Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 275 Good News

As Huaguo, who had a friendship with the Star Group, Xiao Ma also began to approach Wang Peng this time. After all, this is also a very important opportunity. The Star Group has learned about the sale of space shuttles in many countries, and these companies that are preparing to enter the aerospace field have learned about it. The next delivery countries are Russia, the United States and the Emirates, and the delivery date is half a year later. Judging from the current delivery speed of the Star Group, the current output is not the largest output of the Star Group at all, but if they don’t sell it, they won’t. Method.

So this time, many companies will pay attention to the presidents of the Star Group who participated this time to see if they can make a breakthrough.

"Okay, now I invite Star Group President Mr. Anderson and Mr. Lei Jun to deliver the space shuttle for our Pearl Aerospace and Interstellar Aerospace." Of course, Lao Ma will not let go of such a good publicity opportunity. He and Han Hao alone talked on it for nearly two hours, but both the people at the scene and the people who watched it through the Internet listened very seriously, because apart from the starry sky and aerospace, the fans are those who have spaceflight in the world. These are the two private companies that own the aircraft. It is a good reference for all ambitious people, no matter in terms of company management or business.

As for the country, they definitely disdain to hold this handover ceremony with the old horse, but they also held a service ceremony, just a week later. Moreover, Chen Qiang was invited to attend the press conference, but he still refused and sent Anderson to represent him.

"I would like to invite Manager Wang Pengwang from Xingkong Aerospace to speak a few words." After the handover ceremony, Lao Ma said. It is said that the handover ceremony is nothing more than two plaques saying that the space shuttle was delivered, and Anderson and Lei Jun handed over the plaque to Lao Ma and Han Hao.

Wang Peng's speech was planned a long time ago. After all, this is also the first time that Wang Peng met with the media as the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace.

"Hi everyone, I'm sure some of you don't remember. My name is Wang Peng and I'm the general manager of Xingkong Aerospace. I'm very happy to be here today, because our child is the 'Xingkong' series of space shuttles. Finally, there is a buyer. The 'Starry Sky' series of space shuttles are the first generation of space shuttles developed by our Starry Sky Research Institute. As for the data, everyone can memorize it, so I won’t go into details here. The slogan of going out of the earth, this does not mean that the star group alone is enough to go out, but to let the whole human being go out. The wish of our star group is to start the second era of human navigation." Wang Peng said very excitedly, And the people below were also very excited by Wang Peng's words, because at this moment they found that their blood was not cold.

"However, our Starry Sky Group is carrying out a large project, which has resulted in a lack of production capacity, and we cannot supply space shuttles on a large scale. In addition to orders from various countries, everyone here may need to wait a little later to get yours. The space shuttle, but now our star space team has reached an agreement with the Huaguo astronaut training base, and will accept anyone to train astronauts and space shuttle pilots in any form. For this reason, Mr. Chen will When the space shuttle is delivered in half a year, add a quota of private companies." As soon as Wang Peng's words fell, the whole venue seemed to explode. These bosses just came here with the mentality of giving it a try. Thinking of them, they really got such good news.

"Get ready for the plane, I'm going to Hangzhou." The patriarchs of the big families abroad began to order. In the eyes of these people, Lao Ma is just an ant, so they didn't pay attention to Lao Ma's invitation at all, so they didn't go to this press conference.

So many people present did not listen to what Wang Peng said next, and what they were thinking at the moment was how to get the only space shuttle in their hands.

"Mr. Wang, you see that Mr. Chen and I are old acquaintances. How about my aerospace company?" Xiao Ma hurried over after Wang Peng stepped down. As the top Internet company in Huaguo, even though its market value has become very low due to the Sino-US economic war, with the support of Chen Qiang, he now occupies 30% of the instant messaging field in the world, so overall Speaking of pony is still rich, it is not surprising to set up an aerospace company.

"Mr. Ma, you don't think you don't know what Tencent will face if it gets this space shuttle." Wang Peng just said something lightly and stopped talking.

Pony knows about the suppression of the two aerospace companies of Lao Ma and Mingzhu Group, and the suppression slowed down after Lao Ma and Han Hao donated 30% of the company's shares to the Starry Sky Biological Charity Foundation slowly disappeared. So he has the same idea now, after all, this opportunity is really good now.

"Mr. Ma, don't think about it. This time, the space shuttle will be sold to a foreign company. Don't think about the domestic one. Sometimes some things need to be balanced, so let me tell you that you understand." Wang Peng continued The next sentence directly shattered Xiao Ma's last hope.

"President Wang, is there really no other way?" Xiao Ma was still a little unwilling.

"Mr. Ma, don't be too greedy. Tencent has just re-listed not long ago. Don't take such a big risk. This is decided by Mr. Chen, and I can't change it. But I can tell you a piece of news. 'Series of space shuttles will be sold on a large scale, and you can raise more funds in the world in the past two years." This is allowed, and Wang Peng also revealed it, after all, after two years, the "Starry Sky" series of space shuttles will be on mission. It will be sold after completion, and it is not bad to find a new home in advance.

Sure enough, Xiao Ma was very grateful after Wang Peng finished speaking. After all, this is also very important news. In two years, the Star Group will sell space shuttles on a large scale, which is definitely valuable news. There are too few space shuttles in the world now, so there will not be too many in two years. At that time, no one will say anything about the sudden rise of Tencent, and it will not be too late for others.

The press conference ended soon, and under Wang Peng's introductory remarks, no one present knew what the people on stage were saying, so Lao Ma ended the press conference ahead of schedule, after all, his purpose had already been reached. Reached.

But the next thing is the key point. After the press conference, Lao Ma received many visiting letters from foreign big families, and he will speak soon. The old horse is very aware of the arrival of these people, although he is very unhappy. But he still has to go to receive them with a smile on his face. Although this should be a matter of the Starry Sky Group, he is still very happy to do it.

And Wang Peng was also surrounded by people asking about the space shuttle.

"All of you here are domestic bigwigs, so I'll keep it from you. This time, the next home of the space shuttle must be a foreign company, so please go back." Wang Peng also said very seriously. Wang Peng knew those people, so he said it directly, and his tone was quite strong.

"Damn, are your Star Group crazy? It's not like we can't afford the money." A boss scolded directly.

"Haven't you counted whether we are crazy or not? Even if we are crazy, you are the ones who drove us crazy." A man next to Wang Peng said directly.

"Mr. Wang, this bodyguard of yours is a bit impolite." After being unmasked, these people began to complain, and their faces were livid.

"Everyone, don't be angry, children are ignorant." Wang Peng didn't blame the man, but said apologetically to everyone. But there was no apology in his eyes, he had already seen these people clearly.

Perhaps it was because their face was uncovered that these people left one after another. After all, they are now humiliating themselves by staying here. And they also know the extent of Star Group's vengeance.

Let's start with a chapter today, and start a big explosion tomorrow!

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