Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 309 No Regrets

"Asshole, there are still 500 meters left, hold on." Eric cursed.

Finally, under the superb driving skills of these three, the small meteorite that was blasted down was caught in the net. But this is the most dangerous time. Now the space shuttle needs to continue to fly forward to slow down the speed of the meteorite. But in front of a meteorite with a diameter of 30 meters, the speed of the three space shuttles is not enough at all, so if there is a still camera shooting, you will see the three space shuttles being dragged away by a meteorite.

"Eric, the speed of the meteorite is decreasing. It is falling. You are about to succeed." Chris said loudly.

"Damn, can you hurry up, we can't hold on anymore, Reed and William can't hold on anymore, we are pressed on the chair by this damn gravity, we can't move at all, we have to take a lot of effort to make a movement now We feel that our arms may be broken." Eric cursed at this time, and now he regrets that he agreed to this mission.

"Eric, tell William and Reed that you will get one hundred thousandth of the profit, but I need you to give me this meteorite to slow down." The boss said directly in front of the microphone.

"Damn it, William and Reid close the defensive cover, and the finished product crosses and flies, tie a knot in the net for me, and we fly in the same direction." Eric directly gave up, and he directly ordered.

"Yes." Then the three space shuttles closed the protective cover of the space shuttle, and then began to fly crosswise, and these space shuttles would be hit by some meteorites from time to time.

"Eric, there is a hole in the wing of my space shuttle, and I can't hold on sooner." William first reported.

"Eric, my aft cabin was penetrated, and I have now shut down all systems in the aft cabin." Immediately afterwards, Reed also reported.

"Understood, turn on the super afterburner direction at twelve o'clock, afterburner." Eric quickly ordered.

"Eric, the speed has slowed down. If you persist for a minute, you will succeed." Chris said again in the call channel.

Compared with the thrills and thrills here, the space station that has completed its operation is nothing to see, so many people in the world have focused their attention on these four astronauts. Because these people are doing the only thing they've done before -- capturing satellites. Although their motives were not very good, the names of these four individuals live on in future aviation history.

Although Bud on the side saw all this, he had nothing to do, so all he could do now was wait.

"Countdown five, four, three, two, one successfully captured." Chris finally announced.

"It's finally over. Hey, how are you doing?" Eric was exhausted at this time, but he still summoned up his strength and asked.

"Eric, Reed, Reed's cab was pierced by a meteorite." William choked up and cried loudly like a child. All the people who watched this scene sank, because it was very bad news, but many old people who watched this scene in a conference room in the United States smiled because they verified one thing feasibility.

"Bastard, William, let's get out of this ghostly place first, and then bring Reed's entity back." Eric was still rational at this time, he knew that they were in the meteorite group and it was very dangerous.

"Yes." Because the speed of the meteorite has slowed down, it is easy to drag the two space shuttles, but because the space shuttle has been used and broken, the current engine of the space shuttle can only provide 30% thrust. So Eric and William's shuttle was slow, and once again some paint was hung on the shuttle when it passed the meteorite belt. When the two space shuttles left the meteorite group, Bud couldn't help but took a deep breath after seeing the space shuttle. The three space shuttles are basically unusable, especially Reed's space shuttle has turned into a pile of scrap metal. Bud is not sure whether Reed's body is still there.

"Bud, I will leave the rest of the journey to you. We are very tired now." Eric was not in a good mood at this time, so when Bud came over, he handed over the rest of the journey to the only one. On top of a good space shuttle.

The live broadcast ended here. The audience really didn't like this kind of live broadcast with no beginning and no end, but they had nothing to do. So once again, they focused on the starting point live broadcast room, but when they came back, they found that the starting point live broadcast room was also closed.

Many viewers started watching the live broadcast from the Star Group, so when they stood up and planned to do some activities, they felt a little dizzy, and then remembered that they hadn't eaten all day, and it was already night.

Although many people feel that it is not enjoyable, the two live broadcasts today have a great impact on people, especially Reed's death made everyone feel that space is an unfriendly place. Even some people think it's not worth it, but for some people it's worth it.

That night, the Australian Aerospace Corporation launched four space shuttles again, and the purpose of these four space shuttles was to bring back all the things on it.

"How about it, do you think they are a little cruel?" Xu Bu looked at Chen Qiang's unnatural face and said.

"There is a point, but I have also figured it out, and this is unavoidable." Chen Qiang said very reluctantly.

"It's very reluctant, but it's good if you have this idea, and you have made progress. It will be a matter of time before you open up space and make sacrifices. This will not be an example. Do you believe that after this successful capture, tomorrow the world will have more than Wanjia's space company is registered. Your Star Group is going to get rich now." Xu Bu said with a smile.

"The country has already taken nearly a hundred ion engines from our Xingkong aerospace side. Don't tell me that these engines are stored in the warehouse." Chen Qiang also joked.

"Do you feel guilty now? You opened up this field and let people enter the field of meteorite capture. Do you regret what you said at the beginning?" Xu Bu asked with a smile

"I don't regret it, because if human beings can't even bear this sacrifice, then human beings will be wiped out sooner or later." Chen Qiang said, holding up his tea.

After Chen Qiang finished saying this, Xu Bu's eyelids jumped, and the old people in an office far away in the capital also jumped after hearing what Chen Qiang said.

"Do you know that there are aliens in this world? Have you seen them?" Xu Bu asked tentatively.

"I haven't seen it, but I'm sure there are aliens in this world. As a biology student, the conditions for the existence of a life are too simple. I don't believe that there is only one kind of life in such a large universe. "Chen Qiang took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"That's right, I almost forgot your major." Xu Bu saw that he didn't get anything out of the test, so he directly gave up the next question. After all, he didn't like the relationship between Xie himself and Chen Qiang.

Looking at the back of Xu Bu leaving, Chen Qiang did not expect that Xu Bu would come looking for him, and he also noticed that there was a monitoring device on Xu Bu's body, and it was hidden very secretly. It's on Xu Bu's shoelaces, but under the scan of the 'starry sky', there is nothing to hide. Moreover, Chen Qiang also noticed that the country might know something, maybe it was guessing something. But this has no influence on Chen Qiang, and there are many benefits.

Sometimes there are some things that cannot be said blatantly, and can only be guessed by the other party. Chen Qiang is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do, so he sent the country a copy of the manufacturing process drawings of the first generation space shuttle. Of course, these processes were modified by Chen Qiang, otherwise Huaguo, which does not have a large 3D printer, would not be able to do so. With such a huge body, of course, the maximum speed of the separated space shuttle after assembly is a little lower, about 20%. But leaving Earth is no problem.

"Daddy is back, give me a hug." Seeing Chen Qiang enter the room, Chen Lu hurried over to get a pair of compromises for Chen Qiang. After he put them on, she stretched out her arms for Chen Qiang to hug.

"What, are you good at school?" Chen Qiang picked up Chen Lu, then pinched his pretty face and asked.

"My sister beat the other children to tears at school." Seeing that his sister had already taken over his father's arm, Chen Yi complained directly.

"Oh, you got into a fight, with whom, and what happened." Chen Qiang's face instantly became very serious, because he knew that Chen Lu's strength now was far stronger than that of a child now.

"Woooooo." Seeing Chen Qiang's very serious face, Chen Lu lay on her shoulders and began to cry.

"Oh, the teacher at the school told me that Xiaolu saw a group of children bullying another child, so she went over to help, but nothing happened." Mother Chen quickly took Chen Lu and comforted her.

"That's good, mom, it's not that you don't know the strength of the two children. Children don't matter. If they really do make a move, there will be accidents." Chen Qiang also persuaded.

"It's not that nothing happened. And my granddaughter acted bravely, that's right." Mother Chen blamed.

"Yes, that's right. Xiaolu, Dad was wrong, please forgive Dad." Chen Qiang quickly apologized.

But the child was stubborn and turned his face in another direction without looking at Chen Qiang.

"Dad, my sister ignores you, I ignore you. Come, Dad, give me a hug." Chen Yi hurriedly said.

"You little clever ghost, have you practiced all the movements I taught you?" Chen Qiang squatted down and scratched Chen Yi's nose.

"I'm not very skilled at this yet." Chen Yi said with a little red face.

"That's not bad, Xiao Yi will be able to practice so soon. Dad will teach you another move after you practice well, and then you will replace dad to protect sister, mom, grandparents, okay?" Chen Qiang stroked Chen Yi's head. He said with a smile.

"Tch, whoever wants him to protect, I can protect him." Chen Lu muttered after hearing the conversation between the father and son.

"Hey, my boss has finally spoken. Well, both of you practice hard. When Dad gets old, you can protect Dad, okay?" Chen Qiang also rubbed Chen Lu's head.

Because half of Chen Qiang's worries have gone this time, so he is very happy today. Also two old people had a few drinks. Then he fell asleep and fell asleep. This was the most peaceful night he slept without any nightmares.

But just take it easy, if you really sit back and relax, he can't do it. So after Meimei's sleep, he put himself into work again. In fact, many parts of the research institute are inseparable from him, such as the ongoing nuclear fusion miniaturization project team, and the ecology located on the location number space station. The circle project team needs to be checked by Chen Qiang.

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