Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 245 Failed the first test flight?

"Engine No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 start to boost." Chen Qiang was the commander-in-chief of this test flight, so he gave the order after seeing the "Starry Sky" space shuttle flying smoothly.

"Ready to start booster, already ready, engines No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 are turned on." The moment Zhang Jian pressed the engine start button, everyone in the 'Starry Sky' space shuttle was severely kicked. pressed against the seat.

"Start the anti-gravity device, turn on the stealth system, and turn on the heat insulation cycle." As Zhang Jian's deputy, Chu Jianhua completed all the steps step by step under pressure.

This is also the last sentence transmitted to the control center in the entire "Starry Sky" space shuttle, and the figure of the "Starry Sky" space shuttle has completely disappeared on the long-range radars of various countries.

"Turn on the Skylink system and find me the 'Starry Sky' space shuttle." In the Pentagon Building in the United States, the Minister of Defense roared at his subordinates in front of him. The "Xingkong" space shuttle of the Star Group actually has a stealth function. This is what frightened all the countries that observed the test flight of the Star Group.

You must know that the weakness of every country's air and space defense is space. If a star group uses their "Star" space shuttle to launch a missile from space, then even the most sophisticated defense system will be useless. At this moment, the level of fear of all countries towards the Star Group has once again increased by one point.

"I'm going, what's the matter, why is there no picture?" Those netizens who watched the test flight of the Star Group's "Xingkong" space shuttle were suddenly a little confused. There is a picture.

"Hello, viewers and friends in front of the TV and the Internet, the space shuttle 'Starry Sky' is now in the process of climbing, and we have no way to obtain any information about him during the whole process. After about two minutes, this situation will There will be improvement, I hope everyone can wait patiently." As the host, he will come out at this time to calm the emotions of the audience.

And most of these people at the scene are the heads of the aerospace departments of various countries, so they also know that Starry Sky Group is helpless in doing so, and they also admire Starry Sky Group's rich and powerful appearance. According to their estimates, the price of Starry Sky Group to develop this "Starry Sky" space shuttle is about 300 billion U.S. dollars, and this kind of thing can only be done by a private company with deep pockets like Starry Sky Group.

"Why, doesn't our country have relevant equipment?" Netizens were very surprised, because the country's construction in this area is very complete, why didn't Star Group borrow it.

Of course, some sensitive netizens seemed to have guessed something, but they didn't express any thoughts. You must know that although the whole world advertises freedom of speech, there are some things that should be said, and some things should not be said. This is a necessary condition for maturity as a person.

Two minutes, thirty-five seconds and twenty minutes, this is the result of countless calculations by the Starry Sky Space Department. During this period, the Starry Sky Group will have a blank period of contact with the "Starry Sky" space shuttle. Everyone in the control room felt as if it had been years since they all stared at the big screen in front of them.

Time passed little by little, and the calculated time was getting closer and closer. Seeing that the countdown on the screen was getting less and less, Chen Qiang squeezed his hands together fiercely. At this moment, there were countless thoughts in his mind. The first thing he thought of was how he would explain to the families of these astronauts if the mission failed this time. And what about the whole team,

When the time came, everyone in the control room had a sad expression on their faces, and some more emotional people who had been promoted began to squat on the ground and cry. Maybe emotions can be contagious. Sad atmosphere. Moreover, most of the people in the stands of Xingkong Airport are gloating, especially James, the head of NASA from the United States, chatting and laughing with a proud helper beside him, and this scene was also captured by the photographer of Xingkong Group. Faithfully spread throughout the world.

"What's going on, why are the staff in the control room starting to cry." Some netizens who didn't understand asked.

"It failed, the launch failed, and the five astronauts of the Star Group may have encountered an accident." A deduction from a netizen immediately silenced the entire barrage. This is a space accident that really happened around them. No one thought it would be like this. In their impression, the Star Group has always been synonymous with miracles.

At this moment, netizens in Huaguo, and even netizens in the world even felt a sense of disgust when they saw James' smile again. The family members of the astronauts in the auditorium were also pale at this time.

"Why are you crying? Don't they have any news yet? You have to believe them. They are the best employees of our Star Group. Give them another five minutes. They may have some problems." Chen Qiang walked to the podium, turned on the microphone and said , With the live broadcast, his voice also spread to everyone's ears.

Chen Qiang is the backbone of the Star Group, no one questioned his words, and those with tears on their faces also began to dry their tears and enter their jobs. At this moment, the miracle-making Star Group returned again. As for why Chen Qiang made this conclusion, it was because the watches in the hands of the astronauts did not reveal themselves, which meant that they were still alive, because the watch made by Chen Qiang was directly bound to human body functions. If a person is dead, his body functions will disappear, and the watch will activate the self-exposure function after detecting that the body functions of its host have disappeared, so as not to let the watch fall into the hands of others.

"Now I ordered that the control room set up a five-minute countdown. The airport personnel are preparing for the second 'Star' space shuttle to ensure that it can take off in three hours. The Star City will conduct power control to ensure that the power supply is 80% Yu Xingkong Tower." Chen Qiang didn't care about anything at this time, since this is a muscle show, let's be direct.

Following Chen Qiang's orders, everyone in the entire Starry Sky City began to move. And he continued to watch the countdown set up on the big screen in the control room. As the countdown slowly faded away, his heart was beating drums, but at this moment, he still hoped that these people were still alive.

Twenty seconds. At this time, everyone in the control room once again showed disappointed expressions. Ten seconds. It's hopeless now. Nine, eight, seven Now everyone has given up any hope.

But at the third second, a staff member in charge of communications was dejected and didn't see a call request signal appearing on his computer.

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