"How much energy is left in the space station after being used?" Chen Jun asked an operator beside him.

"Forty-three percent remains." The operator didn't look up at all, but kept staring at the screen in front of him and said.

"Okay, concentrate the remaining 35% of the energy on the trestle, and I need to pump out all the water in the space shuttle within 25 minutes." After struggling for a while, Chen Jun said directly .

After Chen Jun issued this order, everyone present frowned, because it simply did not comply with the operating procedures of iucn. During the simulation exercise, this number was 25%, but now the commander has directly increased this number by 10%.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up." Chen Jun saw many operators stop and look at him.

"Yes." Feng Zhengming first started his own operations and preparations. Since someone took the lead, the others followed the instructions.

"Mr. Chen, isn't it a little dangerous for Chen Jun to do this? This is completely different from our simulated operation results." Zhao Shichu who was on the side hurriedly said. At this time, he is the chief engineer of Xingkong Aerospace and the person in charge of Xingkong Aerospace Research Department.

"If you do this, he must have made his own decision, so don't disturb him." Although Chen Qiang was puzzled, he still chose to trust his younger brother.

"How much energy is in Qidian's energy pool now?" Chen Jun asked the operator next to him again.

"Only 0.3 percent." The operator was very confused about Chen Jun's next move, but he still reported the number on his screen.

"Feng Zhengming, I want to know if this 0.3% energy can turn on the solar panels in the factory area. It doesn't need to be turned on all of them, just make the solar panels have an angle of 60 degrees." Chen Jun Ask Feng Zhengming in front.

Feng Zhengming was still confused, because he couldn't understand what the commander-in-chief meant, but he still calculated the energy needed to turn on the solar panels in the factory area of ​​the space station. But in the process of his calculation, he suddenly thought of a possibility, so the speed in his hand suddenly became very fast. If he's right, the sooner the better.

"Reporting is absolutely fine." Feng Zhengming hurriedly reported.

"Okay, now I order to turn on the energy bank of the space station, turn on the solar panels in the factory area of ​​the space station at the starting point, and make an angle of 60 degrees in the direction of the moon." Chen Jun quickly ordered. After some calculations, Chen Jun found that there is no way to complete this activity within two hours with the current energy, so he needs to compress the entire preparation time to the shortest possible time, so he thought of reflecting from the moon. Come solar.

"Good idea, this is a good idea." Everyone who controls the command center has a deep understanding of the boss' younger brother at this moment.

"Audience friends, the stationmaster of the starting point has now issued an order to open the factory area. His purpose of this order is to better collect some energy for the next action to reserve energy for the next step, and the energy demand for the next step Very huge." Now the host of the live broadcast is no longer the power of Huaguo National TV Station, but a star space technician.

"Now what we can see in the video is the process of pumping water. Everyone knows that there is no pressure and gravity in space, so we need to use an external force to draw water from the space shuttle into the core of the starting point space station, and the starting point The core of the No. 1 space station is a thing we have all heard of, the device for electrolysis of water. We all know that electrolysis of water will produce oxygen and hydrogen, and the oxygen here will be transported to many areas of the space station by special devices. And The water we sent up this time is specially processed, and after electrolysis, it will produce a gas that is 80% similar to the air on Earth, although it is not 100%, but it is enough for the space station." The technician The talk was very high-spirited and very high-level, and some key technologies were not leaked out.

"The whole process of drawing water may take 20 minutes, so viewers watching the live broadcast can ask their own questions. As long as the confidentiality is not revealed, I will be happy to answer you." Seeing that he had nothing to say, the technician suddenly I thought of an idea that I thought was good, and sure enough, no one else had anything to do when the tech geek went crazy.

"Wow, the little brother technician wants to hire someone, don't compete with me."

"Tap me, tap me."

The technician still doesn't have much contact with these people on the Internet. He didn't expect that these netizens didn't have a normal question. However, this little technician has a lot of interesting stories, and with the current treatment of Starry Sky Group, it is not very strange to be liked by many girls.

"Ahem, well, I'm married. Alas, here is a normal question, is it necessary to carry the water up after a while? This is a good question, and it can be seen that this netizen still knows some knowledge .” Just after the technician finished speaking, the chief scientist of NASA, who was far away across the ocean, rolled his eyes. At this time, the number of people watching this live broadcast has exceeded one billion, and scientists in the field of aerospace technology in those countries are also paying attention to this Starry Sky Group's actions.

"Our Star Group started out as a creature, so our technology is still very strong in this respect. Over the years, we have conducted a biosphere experiment based on some biotechnology, and so far this biosphere is still in operation. And this time We intend to carry out this experiment on the Qidian space station, and it should be successful. But this time we transported a total of 600 tons of water resources to the Qidian space station, which can last for two years according to the consumption rate of 1,000 people. Two years, these two years should be enough for us to build this ecosystem." Although the words of the technicians seem very lofty, they are like a bunch of nonsense in front of those experts, which are not useful at all.

"Whether you want to go to work in Ali, you don't have to think about it at all. It's impossible. It's impossible in this life. Everyone here in Star Group is talented, and the salary is good. They won't leave in this life." The technicians and the scene The audience had a good time, and they didn't stay as technical talents at all. And when he sees some very professional problems, he just ignores them, as if he doesn't see them at all. He is a geek, but he is not stupid. For those real audiences, researchers from various countries or companies can still tell the difference.

For the audience, these 20 minutes passed quickly, but for the control room of the starting point and the ground command center of Starry Sky City, the 20 minutes seemed like a month. They are all struggling, they are afraid of problems, as long as there is a problem, it will be very difficult to remedy it.

"The drawing of water is completed, and everything is running normally." Finally, everyone let go of their hearts. As long as the water enters the electrolysis room smoothly, the rest is a matter of heaven, because the next action cannot interfere.

"How much energy does the space station have now?" Chen Jun still couldn't let go of his gripping heart, because he knew that now is the most critical step and also the one he can't do anything about.

"The backup power supply is 5%, and the main power supply of the space station is 1.5%. The total is 10 billion kwh." The operator reported.

After Chen Jun got this data, he began to calculate it on the screen in front of him. Seeing Chen Jun's scene, the technicians on the ground began to frown, because they have already calculated this step, and it only needs to use four billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to complete it. This is under the condition that the whole process goes smoothly. . But now Chen Jun did not come according to the scheduled plan, which made them feel very uncomfortable. For this plan, they had to experiment nearly 10,000 times from day to night to get such an optimal data.

"Stationmaster Chen, we don't have much time, what are you still hesitating about?" Feng Zhengming, as the deputy stationmaster of the entire space station, quickly reminded him that time is indeed short.

Chen Jun did not answer, but continued with his calculations. After three minutes, Chen Jun finally stopped. He glanced at the countdown on the screen in front of him, and immediately gave an order: "Everyone on the space station fasten their seat belts, and fix themselves firmly in place. ...turn on eighty percent of the energy injected into the electrolysis unit, cut off the gravity supply, and prepare for electrolysis."

"Chen Jun, are you crazy? The electrolysis device won't be able to withstand it." Feng Zhengming directly stopped him.

"Old Feng, trust me, it will be fine." Chen Jun knew that this matter could not be explained clearly in one or two sentences, so he said it directly.

"Okay, I believe you, but what about the other people here, do they believe you? Although they all came with the determination to die, you can't let them die." Feng Zhengming asked.

"I didn't. This is our only chance. We can only succeed and not fail." Chen Jun was also very entangled at this time.

"Brother Technician, what's going on, why are you determined to die?" Star Group did not cut off the live broadcast, and the quarrel between Feng Zhengming and Chen Jun was also passed on in its original form.

"This problem is actually a kind of helplessness. We all know that human life needs oxygen. You have also seen that these personnel in the control room of the starting point are wearing spacesuits all the time, and the oxygen in this spacesuit can only supply three Hours, and these people can only stay in the control room for two hours. And the next electrolysis will take nearly an hour, so these people have the idea of ​​making it or not." When the technician said this passage He even choked up a little, because many of them were his classmates, and they were the ones who had a very good relationship.

At this moment, more than 1.5 billion people in the world know the difficulty and cruelty of spaceflight. In the past, they only saw the numbers on the news, but now they saw it with their own eyes, so at this moment, many people in the world are silently praying for this success.

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