Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 274 Adding a Private Company Again

Since knowing that the Star Group will deliver the space shuttle next week, many group and family bosses are waiting for the invitation letter from the Star Group, but what puzzles them is that it has been three days and they still have not received the invitation letter.

This is a huge blow to these people. Now as long as companies with a little ability have established their own aerospace companies. No one is a fool, the aerospace industry must be the company with the most potential in the future, but for these companies now, the most powerful problem is the lack of tools, the space shuttle of the Star Group is their goal, and in the space The policy of selling the same series of space shuttles was established early in the flight test of the aircraft.

Although at this point in time, any aerospace company can obtain a space shuttle, the difference in time is fatal to these capitalists. So they hope to use this opportunity to talk to Chen Qiang or a certain executive of the Star Group.

Just when they couldn't wait, they received an invitation letter for the handover ceremony, but this time the theme of the invitation was the buyers of Arab Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Science and Industry, Interstellar Aviation, and Pearl Aerospace. Seller Star Group.

But it doesn't affect these people in the slightest, because their target this time is Chen Qiang and the executives of Star Group. As for the space shuttle, even if they want it, these companies won't sell it. It's better to build a good relationship with Star Group , get the space shuttle as soon as possible to join this huge era.

"The handover ceremony? I don't want to go, I'm really busy here." Chen Qiang is doing some strange movements. Although it looks strange, it is beautiful when he is doing it together.

"Mr. Chen, there is nothing wrong with your health now. Now it's time to go out and show off to maintain your influence in the hearts of the people. This is better for our Star Group." Lei Jun repeatedly confirmed with the hospital that Chen Qiang is now After he recovered, he persuaded Chen Qiang.

"I'm still a little busy here, so when the time comes, you and Anderson will go together, and then add the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace, so they won't say anything." Chen Qiang has been really busy for a while, the improvement of the whole movement It has already entered the sanitation, and this time can't go wrong.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, let's go then." Lei Jun heard himself, Anderson, and Wang Peng, the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace. This lineup has already given an explanation to the old horse.

Especially the participation of Wang Peng is very unusual for this handover ceremony.

There is a saying in the Star Group that the leadership of the Star Group is one old, two kings, and eight hair care. Especially those Su Yan, Wang Peng and others who followed Chen Qiang in the early days, were completely on the same level as Lei Jun in Starry Sky City.

These few are also the most low-key people in the entire Xingkong Group. Although Lei Jun now has great power in the Xingkong Group, he knows that these people are the ones who really control my company. matter. But he absolutely would not allow such a thing to happen. And the most important thing is that these people are Chen Qiang's absolute confidantes, and they hold many secrets of the Star Group that even Lei Jun doesn't know.

So this time Chen Qiang sent Wang Peng over, even if Chen Qiang didn't come, those people would not have any complaints, after all, they sent all the people who shouldn't appear on this occasion.

"Son, raise your left hand up a little more, and the horse gait should be bigger." After referring to more than five hundred kinds of boxing techniques, Chen Qiang finally optimized the first level of the unknown kung fu. This is not teaching his two The actions of children.

Chen Qiang also has a question now, he thinks there is something wrong with his genes. The daughter who should not be good at some aspects can do very standard after teaching it by herself. But the son has to teach and give instructions over and over again.

But because the two children are also smart and hardworking, soon the two children will be able to practice the ten movements of the first floor proficiently. Because the two children were still relatively young, Chen Qiang did not teach them the following actions. And according to Chen Qiang's experiment, if these ten movements are supplied with cell activation fluid, they can turn a weak person's body into the strongest in the world.

Even if there is no cell activation solution, if you practice for many years, the human brain will be weakly developed. If you practice properly, you can open up about one percent of the entire brain. Another thing is to prolong life. If a certain movement is promoted, the Tai Chi practiced by those old grandpas may be eliminated.

Chen Qiang did not come. This was the most uncomfortable thing in everyone's mind after the space shuttle handover ceremony began. However, some people who knew Wang Peng didn't have such a mood, because compared to Chen Qiang, the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace was better.

The Star Group is a very special institution, and even in the eyes of many scholars, the structure of the Star Group is a mess. The Star Group is more like the cabinet, military aircraft department and other institutions of ancient dynasties. They have no definite rights and are only assisting the king in governing the world. The Star Group is such an organization. Compared with power, Lei Jun in the center is not as good as the general manager at the bottom. Because Chen Qiang handed over the entire Star Group's external projects to Lei Jun, so that Lei Jun could have some full strength.

"Don't be disappointed, look at that man sitting next to the pony, do you know who it is?" The boss of an Internet company had met Wang Peng before, and was disappointed when he saw his friend, so he pointed to Wang Peng and asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's the boss of Xiao Ma's new investment company." The man said with some uncertainty.

"Fart, he is Wang Peng, the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace. If you want to make an idea in the aerospace field, you'd better get to know him." The boss said a little excitedly.

"What, he is the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace?" For Wang Peng, he only heard his voice but didn't see him. Now that he finally saw him, there was a reason to let him go. His eyes were full of heat.

After Wang Peng sat down, he felt that his back was a little uncomfortable from the hot eyes, but he still held on without any movement, but he also knew what these people wanted. Before he came here, Chen Qiang also told him some things, among which he taught to disclose the news that another batch of space shuttles would be delivered at the end of the year, and a private aerospace company would be added to one delivery.

Or maybe it's good news for everyone present.

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