Slowly shrinking from the first thousand meters to about one hundred meters, and then to the last ten meters, eight meters, two meters, one meter, and finally the ten construction personnel firmly grasped the core cabin. Protective device, and fastened the safety buckle on his body to the core cabin.

At this time, machine No. 7 did not let go of the mechanical arm, because it is not yet this time. And these ten construction personnel began to move towards their predetermined positions after grabbing the core cabin. But this time they moved much faster, reaching the predetermined position in less than a quarter of an hour.

"The first construction team has fully arrived at the scheduled location." The captain of the first construction team reported after all the team members had arrived.

At this moment, many concerned people breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were not at the scene, all the people watching the live broadcast on the ground could clearly see the action Danger. Especially under the shooting of the long-range camera, the astronauts out of the cabin are like small boats floating in the sea, as long as they are scraped by the waves, they will capsize. Let everyone sweat for these ten astronauts.

"No. 3 unit, No. 4 unit, and No. 5 unit enter into No. 1, No. 3, and No. 4 positions respectively to release the space station module." Lin Hao ordered a few times in front of the computer in front of him. The No. 1 aircraft that Lin Hao is sitting on is also the node connecting the entire space shuttle fleet with the Starry Sky City on the ground. The data center of the Starry Sky Group on the ground is currently running at full capacity for this construction.

Because of the variability of the space environment, some things still need to be adaptable. So Chen Qiang installed a biosignal receiving device on the No. 1 machine, and this one alone consumed half of the electricity in the entire Starry Sky City.

After Lin Hao finished speaking, Units No. 3, Unit 4, and Unit 5 began to move to the release position. Because there is no effect of gravity in space, the construction of the space station this time is carried out from above to below. In fact, the current construction of the entire space station is only the first phase of construction, and it is also building the first area of ​​the entire space station, and the current ten modules are only one-fifth of the first area.

Because it is necessary to maintain the balance of the entire space station, the range of the entire movement should not be too large during the docking process, otherwise the position of the final constructed space station will change. And what these ten astronauts do is to use their own advantages to operate the handle when the two modules are about to touch, and slowly put the two modules together.

They have performed this scene many times, so they are familiar with it now.

"Seat number one is closed."

"Close position three."

"Seat number four is closed."

Lin Hao, who was always waiting for the news, was relieved at this moment. Although they have rehearsed many times at this moment, those are all in the virtual space, and those are all simulated through data. There is still a big gap in reality. But at this moment, Lin Hao also let go of his worries, and the success at this moment also means that their simulations these days are correct.

"Start welding." After Lin Hao let go of his worry at this time, he was also much happier.

"Yes." After receiving the order, the ten team members began to take out a large screw and screw-twisting tools from the toolbox they were carrying. Start to move to the place you are responsible for. After they are in place start screwing the whole screw onto the already prepared threaded rod. Because during the ground research process, it was found that the astronauts had no way to connect the screw and the screw together in space, so the screw was already built at the connection when the module was built, and when the two space station modules are connected, they will automatically spring up. Get up and lock up.

Twisting screws in space is a very strenuous task, so the corresponding tools were developed at the early stage of training in Starry Sky Construction. This is a screw-twisting tool driven by a motor, so the ten astronauts did not spend much time and effort to tighten the whole screw.

But just when everyone thought the whole process was over, they saw the astronaut took out a plastic jar from his toolbox and poured some black sticky substance on the screw he just tightened. around. In the popular impression, all liquids are floating in space, and there is no way to attach to the surface of any object without resistance.

But these black sticky substances broke everyone's thinking. I saw that these substances began to tightly adhere to the nuts after the construction personnel poured them around the screws, and began to devour the nuts and go to those tiny calculations with the naked eye. It flows through the gap that cannot be seen clearly. This is the case at the positions of the ten nuts.

"This is a phagocytic microorganism newly researched by our Starry Sky Research Institute. They only spend 20 seconds in space. They will devour a very special titanium alloy, which is the one used to cast nuts. One. After the end of their life, the devoured metal will be turned into a liquid state, and it will flow. There is a magnetic pole in these analysis, which will attract these liquid metals into the gap, and then all the gaps in the entire space station Seal them all up." Although the leaders present were all leaders of a country or a large company, they didn't understand these scientific principles very well, so Chen Qiang could only briefly introduce them, and he also used the most understandable language explain.

Seeing these bigwigs nodding frequently, Chen Qiang didn't think that any of them would understand. This project alone at Starry Sky Research Institute took about five months. You must know that in the Starry Sky Research Institute, it took five months for a project with a certain direction and unlimited funding, which is already a long time.

The whole process was very fast, and the gap between the two modules was filled with these black substances in less than ten minutes. After the astronauts saw that the gap was filled, they took out another plastic bottle, poured the transparent object inside into something like a water gun, and used the water gun to spray the transparent liquid into the gap. go.

"Oh, this is to allow those microorganisms to die completely, and to turn the liquid alloy into a solid state." Chen Qiang also briefly introduced.

This process is very laborious, because the entire injection process requires people to squeeze it in forcefully. Although the starry sky building had developed corresponding devices at the beginning of construction, it was not; the air leakage is uneven, so people need to use their own strength in the whole process.

It is very difficult to use force in space, so after the injection of these liquids, the ten astronauts have no strength. If there is no safety protection device, the whole person will fly out.

"The second team and the second team started to set off, the second team was responsible for receiving all the personnel of the first team, and the third team was responsible for checking the construction situation of the first team, making sure that there was no trace of air leakage in the weld." Seeing that the astronauts of the first team were completely exhausted, they quickly arranged for the second and third teams to respond.

The second team set off first, and after they took all the astronauts of the first team back to the No. 2 plane, the third team started to set off. This time they didn't only have one ten people, but also three large instruments. These instruments were developed specifically to detect cracks.

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