Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 282 Small adjustments

As ordinary passengers who went to the sky for the first time, these big guys were surrounded by the media after landing, and they were excited. Like a child, he described all the encounters and scenes he saw in space. Although many people watched this scene through the live broadcast, it is still very fascinated to listen to the descriptions of these bigwigs again.

Therefore, Lao Ma's interstellar space received a large number of orders. According to the current two sorties of interstellar spaceflight every day, the order has been scheduled for a year later. It can be said that Interstellar Aerospace is already a very powerful company, so various venture capital institutions began to get in touch with Interstellar Aerospace frantically, and they will definitely raise money for the company when they think about it.

However, their calculations were a bit wrong. If the Xingkong Biological Charity Foundation did not have a 30% stake in Interstellar Space, Lao Ma had already raised funds earlier, and would not wait until now. In fact, shareholders sometimes have an antagonistic relationship with a manager and founder. After all, what shareholders care about is how to make money, while founders and managers care about how the entire company can survive.

During these years in Ali, Lao Ma not only had to deal with the affairs of the company, but also established a good relationship with the shareholders so that they could make money every year. Sometimes he would compromise. After all, this was his hard work, and he could not Just like this, I watched the company go bankrupt by these capitalists.

But the situation is a little different now, because he doesn't need any power to balance or open some kind of channel for the company, and the whole company is not short of money, so he has no need or obligation to serve those big bosses. As a result, all venture capital institutions were shut down, and some family funds wanted to threaten the entire old horse, but seeing that 30% of the shares of Interstellar Aerospace were held by the Starry Sky Bio-Charitable Fund, they also canceled this plan. idea.

The current Xingkong Group is like a hedgehog. No one dares to touch it. As long as someone moves, he, including his family, will become a real hedgehog in less than a day. The news from the Yan family in the capital is their biggest fear. These people are afraid of nothing but death, because as long as people die, they will have nothing.

It is also the first batch of Pearl Aerospace to receive the space shuttle, and it is not far behind. On the second day after Lao Ma's Interstellar Aerospace made its first flight, it also held its first flight. However, compared to Lao Ma's invitation to all people from the business world, Pearl Aerospace's guests are all stars from the literary and art circles. them. The same purpose as Lao Ma is to promote Pearl Aerospace on a large scale, and the effect is very good. This time, Pearl Group selected fifteen stars from all over the world as passengers for the first flight. The fans of these stars are an astronomical number, so after this time, Pearl Aerospace, like Interstellar Aerospace, has been thoroughly captured in the eyes of the people all over the world.

Although the great actions of Interstellar Aerospace and Pearl Aerospace have amazed the whole world, they have not caused any waves in Starry Sky City.

"Xiaojun, put down the Xingkong car first, and take over the Xingkong Biological Company." Chen Qiang said to Chen Jun beside him while observing the status of the bacteria in front of him.

"Okay, brother." Chen Jun replied directly.

"That's good, let's hand it over to Zhang Tao when we go back. You can also read this file first, and then give me your thoughts." Chen Qiang handed a file to Chen Jun casually, and then continued to observe his own strains.

It took a long time before Chen Jun raised his head, and then said with a shocked face: "Brother, are you serious?" This document is about the dilution and sale of the cell activation solution, and there are three types of drinks in total. Specifications, high, medium and low. Although all of them are diluted with low-level cell activation solution, even if the dilution quantity of each bottle is very high, this is indeed the cell activation solution, the most attractive thing for star creatures at present.

"It's true, it's time for us to reveal it. Human beings want to go out, and this lifespan is not enough. And the Star Group needs a new source of income now, so two things happen to be in the same place. You know I let you go there The reason?" Chen Qiang asked the school.

"Brother, the cell activation solution is something that affects our life and death, so we need to find someone to watch it." Chen Jun thought for a long time before saying.

"This is actually one of the reasons, but the biggest reason I let you go there is to understand what our Star Group was developed from. Don't forget your roots, otherwise it will not be conducive to your future advancement." In order to help my younger brother go up Chen Qiang also tried his best to strengthen the control of the entire group as soon as possible.

It's not that Chen Qiang can't trust the current management personnel, but that Star Group will be dozens of times its current size in the future. The increase in personnel means the increase in organizational structure, which is a severe test for many senior management personnel. Ambition is something that only one person has, so sometimes it is necessary to take precautions. After all, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others.

Chen Jun is a nail for Chen Qiang to break into the entire senior management staff, and according to Chen Qiang's idea, after the Star Group enters Mars, all the current executives of the Star Group will be converted into city managers as soon as possible.

As a result, a high-level change in the Star Group, which seemed normal to the Starry Sky people but was very surprising to the outside world, took place. Zhang Tao, the general manager of Xingkong Bio, stepped down and was replaced by Chen Jun, the general manager of Xingkong Automobile. Zhang Tao entered the management of Star City as Chen Shun's assistant. And the general manager of Xingkong Motors is Cao Yun, which is also the beginning of a pure scientific researcher as the general manager.

In the eyes of the outside world, this should be a means for Chen Qiang to support his younger brother. After all, Xingkong Group was in charge of Xingkong Biotech at the beginning, and Zhang Tao, the former general manager of Xingkong Biology, has now entered the top management of Xingkong City, which is also obvious. energy out of this position.

But from the perspective of Xingkong, this is normal. In the history of the entire Xingkong Group, Zhang Tao has made great contributions, and it is normal to be promoted now.

However, when the outside world was discussing Xingkong Group, Xingkong Biotech, which Chen Jun had just taken office, released a biotin drink, but uncharacteristically, it did not hold a new product launch conference, but entered the current Xingkong Group website quietly. promotion of.

Of course, this did not hide from the eyes of the media at all, and directly exposed this matter. According to Star Group's previous achievements in new products, each new product release will disrupt an industry, or even several industries. But this time the new product was quietly launched, and it felt a bit guilty, so the media who had already had opinions on the Star Group began to publicize it.

"The starry sky creature encountered Waterloo, and the biotin drink did not hold a new product launch conference."

Some unscrupulous media even went so far as to put the words "Jiang Lang's talent is exhausted" on their headlines. So the whole world knew that Xingkong Biotech had released a biotin drink. Some people with strong curiosity also went to Xingkong Group's shopping website to check, but they were forced to refund after seeing the price. Because this biotin drink is not sold in single bottles, it can only be sold in one box, and the quantity of one box is also very strange. Each box is 30 bottles. As for the price, it is so high that it costs 1,000 yuan per box and nearly 35 yuan per bottle.

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