Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 244 Space Shuttle Takes Off

So he didn't dare to record this product in Xiaolong's database, all the production was done by him himself. An intelligent life possesses the wisdom of an adult. Although Xiaolong is obedient to Chen Qiang now, there are some things that have to be guarded against.

Moreover, Chen Qiang found that Xiaolong was very concerned about the Starry Sky Group going out of the earth and entering the starry sky, sometimes even a little too enthusiastic.

But now Chen Qiang really needs the intelligent life of Xiaolong, so it is impossible for him to ask directly. So he can only arrange these things secretly, at least he has the ability to fight back when Xiaolong has plans.

For two full days, Chen Qiang stayed in the laboratory, even though Starry Sky City is already full of reporters and big bosses. This time, people who came to Star City to visit the first test flight of Star Space were not only people from the National Aerospace Corporation, but even James, who was not in charge of NASA, was among them. As for some bigwigs in the country, I won’t list them one by one. Lao Ma and Han Hao of the Pearl Group are both there, and it would be inappropriate for other bigwigs not to come.

It is already eight o'clock in the morning, and the entire test flight time is ten o'clock in the morning, but now Xingkong Airport has started to clear the runway, and some planes have already started to take off to intercept the planes entering this airspace. This matter should have been done by the Air Force, but for some reason, the Air Force only gave authorization and did not take pictures of the troops, so the Star Group can only use the transport aircraft as fighter jets.

At this time in Chen Qiang's office in Star City, five astronauts are waiting for the final judgment from Chen Qiang. Even though he is not in the office now, the whole office is full of this nervous smell.

At 8:50 in the morning, these astronauts have been waiting here for 50 minutes, and the space shuttle at the starry sky airport has also begun to be taken by the tractor to the take-off position, and at this time the viewing platform is already full of people from the starry sky. city ​​and the people you invite.

"Sorry, I'm here to play." Chen Qiang broke into the office with his body in a mess now, and he was still carrying two boxes in his hand.

"Chen Qiang came to the front of the five astronauts, put the box in his hand on the table in front of them and said: "It's too late to regret it now, what choice do you have now. "

"Mr. Chen, we have no choice. We must go." Zhang Jian stood up and said in a very high-spirited and firm tone.

"Yuehua, what about you?" Chen Qiang stared at Yang Yuehua and asked.

"I'm going, Mr. Chen." A stubborn girl.

"Okay, then go. I also know the news of your marriage with Zhu Jie. When you come back successfully, I will personally witness your marriage." Chen Qiang said with a smile, but there was no way to hide the helplessness in his eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." Yang Yuehua's mind was full of excitement at this time. And Zhu Jie who was on the side also held Yang Yuehua's hand tightly.

"Since none of you give up, then I can't let those of you who don't have protective measures go, and stretch out your left hand." Chen Qiang opened the box next to his left hand, and there were five exquisite watches in it. However, as the elders of the Star Group, the five astronauts knew what the five watches represented, so they were full of excitement at this time. They stretched out their left hands one after another.

Chen Qiang picked up an obviously delicate watch, put it on Yang Yuehua's wrist and said, "Bless you, come back safely." Then he put the remaining four watches on the hands of the five astronauts one after another.

"Okay, I have already worn the watch on your hands. You may not know the use of these watches. Let me tell you now that these are a kind of communication equipment. Anyone who holds this watch can be contacted from any location on the earth. People, I have modified your watch. You can contact me as long as you are less than 5,000 kilometers away from the earth, and this watch has a special purpose, that is, it will form a strong magnetic field around you. The magnetic field The defense is very strong, and it can prevent you from being penetrated by space junk when you are floating in space, do you remember this clearly?" Chen Qiang asked seriously.

"Remember clearly." The five said in unison.

"Okay, now each of you take a bottle of what's in this box and drink it down. I won't admit anything after this." Chen Qiang opened the box on his right hand and said. Inside the box were five bottles of dark blue liquid. At this time, the five astronauts were also shocked. They tremblingly picked up their own share and poured it down with their necks up. Even the last bottle in the bottle Not a drop was spared.

"Okay, put the bottle in the box and go." Chen Qiang ordered.

"Yes." Zhang Jianzheng said, he is the captain of the team, and everything is directed by him.

"The five astronauts who are entering the arena are Zhang Jian, Zhu Jie, Qin Lang, Chu Jianhua, and Yang Yuehua. They are the heroes of the Star Group. Now we use applause for the heroes. See you off." This time the test flight was broadcast live, so Star Group also found a host to host the live broadcast.

The applause at the scene was so warm, but some of those who applauded were in tears. The astronaut entered the space shuttle with the help of the ground staff and watched his daughter enter the space shuttle. Yang Yuehua's The mother could only shed tears uncontrollably.

At ten o'clock in the morning, in the control room of the space shuttle, Chen Qiang was also next to the command platform.

"The space shuttle has been inspected and is in good condition."

"Airspace cleared, no flying objects."

"good weather"

"Take off." Chen Qiai ordered decisively.

Zhang Jian in the space shuttle, as the captain, started the take-off operation after hearing the news of Chen Qiang's take-off.

"Ignition on, start OK"

"The insulation system is activated, everything is normal"

"The plane is performing a self-inspection and the inspection is normal"

"Control center, here is the Xingkong space shuttle, all started, ready to take off, whether to take off or not." Zhang Jian reported in an orderly manner.

"Take off." Chen Qiang ordered immediately.

The moment Chen Qiang finished speaking, Zhang Jian accelerated the entire plane to the highest speed for takeoff. Immediately over the entire Xingkong Airport, the roar of the engine was deafening. All the people who watched the plane put on the earphones issued by the Star Group staff.

Under the roar of the huge space shuttle, the space shuttle began to slide slowly, then the nose began to lift slowly, and finally, under the huge thrust of the engine, it began to fly into the sky.

"Takeoff is normal." Zhang Jian reported on the phone after pulling up the space shuttle. But at this time, all Star Group people were not excited, even the audience on site and the audience in front of the network were not excited, because this is a space shuttle, not an aviation plane.

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