Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 254: A New Source of Students

A week passed quickly, and the 1,300 places to be eliminated had been confirmed. This time the assessment was still broadcast live on the web, and no one would question the result. Because these students live on campus, they only need to pack their bags after the weeks of public classes in major colleges and universities are counted and they can go straight away. Generally, major colleges and universities will charter flights to send these students to their own schools.

"Hello, friends in front of the TV audience, I am now at the Star Academy. From today to the end of this week, there will be a double election meeting. The two sides are the eliminated students of the Star Academy and the thirty-seven domestic students Now let’s interview the students and teachers at the scene.” This is the first time Starry Sky Academy has allowed reporters to enter the Starry Sky Academy, so all the major media have sent out elite soldiers, and this one is from the Huaguo country. TV reporter.

"Student, I would like to ask if you are looking for a school. I can recommend it to you, but you have to accept my interview." As a well-known reporter of Huaguo National Television, his alma mater is also the famous Tsinghua University.

"No, I've received invitations from thirteen universities, and I'm considering which one to go to. Just ask if you have any questions." This was a very thin boy.

"Then what do you call your classmate?" As a well-known reporter, he certainly has his own way of communicating.

"Yanlong, if you have anything to ask, I have to rush to listen to the public lecture of Professor Wu from China Southern Airlines." Yanlong said impatiently.

This is a student majoring in aerospace and aviation. This was the reporter's first thought, so he quickly found a few corresponding questions.

In fact, there are many reporters in Starry Sky Academy, but there are not many places they can visit. However, the teaching building of the open class can still be entered, and it has become a arena for major universities to compete for superiority. So journalists also entered here one after another for interviews and filming.

But after they entered the entire teaching building, they discovered a very powerful news, that is, this time the students of Starry Sky Academy want to enroll not only the thirty-seven schools in China, but also some famous schools abroad.

After discovering the big news, they frantically walked towards the administrative building because they wanted to verify the news as soon as possible.

"Hello, hello." Kong Ru was checking the training plan for this year's students in the next semester. Because Star Group's projects are different every year, the training plan for each class of students is also different.

"Principal Kong, there are a lot of reporters gathered under the administrative building and want to interview you." This is the bodyguard assigned to Kong Ru by Star Security. When Kong Ru was working, he stayed on the first floor of the administrative building. This time, I was a little frightened by the reporters who were frantically knocking on the door.

"Oh, I'm coming down right now, don't let them knock on the door." Because Starry Sky Group is now using the virtual projection call technology, Kong Ru can see the situation on the scene.

In fact, the reporters were also very wronged. When they came to the administrative building, they found that the door of the administrative building required ID cards to enter, but their temporary cards were not of sufficient grade. But they saw a man sleeping in the concierge inside the door, so they used frantic beating to wake up the man, so this scene appeared,

After hearing that Kong Ru had agreed to this interview, the reporters also stopped and began to wait for Kong Ru to come down. Less than a minute later, Kong Ru appeared in front of the reporter.

"Okay, don't squeeze, let's take it slowly." Although there were bodyguards blocking them, these reporters were really crazy. So it took a while for Kong Ru to control the situation.

"Principal Kong, may I ask whether the Star Academy has introduced foreign schools this time." The reporters also calmed down their impulses and began to follow the normal process.

"No, the 1,300 students eliminated by the Starry Sky Academy this time will be accepted by them according to our previous agreement with 37 domestic schools. As for those foreign universities, we will invite them to give lectures." Kong Ru actually complained about this matter, because in terms of scientific research strength, the strength of universities in China as a whole is not inferior to that of foreign countries, but it is a bit bad for Chen Qiang to introduce foreign universities and students.

"Principal Kong, does that also mean that Xing Kong Academy will be open to foreign students?" A reporter then asked.

"With this plan, we will expand the enrollment quota to 5,000 students this year, including 1,000 foreign students. As an experiment, if the experiment is good, then we will increase the enrollment quota of Starry Sky Academy. In the current Starry Sky Academy It is still possible to recruit 10,000 to 15,000 people per year." Kong Ru did not beat around the bush, and directly stated the plan that Chen Qiang ordered him.

This is also where Chen Qiang and Kong Ru have the biggest controversy. Kong Ru is 10,000 unwilling to recruit foreign students, because these people in Huaguo and Star City have a complete sense of belonging, and Star Academy is completely for foreign students. Cultivate talents. But when Chen Qiang finished talking about the pressure Star Group is facing now, Kong Ru compromised. After all, now he and Star Group are grasshoppers on the same rope.

Kong Ru's answer made all the reporters present completely crazy. This is definitely a big news, a big news. Now that they got the news they wanted, these reporters didn't ask any other questions, and started rushing beyond the reporter's lounge. Their current idea is to release the news as quickly as possible.

The news was sent out quickly, and it was everywhere on the Internet. Many people didn't believe it at first, but no one questioned it when they saw what Kong Ru said. Because Kong Ru's identity has long been picked up by netizens. It can be said that apart from Chen Qiang, Kong Ru is the most prestigious person in Star Group, so what he said is absolutely true.

"I've lost my fan. I thought Star Group was still so patriotic, but now that Star Academy wants to train foreign students, I've lost my fan."

"Me too. At the beginning, I liked Star Group because it was a patriotic company. Now it has changed."

This is the voice of many Chinese people. In their view, this is a country where the Star Group has lowered its status to kneel and lick foreign people.

For such a situation, Chen Qiang still has some guesses, so he prepared for this scene, so he said on Weibo that has not been used for a long time: "The recruitment of foreign students by Xingkong Academy is within the plan, because now Xingkong Five percent of the group's employees are foreigners."

After seeing Chen Qiang posting these words, everyone in Huaguo suddenly remembered that Starry Sky Group was not a company composed of purely Chinese people, and there were some foreigners in the company. Sometimes the emotions of netizens are so simple, since I feel that the other party is not lying to me, then I forgive you.

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