Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 310 Changes in the Group

Many products in the world and the ultimate purpose of discovering it are benefits. The various branches of the Star Group have been completely on the right track, and have begun to develop into a normal company, especially after the establishment of the branch, the development of the entire enterprise has become faster.

Among these companies, Xiaomi is the company that is at the forefront. Because the entire domestic company still has the service concept when Xiaomi was founded, Xiaomi directly launched its own new generation of bracelets in this reform. ——Pulse No. 1, and this wristband has added a biological detection function on the basis of the original bracelet, and the principle of this function comes from the disease detection instrument of Starry Sky Hospital, and this instrument can currently detect 100% Ninety-nine diseases. Of course, the functions on the bracelet are not so heaven-defying, after all, the volume of the bracelet is not very large. But this time, the Impulse No. 1 released by Xiaomi is 100% accurate for the detection of common human diseases.

For the general public, these functions are enough. Moreover, after the biotin beverage entered the market, it directly bankrupted the low-end pharmaceutical industry in all countries in the world, especially the pharmaceutical industry in Huaguo. Under the deliberate control of the country, these low-end pharmaceutical industries Pharmaceutical manufacturing is completely excluded from this field. Of course, some companies that have mastered core technologies have also embarked on a difficult road to transformation.

"Wow, is the current scientific and technological strength of the Star Group so strong? It can detect 99% of the common diseases in the human body without any human tests."

"The function is so powerful. I haven't had a bracelet for a long time. Now I just change it."

"It's just a bit expensive. I'm still 8,000 yuan away from Impulse One. I don't know who can help me."

"Pulse One is obviously the flagship product made by Xiaomi, and the price is not expensive."

The world is changing rapidly, and when people are still immersed in the era of smart phones, virtual wristbands have been promoted globally. When people are still thinking that they can't get sick, 80% of the pharmaceutical factories in the world have closed down, and those hospitals are not as crowded as before, and the service attitude of the hospitals has become abnormal good.

This is good news for the people, but it is a bolt from the blue for those with vested interests. Therefore, when Xiaomi launched Pulse No. 1, it was resisted by many people, and the first group of people who resisted were doctors. The Star Group has already cut off the source of extra money for these doctors, and now they want to cut off the doctors' main means of earning a living. These doctors are of course unwilling.

It is right to protect one's own interests, but to prevent the trend of the times from advancing, these doctors are a little bit of a car. The country's actions were quick, and within an hour, the demonstrators gathered in the Xiaomi flagship store were emptied, not only in the capital city but also in the entire Huaguo.

However, this news was quickly overshadowed by another news. The Australian Aerospace Corporation has already transported the meteorites they captured, and it will be sold publicly in three days. As the current leader in the aerospace field, Xingkong Group has also received an invitation, because this invitation is now in Chen Qiang's hands.

"Anderson, you can go to this auction. It depends on the situation. If we can take a piece, I will pay attention to this matter. If there is any problem, I will notify you." Chen Qiang played with the invitation and handed it over. It was given to Anderson who was sitting next to Pang.

"Yes, I will spare one day to go there in three days, but will we agree to Mr. Chen's Australian Aerospace Corporation's order for 20 space shuttles at once?" Anderson pointed to a piece of paper on the desk in front of him. The first thing Anderson asked Chen Qiang to do today was the order for the 20 space shuttles. Xingkong Aerospace didn't dare to make their own claims. After all, the number was too big, so they sent the letter of intent for this order. It was submitted, and Anderson couldn't make the decision, so he went directly to Chen Qiang.

"Give it to them, but these space shuttles cancel the weapon system, and you also tell Xingkong Aerospace to abandon the weapon system when building the first generation of space shuttles." Chen Qiang said without hesitation, twenty space shuttles are worth one trillion US dollars , This money will make the current Star Group's funds more sufficient, and now the Star Group's daily capital consumption is more than one billion US dollars.

"But Mr. Chen, our inventory is not enough. The delivery time of the space shuttle they ordered is three months later. During this period, Xingkong Aerospace has received orders for 100 aircraft one after another, and even the contract After signing, this is already the entire inventory plus the quantity of full production, and the delivery time of these orders is also very short." Anderson complained a bit, and he was still very concerned about Xingkong Aerospace.

"Then dismantle some key equipment from our in-service space shuttle and sell them to them. The factory on the starting point has already started operations. If the supply of resources is normal, we will be able to see the second-generation space shuttle in three months. "Chen Qiang said without the slightest hesitation. Now the space brigade has been fully established, directly under the office, with more than 1,000 astronauts and 53 space shuttles, and it has been fully formed. Anyway, these space shuttles will be phased out sooner or later, and if they are sold, they will be used as waste.

"The other thing is that the country can no longer increase our resource supply. We need to find a new batch of resource suppliers. Now that the Star Group has become a gold-swallowing behemoth, we need to find our own resource points, otherwise we will The cost will be higher and higher in the future, because our star group's large purchases have directly increased the prices of all minerals in the international market by 30%, and I think it will continue to grow." Anderson clicked on his own On the virtual screen, a data graph was opened, pointing to the mineral price curve over the years and said.

"I met a group of CEOs of mineral import and export companies at the Entrepreneur Summit some time ago. This is a business card. You can ask them to contact them. Our second-generation space shuttle is about to be successfully built, and by then we will go to the moon. We will establish a mineral smelting center as soon as possible, so that our future development resources will not be so choked by others, but before we build the lunar mineral mining and smelting center, you must guarantee the mineral resources of our entire group. needs." Chen Qiang took out a stack of business cards from a drawer of his desk and handed them to Anderson.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Anderson left straight after receiving the business card. He needed to implement this matter as soon as possible, because the mineral reserves of the Star Group had reached the lowest point.

The popularity of the aerospace field has led to the sale of all metal resources in the world, and even some metals are priceless now. If it weren't for the Huaguo behind the Star Group, they would not be able to get those rare metals now. And some of these metals are metals controlled by the state.

So this time, Chen Qiang plans to adjust the resource channels. The country is also entering the field of space shuttle knowledge, so they are also big resource consumers now. It is already very good without reducing the resources of the Star Group. In fact, compared with the Star Group, the United States and China used far more resources to manufacture space shuttles, sometimes even three times. This is because there will be some waste products when manufacturing space shuttles, and these waste products can be used by Star Group, but they cannot be used by China and the United States. About 20% is extracted, and the final destination of the remaining 80% is the Star Group.

Ever since the Entrepreneur Summit, Qin Tian even dreamed these days that his Wucai Minerals Import and Export Company had obtained mineral orders from Star Group. But the days go by without a single call or even an email. So his heart sank slowly, and sometimes he even wondered if he was being a little sentimental.

He is very clear about the terrifying consumption of the Star Group, and he also specifically investigated the quantity and type of resources imported by the Star Group. After various analysis, he finally targeted two minerals, one is ferroniobium The other is sulfur indium copper ore. These two minerals not only contain rare metals but also common metals. Although it is not easy to separate these two minerals, it is a piece of cake for Star Group. Many technical smelting companies in the world now know that Xingkong Group has a set of special smelting methods. Although they don't know what kind of method it is, they can effectively separate various substances.

"Hello, are you Mr. Qin from Wucai Minerals?" Just when Qin Tian was distracted, his phone rang, and he clicked on the virtual screen. After seeing the person on it, he became very excited, because this person The acquaintance is Lei Jun, the vice president of Star Group.

"It's me, Mr. Lei has any orders." Qin Tian stuttered a little.

"President Qin, our Xingkong Group needs a large number of resources, especially metal minerals. According to our investigation, your colorful minerals can become our resource supplier. I don't know what kind of minerals your company can provide and how much minerals it can provide for you. Us." Lei Jun directly stated his purpose, and he still has dozens of companies to contact, so he didn't hesitate.

"Mr. Lei, our company can only provide two kinds of minerals to Xingkong Group, namely niobium iron ore and sulfur indium copper ore. The current supply is 5 million tons per month, but they are all ores. If your company needs We can use superphages to turn it into a liquid and deliver it to your company." Qin Tian still reacted, so he put away his excitement and introduced.

"President Qin, we have all your supplies. If it is convenient for you, you can come to Star City to sign a supply contract." Lei Jun heard that there are five million tons per month, which is already a large amount. Some of the companies he inspected earlier had a maximum annual supply of only about 10 million tons, but this company's annual supply was 60 million tons, which was far beyond his expectations.

"Okay, I'll come over to sign the contract now." Qin Tian couldn't help being stunned when he saw Lei Jun asking him to go to Star City to sign the purchase contract without even asking the price, but then he thought about it. There is no shortage of money.

In Huaguo, mining companies like Qin Tian have basically received orders from Starry Sky Group. The final result also surprised Lei Jun, because the orders that Star Group increased this time and the orders divested from the state-owned enterprises were all eaten by these private enterprises in Huaguo, which Lei Jun and even Chen Qiang did not expect.

In fact, such a situation is also normal. The mining companies of state-owned enterprises signed supply contracts with him are some large mines. And those small and medium-sized mines can only sign supply and marketing contracts with private enterprises. However, compared with the sales capabilities of state-owned enterprises, these private enterprises are much weaker. After all, many large resource consumers in China are state-owned enterprises, so state-owned enterprises have inherent advantages in this regard.

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