Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 270 Confession

This is the most delicious meal Chen Qiang has ever eaten. I don’t know if it’s because of that exercise, but he eats a lot today, and he feels that when food enters his stomach, it will immediately turn into a stream of heat, and then flow into it. limbs. So while everyone was stunned, Chen Qiang ate all the food that Tang Li brought over this time.

"Chen Qiang, is there something wrong with your health? You eat so much?" After Chen Qiang ate ten meals from the hospital cafeteria, he was finally full, but Tang Li asked worriedly.

"No, I don't know either, maybe it's because I've been hungry for too long." Chen Qiang couldn't be sure if it was because of that kind of exercise, so he could only say this.

Tang Li already knew about the mystery of her son-in-law. Everyone has their own secrets, so it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell them.

After dinner, Tang Li and Chen Qiang's mother left with their two children, but before leaving, Tang Li's words: "Bing'er, Chen Qiang just woke up, there are some things to pay attention to." into a gap.

Chen Qiang and Mou Bing were left in the whole room again, and fell into silence again. Mu Bing lay beside Chen Qiang and looked at Chen Qiang quietly, and Chen Qiang also looked at Mu Bing quietly.

"Is your body caused by 'Little Dragon'?" Mu Bing first broke the silence in the room.

"It seems that you know about those things. In fact, I didn't deliberately hide it from you. In my second year of high school, I went to a bunker on the mountain behind the school to finish it. I accidentally touched a small iron piece. Then I developed a high fever. After recovering, there was a formula in my brain, and my brain was also easier to use than before, so I was admitted to the best professional bioengineering of Liancheng University, where I finally knew this formula. What is the recipe, it is a recipe for a culture medium." Chen Qiang slowly told Mu Bing about his incredible things.

"So you made it, then sold it, and started a company with the money from the sale, which is now the Star Group." Mu Bing added

"No, at the beginning I just wanted to make it, I didn't think about selling it, but in the second semester of my sophomore year, I fainted in the laboratory, maybe you don't know, I just fainted six Hours. Then some technology appeared in my mind, so I knew that these things would definitely happen in the future. So I didn’t plan to go to graduate school. I planned to sell the formula of which medium and build a The company specializes in these technologies in my brain. The day before we were going to buy a house, the memory in my brain exploded again, and this time the technology was very clear, that is, the technology used in the few products that Starry Sky Bio had just established .As for what happened later, you will know." Chen Qiang explained to Mu Bing word by word. In fact, he had been holding back these words in his mind for a long time, so it would be better if he said them now.

"Except for that one time, have you ever erupted?" Mou Bing had tears in her eyes long ago, she didn't expect Chen Qiang to endure so much.

"Yes, when I was retreating that time, my memory exploded again. I almost couldn't wake up that time. I was really scared at that time, but I still managed it." Chen Qiang's tone was very light, but anyone You can imagine the hardships of the whole process.

"Then why don't you consider cooperating with the country?" After staying with Chen Qiang for a long time, Mou Bing discovered that Chen Qiang is actually a very lazy person, or a very Buddhist person.

"Although I'm lazy, whoever wants to be famous, I'm also ambitious. After all, those novels on the Internet are not in vain. I am a proper protagonist's fate. If I just give up like this, then wouldn't I Sorry for this adventure." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Yes, after all, you are still young." Mu Bing also cooperated.

"Actually, there is another reason, the cell activation solution, which is a good thing that can increase life expectancy. It is the courage to continue with qualified things. As long as I control this, I will be invincible." Chen Qiang said Here, I also shook my fist.

On the second day, Chen Qiang was able to walk down the road normally, and the recovery of the whole person was abnormally healthy, which made the doctors in the whole hospital unbelievable, but there was no one who was so blind that Chen Qiang stayed and let all the experts in the hospital Let's do some research.

Now that Chen Qiang can walk normally, there is no need for him to stay in the hospital. Although the entire Xingkong Hospital is his, and he can live in as many levels as he wants, it is still not as casual and convenient as at home.

Chen Qiang, who returned home, was slowly improving this exercise while playing with his children, because he found that this exercise has a lot of flaws in its movements, and the biggest flaw is that it consumes too much energy. Although this is not difficult for a wealthy family like him, it will be a burden for those whose family conditions are not very good, and according to Chen Qiang's test, the more and more profound the exercises consume There is also more and more energy.

But on the third day after he returned home, Kong Ru came to him.

"Master, good morning." After seeing Kong Ru, the two children who were playing greeted each other before continuing to play with their little train.

"Good morning, Xiaolu, Xiaoyi." Kong Ru also liked the two children very much, and after saying hello to the two children, he came to the balcony and watched Chen Qiang make these strange movements.

"Teacher, you're here. Sit down for a while. I have another move." Chen Qiang said after seeing Kong Ru arrive.

"Okay." Kong Ru sat on the chair, poured himself a cup of tea and continued to watch Chen Qiang make these strange movements.

"Teacher, I heard from Mou Bing that Starry Sky Academy has not recruited students yet. What's going on?" In fact, Kong Ru was specially called by Chen Qiang. The month is over, and the college entrance examination is over.

"Chen Qiang, it's not easy to recruit. Starry Sky Academy is a hot spot now. There are only three ministerial-level bosses who asked people to tell me about the relationship. My body can't handle it. And this time the enrollment involves foreign students. We There is no way to identify these people at all. In our country, there is a saying of high school graduates, but there is no such restriction in foreign countries.” Speaking of this, Kong Ru has a lot of bitterness to pour out.

"It seems to me that the consideration is a bit simple, so let's expand the enrollment quota to 10,000 this time, 5,000 domestic and 5,000 foreign students. As for the selection criteria for foreign students, let's make a fuss about age. Less than seventeen, no more than twenty-one." Chen Qiang said after thinking for a long time.

"In this way, will your supply come over?" Kong Ru asked worriedly.

"Yes, I planned to expand the production line." In fact, Chen Qiang just got more advanced technology.

"That's good, I'll go and tidy up first, it's already crazy outside." Kong Ru stood up and was about to leave.

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