Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 252 Concert

Chen Qiang turned his head to the Xingkong Research Institute after understanding the Xingkong Group's thinking. Now the person in charge of the entire Xingkong Research Institute is represented by Mu Bing, because Kong Ru quit his job at the research institute last year and started to concentrate on it. Work at Star Academy.

"There are not many talents passing by the Xing Kong Research Institute. There are eight people in total. They are all at S4 level, and none of them have the experience of leading projects alone." Mu Bing's report was very brief, but everyone present breathed a sigh of relief . Because there is such a regulation in the Xingkong Research Institute, only the leader of the project team can browse the internal data network of the Xingkong Research Institute in this case. Since the eight researchers who left the Starry Sky Research Institute did not have the experience of forming a project team alone, it means that they did not have access to the core secrets of the Starry Sky Research Institute.

"That's good, Starry Sky Academy." Chen Qiang introduced the topic to Starry Sky Academy.

"A lot of people left on our side, especially the students in the third class. A total of 185 people left, and two students in the second class also left. Alas, these children have not yet mature ideas, most of them are The decision made by my parents. These parents deserve to die." Kong Ru gritted his teeth when he said this, feeling a little sorry for these children.

"Teacher, this is their choice. They can go as long as they want. These people will be blacklisted by the Star Group, and the various businesses of the Star Group will not serve these people in the future. And the cultivation of those students I will get back the fees and breach of contract fees, and we are not a charity." Hearing that a total of 187 students from the Star Academy had left, Chen Qiang finally felt a little angry. These people seem to be crazy, thinking about money and thinking crazy, they think that just relying on the students who have studied in Starry Sky Academy for less than half a year can make money for them.

The news of Star Group being poached quickly spread, and the number of people was not very large, but this also rekindled hope for many companies. There are too many companies in the world who want to poach employees of the Star Group, but this is the first time news of success has come. So that gives those who just passed the New Year a little something to talk about.

Just when everyone thought that the Star Group was about to explode, the reaction of the Star Group surprised everyone. Star Group announced the list of those who left on the official website, and very gently wished them a happy job in the new company. Seeing this reaction, those companies that poached Star Group have once again increased their pressure on Star Group.

Because they discovered through this trial that the Star Group is not as powerful as they thought, but when a member of the Star Group got drunk and said that the Star Group was planning a huge space station, the whole world exploded .

"The space station and Star Group are so awesome."

"I'm going, this is the rhythm of hanging the whole world. It seems that it's not too late for humans to immigrate to space."

At this moment, all the countries in the world also fully understood the purpose of Star Group's crazy use of space shuttles for flying. Years ago, Star Group's twice-daily space shuttle departures made some countries in the world restless. So they thought Star Group was going to retaliate.

But their satellites in space found that every time the space shuttle of the Star Group goes to the sky to stop vomiting, a large number of people will perform spacewalking activities. According to the way they spacewalk, their country's space agency guesses that this is some kind of device. advance rehearsal and adaptation. But they didn't think about the space station, because now the space station that exists in the entire space is the Hua country, and other countries don't have this ability.

Now everything is clear, the Star Group is carrying out the construction of the space station, and based on this guess and the exercises of the Star Group, experts speculate that the space station of the Star Group may be larger than the International Space Station. This made many countries panic. A space shuttle is enough to make them afraid. Now add a space station, and if this continues, the entire space will belong to Star Group.

As a result, all countries have done one more thing at the same time, banning the export of garbage and waste liquid in the entire country, and fully controlling the export of materials to China. All this is so tacit, no one to organize.

Hua Guo was also overwhelmed by Chen Qiang's generosity, but some people were not very willing. Among them, aerospace science and industry is the first. Because Huaguo's space station is now in the limelight, and the entire aerospace science and technology industry has benefited a lot from this project, and now another space station suddenly blocks their limelight, of course they don't want to.

So they activated their skills-crying, so Secretary Xu, as a representative of the central government, came to Star Group to negotiate with Chen Qiang.

"Chen Qiang, this time you made it a bit big. The space station is not small." Secretary Xu didn't expect that he would come to Star City again. He thought that the last time would be the last time he came here.

"It's just normal activities. I'm here to work with Secretary Xu first. No, I should be called Director Xu now. Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, this is a very important position. Director Xu has reached the sky in one step. "Chen Qiang said flatteringly.

"Okay, are you complimenting me? You and I don't understand. Everyone has their own way of life. Since Xingkong City doesn't accept me, I can only find my own way out." Director Xu sighed, but in Chen Qiang seemed to be protesting against him.

"Then what instructions does Director Xu have when he comes to Starry Sky City this time?" Everyone has his own choice, since you can't give him what he wants, then don't stop him from taking what he wants.

"The country wants Xingkong Group to cooperate with Huaguo's strategy and stop the construction plan of Xingkong Group's space station." Since everyone doesn't even have to be friends now, let's be more direct.

"Impossible. The Star Group has already invested too much in this. We need to see the results. The first phase of construction of our space station will begin in January when Huaguo changes office." Chen Qiang refused. , He knew that this moment would come sooner or later after an employee jumped ship, so he was already prepared.

"Think about it, this is against the country." Director Xu threatened directly.

"No need, Director Xu. I can't bring back even a hundred cows. Please come back." Chen Qiang directly issued the order to evict the guest. Director Xu also understood Chen Qiang's character and it was useless to talk about it, so he left directly. In fact, he was very reluctant to come, but the higher authorities ordered him to come.

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