Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 262 Sudden Idea

"Safe, no problem." The third team reported after a careful inspection.

"Okay, the second team set off again to start the next stage of installation." Lin Hao gave orders again.

Because of the support from the first team, the whole installation process went much smoother and faster this time. But even though it was a little faster, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon after the installation of the entire space shuttle was completed.

Although the space shuttle has the function of taking off and landing at night, it can land as soon as possible during the day, so after the inspection, Zhang Jian ordered the entire formation to start returning.

And so many people on the ground also watched it for a day, although it was only five hours from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, but the shock and shock given to them during this period made them feel like they were completely living the day. a feeling of.

For the first time in human history, leaders of all countries came to Xingkong Airport to welcome the return of these heroes. At 4:25, the first space shuttle began to land. At 4:40, all the space shuttles had completely stopped at the end of the airport runway, and they were lined up neatly waiting for Chen Qiang's arrival. review.

However, it was not Chen Qiang who came to review, but a large group of people. The lowest status of these people is also the Minister of Defense of a country. Looking at these heroes, all the leaders are very greedy, especially their proficient operation skills in space, which makes these leaders have an urge to poach corners.

In aviation, it is necessary to pay gold equal to the weight of the pilot for every training of an airplane pilot, and this sentence is also applicable to astronauts. Now the training of an astronaut in the world pays diamonds equal to the weight of the pilot.

So how much is the value of a diamond that is the same size as a human being? At present, the price of 1-carat diamonds on the market ranges from 30,000 to 250,000 yuan, because the price gap is very large depending on the grade. Let’s take the lowest 30,000-carat as an example. 0.2 grams, that is to say, 5000 carats = 1 kilogram. Based on a person's weight of 65 kilograms, the calculated value is 9.75 billion Chinese yuan.

Therefore, aerospace is a big gold-eating household. If it were not for some countries with strong economic strength, they would not have this ability at all.

However, their enthusiasm was not recognized by these astronauts, they just cooperated with each other, which made these leaders a little depressed. Although these leaders were a little disappointed, the reporters who followed the leaders were really excited at this time. They raised their cameras and wanted to take pictures of the entire space shuttle inside and out.

Seeing these reporters, Chen Qiang did not ask the security personnel on the side to drive these reporters away, but he also asked these security personnel to pull up a protective fence to prevent these reporters from approaching the space shuttle. Because even a little paint on the outside of the space shuttle has technological content.

"Chen Qiang, do you think it's possible to borrow the astronauts from Xingkong Aerospace, so that the space shuttle we bought can be put into use faster." The second elder asked during dinner.

"Second Elder, in fact, it is not that difficult to train an astronaut, especially the pilot of the Xingkong. Why don't you send the astronauts of the country to be trained by the space brigade of the Xingkong Aerospace, and ensure that after the country accepts the space shuttle, they can Carry out supply operations." Chen Qiang politely refused. He knew that the second elder was interested in those astronauts with space walking experience, but these astronauts were also the treasures of the Star Group, so he didn't want to let one go.

"According to what you mean, the space shuttle can't be delivered yet?" The Great Elder suddenly caught the grammatical error in Chen Qiang's words.

"That's right, Star Group's space station is currently under construction. It is impossible for us to transfer two space shuttles to the country from the currently operating space shuttles, so we will have to wait half a year before we can deliver new space shuttles." Chen Qiang explained.

"That's the way it is, that's okay. I'll send the astronauts to you when I go back tomorrow." The Great Elder also knew that the space station that the Star Group was going to build was a big guy weighing 500,000 tons, so he also understood that the Star Group of this purpose.

"Oh, no need for this, we will send astronauts to train directly. Why don't the country lease the astronaut training base to us Starry Sky Group, and we will conduct all our foreign business from here. Of course, we are not in vain, Starry Sky The group will carry out a major transformation of the existing astronaut training base, including virtual simulation equipment, etc., and we will provide it." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Okay, that's fine." The Great Elder agreed in one breath. The appearance of the space shuttle has made the current way of entering space completely outdated, and with it comes the backwardness of astronaut training. Since Chen Qiang intends to transform the current aerospace training base, that's just right. After all, the astronaut training base is not a secret base, and since the construction of Huaguo's space station was completed, the training base has been trained by astronauts from many countries.

"That's good. The day after tomorrow, I will send people to inspect and try to arrange the entire training base within a month." In fact, this is what Chen Qiang thought of temporarily. After all, the space brigade of the Star Group will train a group of other countries and companies sooner or later. Astronauts, but if it is carried out in the free space base of the Star Group, then there are too many exposed things, so after the elders talked about the training of astronauts, they thought of the national astronaut training base .

After eating with the First Elder and Second Elder, Chen Qiang took his leave and left. But on his way home, he met King Abdullah who had been waiting for a long time.

"King Abdullah, who is this?" Chen Qiang saw that Abdullah didn't even have a bodyguard, but just looked at the Star City in front of him from a gazebo on the road in front of his house.

"Chen, you are here. What do you think of the scenery in front of you? I have replicated this scenery in Dubai, but it doesn't have the same meaning." There is a tea set in front of Abdullah, and there is another Pot of boiling water.

"I think it's not bad, maybe Starry Sky City is more suitable for a life without a mask." After Chen Qiang went to the gazebo and sat down, he picked up the pot of boiling water and started making tea, and said while making tea.

"Chen, the tea you make has a special flavor in it, I like it very much." Abdullah made no secret of his intention to wait for Chen Qiang here for this cup of tea.

"King Abdullah, we are old acquaintances, so we don't have to play charades with me. The astronauts will be sent over in a month, and the star space will be trained here. As for the space shuttle, it will take half a year before it can be delivered. , up to two, we can’t produce any more.” After Chen Qiang finished speaking, his tea was also finished, and after serving Abdullah a cup, he picked up another cup and said.

"Okay, Chen, I'll arrange it when I get back. As expected, I am Abdullah's most trustworthy friend." King Abdullah was very happy after receiving the good news at this time, and took a sip of the cup that Chen Qiang brought over. After drinking the tea, his face turned red from the heat.

"Hahaha" Chen Qiang's laughter spread far in the middle of the night.

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