to rent our 'Observer' aerospace survey ship. It seems that there is already some friction between the Star Group and the senior management of Huaguo." James He faithfully played the role of the president's dog leg, and reported it to the president as soon as he got the judgment.

"Very well, this is our chance to inform the European Space Agency's Russian Space Agency of the news." The president ordered directly.

"Yes, President." James had a cruel smile on his face.

Lei Jun is very puzzled today. He has already asked all three countries except Huaguo, but none of the national space agencies are willing to lease the survey ship to Xingkong Group even though Lei Jun raised the price to one billion US dollars. You must know that the construction price of Huaguo's Ocean No. 7 is only 10 billion Chinese yuan, and this price has already accounted for more than half of the entire survey ship. And what made him even more puzzled was that Russia, which has always been tight, also rejected this deal.

Moreover, Russia has deployed an ocean-going survey ship at its base in Vladivostok. It can be said that Russia is the most suitable and most likely country, but now this most likely country has rejected his offer.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now." After being rejected, Lei Jun went straight to Chen Qiang's office to report.

"Well, it seems that our Starry Sky Group has been feared by all countries. This is a big hurdle." The seriousness of the matter has exceeded Chen Qiang's expectations. His previous low-key development was to delay the arrival of this day and let the Starry Sky Group There is more time to deal with it. But now that it has happened, Star Group is not ready.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" Although he is a very successful businessman, the current situation has gone beyond the scope of the business world.

"What else can I do? The soldiers will block it, and who will cover it with the earth." Chen Qiang was full of fighting spirit at this time.

"Mr. Chen, I'll do what you say. I'm born a starry sky man, and die a starry sky ghost." Lei Jun couldn't help but forcefully said.

"Okay, in fact, the matter is not that serious. Everyone has left a way out, and they just want to test our bottom line. You go back first. As for the test flight of the space shuttle, as for the information relay I'll solve the problem." Chen Qiang comforted him, he couldn't panic at this time, if he panicked then the Star Group would really decline.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Seeing Chen Qiang's calm expression, Lei Jun let go of his worries.

"Okay, then you can go." Chen Qiang waved his hand and said with a smile on his face. After Lei Jun left the office, Chen Qiang's smiling Nian suddenly turned a little pale, and his hands under the desk kept shaking. Against the whole world, this is the idea in his mind now.

But now Chen Qiang still calmed down his mind, then left the office and came to his laboratory. His laboratory is the most important place in the entire Xingkong Group. There are 5% of the memories in Chen Qiang's brain here, all sorted out by Chen Qiang after the last memory explosion.

"Xiaolong, what do you think we should do this time?" Chen Qiang sat on a chair and asked the big screen in front of him.

"There's no need to deal with it. They just want to get some benefits. Just give them. Our task now is to build our own home. This place is really too dangerous." A voice echoed in the hall.

"No, they are really too greedy. If you give them one today, they will dare to ask for two tomorrow." Chen Qiang said shaking his head.

"I've already found out that this time the demon in China is a high-ranking official surnamed Song. His son is the general manager of Huaguo's largest communication company. Their purpose may be the design and production line of virtual networks and that kind of communication chips. " Xiaolong continued.

"Then how do you think I should fight back? Hua Guo is about to change." Chen Qiang now felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Deterrence, this time the test flight of the space shuttle has added a subject of space junk cleaning, directly cleaning up a defunct satellite. I found that the previous Internet still exists in the world, but it has been transferred to the dark, and every country They have all woven their own dark nets, and their link nodes are satellites, if we have the ability to directly strike satellites, then we can deter them." Xiaolong analyzed.

"This is a way, but will it put the Star Group in an embarrassing situation." Chen Qiang still has concerns.

"Benefits, as long as the benefits are enough, we will still live well. You must know that the hard work group still has a high status in the hearts of the people of the whole earth, and those countries will not do anything to us." Xiaolong continued to persuade.

"Okay, this test flight of the space shuttle will also activate the stealth system of the space shuttle. If you want to play big, then be straightforward." Chen Qiang made up his mind at this moment.

"That's fine, I will be the central computer for the test flight of the space shuttle this time, so you should rest assured that I will bring those astronauts back safely." Xiaolong also promised.

"Thank you then." Chen Qiang said politely.

"You're welcome." Xiaolong also responded.

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