Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 268 Chen Qiang fainted

The satellites of all countries in the world are extremely sensitive. It took less than half an hour for Star City to restore power to the entire city. However, all countries in the world that pay attention to Star City have discovered this problem. Star City has its own power generation system. And the power supply system is something that all countries in the world know. The sudden power outage for half an hour made many countries panic, fearing that the Star Group was experimenting with some new weapons. If there is a blackout weapon test in the entire starry sky city, then all countries with this energy are conceivable.

So they started to contact people from the Star Group, wanting to ask what happened in Star City. However, Starry Sky City gave them the same answer, that is, a short circuit occurred in a transmission line, and the danger has been ruled out now.

But in the intensive care unit of Xingkong Hospital, Chen Qiang was lying there pale and pale, while Mou Bing was always by Chen Qiang's side. In order to find out why Chen Qiang fainted, Mou Bing activated her maximum authority in Starry Sky City. But what surprised her was that it was not 'Little Dragon' but 'Starry Sky' who answered her.

Mu Bing watched all the confrontation between Chen Qiang and 'Xiaolong' with sobs. At this moment, she realized that she didn't understand the man in front of her at all.

"Take a good rest, Star Group will support you." Mu Bing showed a firm expression on his tear-filled face.

At this moment, Chen Qiang felt that he was in a dark space, no matter how he ran, there was no margin at all. He finally got tired and lay down on the ground, only then did he realize that the ground seemed to be uneven. So he quickly stood up and stroked these uneven places with his hands.

A miraculous scene appeared. When Chen Qiang touched these places with his hands, a golden light would appear. Chen Qiang touched them word by word, and finally an article appeared in his mind. From this article, it can be seen that this is a method of how to use energy. Using the name in martial arts novels, it should be called a practice method, and Chen Chenqiang also gave this practice method a name-nameless.

But the most important thing for Chen Qiang now is to leave this place, so Chen Qiang began to look for a way out again. Chen Qiang has no way to judge whether he is in a dream or in reality now, because the super real touch and pain make Chen Qiang have to believe that this is a real place, but he was in the Starry Sky Tower before he fainted.

So Chen Qiang had no way to start thinking about this exercise, after all, this exercise would not appear here for no reason. So time passed slowly like this, but Chen Qiang did not make any progress. He tried to communicate this article using the "no distractions" mentioned in Wuxia, but to no avail.

When people sit for a long time, their legs will naturally become numb. So Chen Qiang stood up and moved his body, but just as he was stretching, a word in the exercise in his mind moved. Chen Qiang tried another posture, and moved another word in the exercise.

Slowly, Chen Qiang also gained some experience, so Chen Qiang began to experiment with the movements represented by each character again and again. There are more than 5,000 characters here. When Chen Qiang tested the first one hundred, he found that no matter how he moves, The words never move again. Chen Qiang felt that this was the limit, so he started to do it from the first movement to the hundredth movement.

But he found that now he can only do five movements, and when he does the sixth movement, he will feel unbearable pain all over his body. There is no concept of time in this claustrophobic space, so Chen Qiang began to practice these one hundred movements desperately. Hard work pays off, when he practiced the tenth movement, he found a door appeared above the claustrophobic space, and he walked towards this door without hesitation.

"Notify Mr. Mou quickly, Mr. Chen is awake." Chen Qiang heard a voice say that vaguely, but then he passed out again, but this time he was really in a coma, and he couldn't feel anything. .

After Chen Qiang fell into a coma, Mu Bing took over the office directly and forcefully, and turned the office into a thoroughly powerful department. Everyone is supportive of this change, because in everyone's mind, this is the real core department recognized by the people of the Starry Sky Department, but because of Chen Qiang's laziness, this department has always existed in name only.

Therefore, everyone in the Xingkong Department regards Chen Qiang as the core, which is not beneficial to the Xingkong Group, because when a company depends on a certain person, then if there is any accident with this person, the entire company will also come to an end. the edge of.

The loyalty of all employees of the Starry Sky Department to Starry Sky is guaranteed. Otherwise, if the news of Chen Qiang's coma got out, the Starry Sky Group would have been divided up long ago. Therefore, with the support of Anderson, Lei Jun, Kong Ru, and Chen Qiang's father, Mou Bing officially entered the administrative position of the star system, and served as the top leader to support the office.

The initial function of the office was to lead and supervise the three major organizations. However, because Chen Qiang didn’t care much about things, these powers were delegated to each organization in Starry Sky. Now that these functions have been withdrawn, Mou Bing’s workload has suddenly increased. a lot. Just the secretary team, she has more than 20 people.

"What, Chen Qiang woke up, okay, just wait, I'll go right away." After receiving a call from the hospital, Mu Bing, who was looking at the documents, immediately put down his work and went to the hospital.

"Aren't you awake?" Mou Bing asked suspiciously when he saw Chen Qiang's still closed eyes after feeling the hospital.

"After waking up just now, he passed out again, but this time he passed out because Mr. Chen had carried out a lot of mental activities before, and he passed out because of too much consumption. According to our estimation, Mr. Chen passed out about one day later. You will wake up." The attending doctor hurriedly introduced.

"That's good. The matter of Mr. Chen's frequent brain activity must be strictly kept secret. Go down and rest. You are also tired these days. It is enough to leave me alone here." Mou Bing understands the matter of Chen Qiang's frequent brain activity. Yes, because she knew from a video that Chen Qiang left in the 'Starry Sky', and this video would only be seen by Mou Bing after Chen Qiang lost his highest authority. , so she directly issued a gag order to these people in the hospital. Although these people are trustworthy, it is better to say ugly things in the front.

"Yes, Mr. Mou, let's go to rest first." The attending doctor is not a person with low EQ. As a brain doctor, he is very interested in such violent brain activities of Chen Qiang. It can't last a day, but the one on the hospital bed has lasted for three months, which is already in June.

The attending doctor took everyone out of the ward, leaving only Mu Bing and Chen Qiang in the ward. Mu Bing took Chen Qiang's hand and put it on her face, feeling the warmth in his hand. From the "Starry Sky", Mou Bing knew why Chen Qiang went to outer space so desperately, and also knew how Chen Qiang obtained these black technologies of power, and even more, how Chen Qiang came here these years.

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