Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 283 Biotin Drink

"This is not a drink at all, but gold." The price of more than 30 per bottle makes many people unacceptable. This is still for the residents of China. If foreigners want to buy it, it costs 1,000 U.S. dollars per box.

"The Star Group is poor and crazy, is it squeezing our money?" Some irrational netizens directly started to complain. This time, many people felt that what the Star Group did was a little out of character.

"I think so too. You see, the Star Group is now entering the space industry on a large scale. This is a field that burns money. It seems that they are really short of money." Such an analysis. Moreover, there are still some families behind this that are fueling the flames. For a while, Star Group's capital chain is tight, and the issue of searching for people's money directly exploded on the Internet.

But those starry sky fans are not vegetarians, and they are starting to fight back against this, but an organized and unorganized confrontation, the result is obvious, the starry sky fans are completely defeated.

The families that contributed to the flames were all small and medium-sized families. As for the first-class families, they did not participate at all, but quickly purchased a batch of biotin drinks.

"Dad, the test results came out. It contains that ingredient. According to current calculations, about one bottle will be extracted from every 100,000 bottles." Han Hao took a piece of paper and entered Han Yuanchao's room excitedly.

"Really?" Han Yuanchao said excitedly.

"Look." Han Hao handed over the inspection report in his hand.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and buy as much as I can." Han Yuanchao's hands trembled, he finally waited for this day.

So on the Xingkong shopping website, the sales of biotin increased suddenly, with an increase of 10 million boxes in just three days. This sales directly shocked the media. After some investigation, it was found that not many people bought these drinks. As a result, the Star Group has been flooded with notices about adding false sales for sales. But the Star Group is still aloof, without a hint of expression.

The sales of biotin are constantly increasing, but there are not so many in the market, and this situation has lasted for a long time. Finally, after a period of waiting and watching, some people began to buy some biotin drinks, and the first ones were those bloggers who unpacked and tested the food and broadcast. Because Star Group's biotin drink is a hot spot right now, it's not too much to be a hot spot.

Viewers also really want to get some comments about biotin drinks, so the click volume of these videos is very high. Contrary to everyone's expectations, the evaluation of biotin drink is very good, and every blogger thinks that the price is worth the money. Among them, the one with the highest amount of electric shock was a test video, which was shot by a second-year graduate student majoring in food.

The graduate student conducted a comprehensive analysis and test on the biotin drink, and finally came to the conclusion that there are many substances that are beneficial to the human body and are of great help to the human body.

At this moment, many people were stunned, because this bio-drink does have this effect, and the price of health care products with this effect on the market is even higher than this, but why not hold a product launch event?

This problem was announced by the China Testing Agency one day later. Biotin drinks contain a mysterious substance that can affect the telomeres of human genes, preventing their production and prolonging the lifespan of cells. As soon as the news was announced, the whole world went crazy. As the only listed testing organization in Huaguo, CTI's inspection data is very reliable.

Extending lifespan is the greatest dream of human beings. Now suddenly there is a thing that can increase lifespan, so no one will let it go. As a result, the biotin drink of Xingkong Bio once again exploded, reaching 100 million boxes. Huaguo attaches great importance to longevity from the bottom of his heart, so everyone in Huaguo desperately buys biotin drinks.

Just when the Chinese people were buying frantically, the incomparably aloof Xingkong Group spoke out, telling the public not to rush, because the storage of biotin drinks is very strict, and it can only be stored for two months at most under normal heat preservation conditions. Now the production of Starry Sky Creatures is sufficient, I hope that the public will not snap up too many to take home, one box per person is enough.

The voice of the Star Group is still useful. The people of Huaguo stopped their madness and started to treat their own affairs rationally. And after they received the biotin drink, they found that there was really only one bottle per box, and the maximum consumption of this drink was one bottle per day.

At this moment, everyone understood the purpose of the Star Group, and they were also shocked by this new product of the Star Group. It can increase lifespan, it is almost like in a dream.

The madness of Huaguo is very incomprehensible to all foreigners, because in their opinion, it is just a hype technique, and in their opinion, the so-called Huatest is not that credible.

But some people still bought the biotin drink, and some miracles happened. Some sick people recovered after drinking the bio-drink for a period of time, and their physical fitness was much better than before. With more and more of these things happening in the western world, no one doesn't believe in bio-drinks anymore.

As a result, biotin drinks increased sales again. Although it was a bit expensive at $1,000 a box, it seemed a little small compared to one's own life.

This time Star Group seems to be very generous, there is no measure to limit purchases at all, and you can send as much as you buy. Some people even bought millions of boxes directly, and the star creatures still shipped, as if they didn't know that someone was going to concentrate them. This made many families start hoarding biotin drinks crazily, and then started to concentrate them crazily.

"Takeshita-kun, what's the result of the experiment? Is it still the same as before? Will it kill people directly?" A Japanese man in a white coat asked another Japanese man.

"Mr. Inoue, it's still the same as before." Takeshita lowered his head after finishing speaking.

"Bastard." Ino said grimly.

Many families have encountered such a situation. They have concentrated enough biotin what they call "Longevity Liquid", but during the experiment, they found that this concentration of "Longevity Liquid" is not acceptable to their bodies at all. Yes, it will directly lead to death.

"Mr. Han, I think we should follow this configuration of the Starry Sky Group. I once did an experiment where we mixed our concentrated 'Longevity Liquid' with the solutions we discarded, and finally found that all the liquids poured into the Starry Sky Group The biotin drink at the factory concentration will be completely absorbed by the body, and will not cause any impact on the body." An experimenter said to Han Hao.

"Then you mean that we can drink according to the concentration of Starry Sky Creatures' factory, and there is no need to concentrate." Han Hao understood somewhat.

"Yes, Mr. Han, after research, we found that as long as we drink enough for a year, the effect should be the same as that of this tube." The researcher said.

"Is there any other way?" Han Hao asked a little bit unwillingly.

"Mr. Han, this is a product of the Star Group." The researcher smiled wryly. In the current scientific community, there is no one who can completely crack Star Group's products, and even in the field of biological products, they feel that they have no entry at all.

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