Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 308 Meteorite Capture

"Station Master Chen, I believe in you."

"I believe in you too."

Just when the defense line in Chen Jun's heart was about to collapse, he heard the voices of the people present. At this moment, he couldn't help crying, and said in a trembling voice: "Inject energy."

"Yes, start injecting energy, 5%, 10%, 100% reach the capacity of the container." Feng Zhengming's operator screen reported the data loudly.

"Cut off all the gravity facilities of the starting point and continue to inject." Chen Jun gave the order decisively.

"Yes, cut off the gravity facility." Another operator directly pressed a red button on the console, and everyone in the control room felt suddenly lighter. If it weren't for the safety belts, they seemed to be It's like floating.

"Continue to inject energy, one hundred one percent, one hundred eight, one hundred nine, two hundred percent energy injection is complete." Feng Zhengming suppressed his voice.

"Okay, let's wait now, everything depends on God's will." Chen Jun put his finger on a blue button in front of him and said with great effort.

"Click it." Feng Zhengming also relaxed his body at this time, because his work had already been done.

"Okay, we can finally relax, three, two, one electrolysis begins." Chen Jun also closed his eyes the moment his finger pressed the blue button. He is really tired now, the massive calculations before have exhausted all his energy.

There is always no shortage of adventurous people in the world, some for their own dreams, while others for money. An aerospace company located in Australia, after getting information about the meteorite named "Fortune" at that moment, directly held a press conference to intercept this meteorite, and was ready to take off.

After this announcement, everyone in the world is watching. Because this meteorite is so conspicuous, the rich and powerful country trusts this meteorite. If anyone wants to get this meteorite, then the world's richest man will have no suspense. And this richest man includes the economies of various countries and companies. However, it is clear that the public does not trust this company very much. The public only view this company with a mentality of watching a drama, and it is this company that is being sensationalized.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the company took off the space shuttle leased by the company directly after the press conference. There were four of them in total, and the whole process was broadcast live, as if they were going to fight Star Group. , and many netizens also opened two live broadcast rooms on one screen at the same time to watch.

"Report to the command center, our fleet has reached the predetermined position, whether to cast the net." A black captain reported.

"Eric, you are allowed to cast the net. Be careful." The commander on the ground is a woman, her voice is very soft.

"Oh, it's Chris, are you okay?" Eric was very excited at this moment.

"I'm fine, but I'm not sure if you'll be fine in the future, Eric, the meteorite will reach your position in an hour, I think you can hurry up." Chris is obviously not the first time This group of tongue-in-cheek shuttle pilots flirted.

"Oh, damn, Chrissy, your voice makes me drunk, and almost makes me forget that I have a mission." Eric obviously won't let go of the opportunity to flirt with Chrissy, after all, they were still together last night Woolen cloth.

"Eric, if you hang around like this, I'm not sure if you will have the opportunity to command the company's four space shuttles." A very dignified voice appeared in Eric's earphones.

"Yes, boss, let's start now." Eric became very serious immediately after hearing the boss's voice.

"Adams, start working and set up the interception net. Bud, you drive the space shuttle five kilometers ahead, and turn on the radar on the plane to closely monitor the trajectory of the meteorite." In fact, only two of the eight astronauts came from this spaceflight. The company, and this aerospace company also has a space shuttle, and it was purchased from the United States. The space shuttles that performed the mission this time were all space shuttles from the Star Group, and these space shuttles were leased. Of course, the pilots of the space shuttles were not from this aerospace company. And the middle-aged man who ordered Eric was not the boss of this aerospace company, which is a bit intriguing.

But except for some people who knew the inside story, the rest of the people thought that all of this was done by this company, which also made them want to go into space, since they can rent space shuttles. If these people succeed this time, there will be many people who will go to space next. There has never been a shortage of warriors, or cannon fodder, in human history.

"You're awake, how are you feeling now?" The first person Chen Jun saw when he opened his eyes was Feng Zhengming.

"This sleep is so comfortable, why did we succeed?" Chen Jun squinted his eyes, because the light was really dazzling.

"We succeeded, and this time the effect was particularly good. All six hundred tons of water were electrolyzed at one time and entered the circulation system. And because other people started to land one after another, the entire space station is now in operation. Next, our The task is to run the factory and the ecosystem." Feng Zhengming said with tears in his eyes. He closed his eyes at the time, but he didn't faint.

Now he remembers very clearly, the cheers on the entire communication channel at the moment he took off the helmet was so nice.

"That's good, you help me deal with the starting point first, and I'll sleep again." After Chen Jun finished speaking, he closed his squinted eyes again.

"Mr. Chen called me just now and said you don't forget something important." Seeing that Chen Jun fell asleep again, Feng Zhengming moved out of Chen Qiang directly.

"Oh, I see, he just asked me to go and see the operation of the energy cabin of the starting point, to see if it can be installed for nuclear fusion. Please help me go there, and I will sleep again." Chen Jun Said in a muffled voice under the quilt.

"Oh, well then, you have a good rest." Feng Zhengming is a technical geek, and he is not very good at these management matters, but he can only bear the burden when he sees Chen Jun being so tired.

Chen Jun didn't sleep in the quilt at all, but pressed his right thumb on the watch on his left wrist, and then a large screen appeared in front of his eyes, and he began to adjust the data according to the data he had memorized earlier. Started this page. And with his adjustment, a gleam of light appeared on the solar panels of the starting point space station, and a very huge device was operating inside the space station, and the signal he sent was sent out through the entire space station. Go out, and at the same time as the launch, antenna-like things also appeared in some places that are not easy to attract attention in various ranges of the space station.

"The sounding radar is turned on. The current maximum detection range is 8,000 AU, 150 million kilometers." At this time, Chen Qiang was already inside the Star Tower, waiting for Chen Jun's action.

"That's good, this is already at the edge of the solar system, so I can finally let go of some of my worries." Chen Qiang thought silently.

Then he ordered: "'Starry Sky' is detected at any time every day, and the energy of the space station is used to expand the detection range once a week."

"Yes, to record daily tasks."'Xingkong' replied with a pleasant voice.

Seeing that his arrangement has been completed, Chen Qiang can take a break, so he plans to watch the live broadcast today. So he turned on the virtual screen, and then opened the live broadcast room of the Australian Aerospace Corporation. He also wanted to see if they would really succeed this time.

"Bud, the meteorite has entered the attack range, authorize the weapon system." Chris on the ground reminded while staring at the trajectory in front of her.

"Look, I'm going to break this guy into pieces today." Although Bud spoke very boldly at this time, his eyes were always staring at the radar screen, and his left hand was also placed on the weapon launch button. , as long as the meteorite enters the optimal range, he will launch the missile carried on the space shuttle.

Yes, it is a missile, because although the space shuttle sold by the Star Group has a weapon system, this weapon system must be authorized by the Star Group when it is used, and all the space shuttles of Star Creatures are equipped with small electromagnetic guns , For such a guy with tons of tons, no one has any effect at all. So this Australian aerospace company installed two American Harpoon anti-ship missiles in the belly of the space shuttle.

"It's very smart, smashing the meteorite and then intercepting it, the success rate will be much higher, but if you miss it, it may cause a big disaster." Chen Qiang commented with a smile, then shook his head and said .

"Asshole, who gave them permission to take the Harpoon into space."

"Order the Second Artillery, keep a close eye on this meteorite, as long as it falls into our territory, smash it to pieces at all costs."

All countries in the world were furious after seeing this scene, because it was a provocation to them, and they all quickly pulled out their strategic deterrence, and the target was this 10,000-ton 'wealth'.

Because the range of the Harpoon missile is not very far, Bud needs to increase the thrust of the space shuttle to the maximum after releasing the Harpoon, and then leave this position. And this series of actions needs to be completed in a very short time.

The speed of the meteorite was very fast. Bud stared at the radar. When the meteorite entered the best shooting area, Bud pressed the launch button with his left hand, and then a harpoon shot from the cabin of the space shuttle. out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Qiang couldn't help frowning, because the whole process seemed to be very smooth, which means that this space shuttle was specially modified, but from the discovery of 'Fortune' to the present, it is nothing but Thirty-one hours, such a short period of time is impossible to achieve this step, unless it is the Star Group.

The missile and the meteorite collided fiercely, and a large meteorite also came off. Of course, there were also many smaller ones, but this time, of course, the larger ones had to be captured, and a large meteorite was formed around the large meteorite. A meteorite belt, although the particles are very small, the largest is only one meter in diameter, but it is very dangerous.

"The space shuttle starts to increase its power, maintain the current formation and rush over to me, open the defensive cover, we only have one chance, as long as we succeed, we will make a fortune." Eric shouted loudly in the call screen channel, and then opened the afterburner state of the space shuttle. The pilots of the other two space shuttles also turned on the afterburner and rushed towards the small meteorite.

This process is very risky, because if the space shuttle passes through the meteorite and hits those large meteorites, even if the space shuttle has a protective cover, the space shuttle will be broken down as it should. So the three space shuttles began to move through space flexibly under the operation of the three captains, and these astronauts did not use the gravity device on the space shuttle, but the high speed still pressed them tightly on the chair and could not move. . So now they have blue veins on their foreheads, which looks scary.

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