Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 253 The third assessment

Maybe everything in the world is such a coincidence. On the third day after Director Xu came to Starry Sky City, the mixed brigade and special warfare brigade located in the north of Starry Sky City held a drill, and a special warfare team broke into the starry sky. The area of ​​the city is stunned by the first layer of defensive nepenthes.

This kind of pitcher plant is specially developed by Xingkong Group. This kind of pitcher plant is very sensitive to animals. When animals pass by, they will stimulate themselves to produce a fragrance, which will be emitted through the pitcher capsule. And this kind of fiber has the effect of anesthesia, and after the improvement of the biological branch of the starry sky research institute, even Chen Qiang's strong body can't pass through this area.

Coincidentally, this is the explanation of the two sides for this incident. After all, this is just a test and there is no need to make such a big fuss. Of course, this is just a small episode, and it has no plans to affect the Star Group.

But the most important thing now is the assessment of Starry Sky Academy. Now Starry Sky Academy has three classes of students and is now recognized as a prestigious school by the whole world, so the whole world pays great attention to the students of this school, especially those who The eliminated students are the hot spots of major companies and schools.

The outstanding performance of the previous class of students has thoroughly proved the uniqueness and effectiveness of Starry Sky Academy's education method, so there are still many coveted students in this class. Therefore, during the Starry Sky Academy's final exam, the principals of the thirty-seven colleges and universities that had contracts with the Starry Sky Academy once again came together in order to reach an enrollment contract with the Starry Sky Academy for the next class of students.

This was originally a good thing, because these students were already excellent, and Chen Qiang also hoped that these students would have a good opportunity to develop and learn after leaving Starry Sky Academy. After all, their brains have been partially developed by the primary nerve cell activation solution during the six months they have been in the Starry Sky Academy. This part has exceeded 99% of the people in the world today, so if these students interrupt their studies like this This is cruel and unfortunate.

Not only the presidents of these universities, but some foreign university presidents also came to Star City, hoping to reach a cooperation with Star Academy in recruiting students.

As for these domestic principals, Chen Qiang also understands them very well, but Chen Qiang can't do this now. He plans to introduce some foreign students and foreign universities into the Star Academy this year, which can block some pressure for the Star Group. The situation in China has undergone some changes, and some external pressure is needed.

"Principal Wu, you also know that more than 200 students from Star Academy were taken away by those companies and schools this time. These students were taken away before taking the final exam. This is irresponsible to these students. , are you that anxious?" Chen Qiang said in front of the thirty-seven old man without giving any face. Although he was speaking to Principal Wu, he was indeed speaking to all the principals, because the students who were poached by the company were sent to these schools for training.

"Mr. Chen, it doesn't matter whether the last big exam happened or not. It's just a way for Star Group to weed out students." It was the new president of Zhejiang University who spoke.

"Principal Hua, then you mean that what I said was wrong." Chen Qiang asked without mercy.

"Chen Qiang, don't be so arrogant. No matter what, Starry Sky Academy is still within the system. Our cooperation with Starry Sky Academy was ordered by the Ministry of Education. Are you going to fight against the country?" Principal Hua looked elegant, but in When he said these words, he had the demeanor of a general.

"Principal Hua, it looks like you didn't take less from those people." Chen Qiangruo pointed out that Zhejiang University received the most drop-outs from Starry Sky Academy this time.

"Chen Qiang, don't spout blood." Principal Hua shouted, looking at him with the intention of tearing Chen Qiang apart. Seeing Principal Hua like this, all the principals present shook their heads, because they were members of the system. Some favors are unavoidable, and it is not a big deal to accept as many students as possible. But it wouldn't be good if someone uncovered it, and as the culprit, he was arguing with the person concerned about this matter, which wasn't what it was.

"Ahem, Mr. Chen, we are here this time for the students of the next Starry Sky Academy. Our cooperation is still good." The principal of Tsinghua University directly brought back the topic. He was afraid that if this continued, he would not even have this chance. There will be.

"No, you also know that there are some principals of famous foreign schools in Star City this time, so these schools should also participate in the student recruitment work this time. After all, Star Group is an international company." Chen Qiang directly refused.

"Mr. Chen, this is a genius in our country of China. You are treason if you give it to a foreign university like this." The principal of Western University stood up and shouted angrily.

"Principal Qi, you have a big hat. This time, the Star Academy has eliminated 1,300 people. This time, you will follow our previous cooperation. As for the next session, each will rely on his own ability, so our cooperation will start from Let's end this term." Chen Qiang stood up and gave Principal Qi a cold look before saying, and left the conference room directly after speaking.

"Well, that's good. At least we can face less pressure from other universities in China. It's just that there are fewer students, but we are still the first choice for all students." The principal of Lanzhou University spoke in a low voice, but All the principals present have bright eyes again.

As the best university in China, they have their pride and competitiveness and are afraid that other universities will fail.

Starry Sky Academy's assessment has begun. This time, the exam questions for each school of Starry Sky Academy are given by the deans of various schools, so for these students, who is within their understanding and ability to this question. However, the time for testing is a bit short, only one week.

This week is the busiest time for Starry Sky Academy, because during this week, the entire Starry Sky Academy serves these assessment students.

All the principals who came to Starry Sky City during this week also began to arrange open classes in their schools, because there will be an open class week after the Starry Sky Academy assessment, and these eliminated students can go to any school they want to go to during this week Listen to the public class, if it fits your own ideas, you can go.

However, there are some changes in this year's open class week, and the most significant change is that there are more open classes from universities in European and American countries. Although these schools do not have the right to collect the clubs this year, they are still very serious, because it is related to their enrollment in the next session. Moreover, the audience of these public classes is not only those students who have been eliminated, students who have not been eliminated can also go. And these students who have not been eliminated are the lights of the next class of students.

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