Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 269 Wake Up

She has been to Chen Qiang's laboratory, where there is a lot of information, and some even run counter to some existing theories. The moment she saw those materials, she even had a feeling of farewell. Now that Chen Qiang has finally woken up, she can also take off the disguise of these days. The entire star system seems to be very simple, but when she really takes over these tasks, she realizes that it is not easy at all.

In the past three months, she has been studying and working at the same time, and her whole body has been haggard a lot. But now she can put these things down, the fatigue of these days broke out completely at this moment, so she leaned on Chen Qiang's body and slowly fell asleep, no one disturbed the couple at this moment.

It's been a long time since Mu Bing slept so well, so she slept very sweetly this time. When she opened her eyes, she found that she seemed to be lying in someone's arms, but she didn't struggle, but buried her head in that person's arms.

"Wake up, how long have I been asleep?" Chen Qiang said while hugging Mu Bing quietly. When he woke up, he found that Mu Bing had fallen asleep holding his hand, so he took off his shoes and hugged Mu Bing to the bed together. sleep.

"Three months, it's okay." Mou Bing was lucky at this moment.

"Thank you." Chen Qiang knew what would happen if he slept for three months.

"Will it happen in the future?" Mu Bing raised his head and asked with tears on his face.

"No, it's over." Chen Qiang sighed. Now his memory has been fully opened, which contains a lot of scientific and technological information, but it is a pity that these scientific and technological information only reach the second-level peak civilization information, and there are no more after that.

"That's good. In fact, I don't want anything else. I just want us to die of old age in peace. A lifetime is enough." Mu Bing buried his head in Chen Qiang's chest again.

"There is no chance, 'Xiaolong' has already sent the message, and the earth will not be safe in the future. For Xiaoyi and Xiaolu, I must lead the Starry Sky Group to guard this piece of starry sky. They left a place to live." Chen Qiang didn't know if this was a blessing or a curse.

"Okay, then let's go together." Mu Bing's voice was very low.

But at this time, the ward was opened, and the two little ones ran in and saw the tears on Mu Bing's face, and said, "Did dad bully mom? Brother, do you want to beat dad?" As the older sister, Chen Lu said a little ghostly.

"Why don't you go? I can't beat Dad." Compared to Chen Lu's ghost, Chen Yi was a little shy, so he muttered when he spoke.

"I can't bear it." Chen Lu said confidently.

"I'm also reluctant." Although Chen Yi was a little shy, he was still very serious when he spoke.

"Okay, I know you love Dad. Aren't you arguing to see Dad? Why are you so stunned now." At this time, Chen Qiang's mother came in and said to the two little ones.

"Grandma, didn't you say that this is the two-person world of mom and dad, and you can't disturb it." When Chen Lu said this, Mou Bing suddenly couldn't pretend anymore. He quickly got up and put on his shoes, and put them on Chen Lu's head. After knocking, she blushed and walked out of the door.

All the wards in the Xingkong Hospital are suite-style wards, with a living room, a toilet, and a guest room for family members to rest. Chen Qiang's mother has been here for a long time, but she didn't bother. The first time Chen Qiang woke up, Chen Qiang's mother rushed over. When she came over, she found that Chen Qiang was sleeping with Mu Bing in his arms, so she didn't disturb him. Instead, he went home and stewed a pot of chicken soup and brought the two children.

"Chen Qiang also got off the bed with a smile on his face, but because he had been lying on the bed for a long time, his leg muscles were atrophied and he couldn't use his strength, so he had to hold the bed to stand up.

"Don't get up, lie down well, you have been lying down for too long and need a process of adaptation." Chen Qiang's mother hurriedly supported Chen Qiang and forced him onto the bed.

"Aren't I hungry?" Chen Qiang was really hungry. He didn't feel it when he was in a coma before, but now that he woke up, the feeling of hunger was fed back to his brain by his stomach, and now he was really uncomfortable.

"Okay, I've already stewed chicken soup for you, drink some first, and the dishes will be here later." Chen Qiang's mother covered Chen Qiang with a quilt and went out to get the chicken soup.

"Is Dad sick? Will he die?" Chen Lu is a very smart child. She saw Chen Qiang's inability to stand up just now, so she had eyes when she said this. Some teardrops.

"Come on, Xiaolu, how could daddy die? I'm just a little tired. When I get better, daddy will teach you a kung fu. It's amazing." Chen Qiang hugged Chen Lu and gently wiped away the tears on her face. .

"I want to learn too." Chen Yi had a big heart, and when he saw that he had time to learn, he hurriedly signed up.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you when Dad recovers from his illness." Chen Qiang said with a doting smile.

"Okay, let's drink chicken soup." Old Ma Chen Qiang came in with a large thermal box.

Chen Qiang found out that the chicken soup served by Lao Ma was very hot, but he drank it quickly. Chen Qiang's old horse also served a bowl for the two children, but what they drank was much more refined than Chen Qiang's.

"Wow, Dad, your soup spilled, you're going to get spanked." Chen Qiang raised both children very well.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you." Chen Qiang's mother took the bowl Chen Qiang handed over and filled another bowl.

"Mom, I want to drink too." At this time, Mou Bing, who was going to touch up her makeup, also came out. In fact, she was also hungry. After all, she came here at noon, and it is now evening.

"Okay, this is yours." Chen Qiang's mother picked up a bowl and filled a bowl for Mou Bing.

So the family of four began to sit on the hospital bed and drank chicken soup, and Chen Qiang drank three bowls before stopping.

"Sister, is Dad a pig? Why did he drink so much?" Chen Yi, who had already finished his soup, asked a little strangely. In fact, he wanted to drink it when he saw Chen Qiang drinking it, but was stopped by Chen Qiang's mother up. Drinking too much chicken soup for a four-year-old child is not good for the body, only bad.

"Then if Dad is a pig, what are you, little pig?" Chen Lu is very smart, and now he can recognize many words.

"That's right, then am I not a little pig?" Chen Yi was a little bit stupid, so when he whispered this sentence, everyone burst into laughter.

"What are the whole family laughing at? Let me have fun." Tang Li also came in with a lot of things at this time.

"Don't say it." Chen Yi also knew that he was wrong to say that, so he said angrily.

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk, anyone who talks about grandma will spank his ass." Chen Qiang's mother saw the tears that were about to overflow from Chen Yi's eyes, and her heart was about to melt, so she said quickly.

"Okay, I'm already hungry, let's eat." Tang Li took out the meals in her bag one by one.

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