Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 318 Chaos

"Old Lei, can you tell me who you have been in contact with recently, or where have you been injured?" Sitting on the sofa, Chen Qiang asked Lei Jun who was about to reprimand Zhang Jian and others road.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here?" Lei Jun didn't notice Chen Qiang just now.

"Mr. Lei, you really can't remember what you did or what happened." Georg Wittig asked with a puzzled face, because he found that Lei Jun's brain was completely in a coma during the previous examination. The department is very active.

"I really don't remember, I just felt like I slept for a very, very long time." Lei Jun looked innocent.

"Then do you remember where you were injured?" Chen Qiang continued to ask, now he had no hope for the source of the virus.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, I remember this. I was injured only once this year. Just three days before I went to the space station, the general manager of a Dongying Sanyo company was going to order a batch of special metals from our Xingkong Metal, so he sent me a stone. Ornament, I just touched it, and then a piece of my finger was broken." Lei Jun remembers this incident very clearly, because since he took the advanced cell activation liquid, the skin of his whole body has become a little tougher, but this time it actually bleeds Now, he had to remember this incident.

"Dongying, Sanyo Company." Chen Qiang didn't expect it to be this country, and what he still couldn't figure out was who gave this country the courage to do such a thing to China. You must know that as the country with the second largest population in the world ( The first is the third brother) If the entire Chinese people mutate, then the entire earth will be over.

"Mr. Chen, what happened?" Lei Jun knew from the eyes of Chen Qiang and the people around him that something big had happened.

"You are poisoned, and it is a virus I named 'zombie'. He turned you into a zombie, and then I blocked the entire Starry Sky City until now." Chen Qiang clicked on a video, and it was Lei Jun turned into a zombie and then picked up the stripped video.

"Mr. Chen, is this me? Don't those people know how much damage this virus will cause to human beings if it spreads out? Are they planning to destroy human beings?" Lei Jun couldn't accept it. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

"This is you, but don't worry, our Starry Sky City is just you as an example, and I have also guessed during this time, according to the news from the country, there are now a total of 13,213 people in the country. People have symptoms of insomnia, and there is only one case of the disease, and that case is an old man. So I speculate that the onset time of this germ should be in the next few days, but because you went to the starting point space station, the germs occurred in space There is a mutation, that's why you get the disease. As for the reason for the old man's disease, it may be because his health is not good, so he will get the disease early." Chen Qiang expressed his guess, through the analysis of 'Xingkong' and his Some guesses, now he feels that he has restored the truth of the whole incident.

"Then Mr. Chen, do our Xingkong City have the ability to treat these 13,213 people?" Lei Jun looked at Chen Qiang eagerly. With Chen Qiang.

Although Chen Qiang wanted to treat these people very much, he was really powerless now, so he could only shake his head and said: "Now I only have more than 130 high-grade cell activation fluids in stock, of which there are less than 100 bottles of nerve cell activation fluid. Thirty, I have no choice."

At this time, the Great Elder called again, and this time Chen Qiang could clearly see that the Great Elder was exhausted.

"Chen Qiang, we have identified more than 13,000 infected people. I don't know if the treatment method on your side is suitable for popularization." There was a look of expectation in the elder elder's eyes.

"Great Elder, I have no choice. We have less than 30 medicines to treat this kind of bacteria, and the output is extremely low. We can only produce one bottle every month." Chen Qiang shook his head and said, he actually wanted to help These people, but things like cell activation fluid are not things that can be mass-produced by piling up money.

"Then do you have any other way? After all, we can't just watch these people die. I really can't do anything with more than 10,000 people." The elders of this year have never experienced war, so they There is no such decisiveness, and this peaceful society does not need a decisive leader. '

"The research has not been carried out yet. Give us some time. If there is no result in five days, the country can do it." Chen Qiang finally agreed to the request of the Great Elder, and he planned to personally lead a group of people Conduct research on this germ and develop a drug to treat this disease.

"Then the lives of these 10,000 people will be handed over to you Starry Sky Group." The Great Elder hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"How about it, did Chen Qiang agree?" The second elder asked eagerly. Now only the Xingkong Group has the ability to subdue this germ in the whole world, so they can only turn to the Xingkong Group for help. There is also research on this bacteria, but no one has any results. Moreover, there is no way to make an attenuated vaccine for this kind of bacteria, because the mechanism of action of this kind of bacteria has nothing to do with the immunity of the human body.

Moreover, the phagocytes in the human body have nothing to do with this kind of bacteria. The most important thing is that this kind of bacteria will not amplify in the human body, it will enter the brain with the blood, and then attach to the neurons, which makes these virus experts in Huaguo have no way to start.

"Okay, now you go back, just leave two people here to watch Lei Jun, don't cancel the alarm on the Starry Sky City, and check the situation, but now people are allowed to go to the streets." Chen Qiang sorted out After thinking about his own thoughts, he stood up and ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Regarding Chen Qiang's next move, everyone present knew that he was going to study that kind of germ.

"Boss, I want to go with you. My Ph.D. is in virology, so I think I should be able to help." George Wittig saw Chen Qiang walk out of the ward door, and hurried to catch up.

"Okay, George. I'm glad you can help me." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Ah, boss, aren't you thinking about it?" George Wittig suddenly stumbled and said.

"George, haven't you thought about it, I really need your help, and don't you want to take a look at my laboratory, you must know that you will be the first person to enter my private laboratory." Chen Qiang said while walking towards the elevator.

"Boss, how do you get the germ sample?" George Wittig hurried to the elevator and asked.

"I've already sent someone to send it to my laboratory. I think it's safer there." Chen Qiang directly pressed a negative second floor above the elevator, and after a burst of infrared swept across his eyes, the elevator started to move.

"Oh, that's good, boss, isn't your laboratory as spectacular and sci-fi as in the movie?" George Wittig asked Chen Qiang all kinds of questions like a curious baby. The problem.

Especially when he came to the bottom of Starry Sky City, he was stunned by what he saw, because he saw a lot of robots shuttling underground, and not far away he saw a building under construction. space shuttle. After coming to Starry Sky City for so many years, he has never found out that there are so many manufacturing factories of the entire Starry Sky Group. Now he finally knows that it is underground and it is very spectacular.

"Boss, is the bottom of Starry Sky City empty?" Georg Wittig suddenly felt that it was impolite to ask this question, so he quickly shut his mouth.

"No, but it's almost there. Come up." After a box-like device came in front of Chen Qiang, he sat in first and greeted George Wittig.

"Oh." Georg Wittig was stunned by everything in front of him, and now he yearns for Chen Qiang's laboratory more and more. But to his disappointment, the whole laboratory is very empty, there is no sci-fi place at all, the only place that makes him feel sci-fi is the big screen and console in front, but he has seen many such things in Starry Sky City Well, there's nothing unusual about it at all.

"George, put it on for you, and then start the experiment. 'Starry Sky' is going to record the experimental data, the file number is No. 652, and the experimental name is 'zombie' virus treatment." Chen Qiang threw George Wittig a piece that didn't look like Bai The white coat of the lab coat, and then said directly to the air.

"Yes, it has been established." Georg Wittig was a little uncomfortable with the words of 'Starry Sky', because although he knew that there was such an intelligence in Starry Sky City, he had never come into contact with it so closely.

"Boss, can I say hello to him?" Georg Wittig seemed to have found a new toy.

"Hello, Mr. George, welcome to the laboratory."'Starry Sky' greeted first.

"Hello, Ms. Starry Sky, please take care of me when we meet for the first time." Georg Wittig didn't know how to address her, so he could only address her according to the current voice.

"Thank you, I like the title 'Ms.'." There was a hint of shyness in the voice of 'Xingkong', which surprised George Wittig very much.

When Chen Qiang was intensively researching the 'zombie' germs, the entire network of Huaguo exploded. Although there were no incidents of zombies biting people, the national army entered the city, especially in some big cities. The heavily armed soldiers stood there murderously in the densely populated area, and no one would pay attention.

And the video of the zombie biting people was also spread abroad. All countries immediately cut off the entry channel for Chinese nationals, and quarantined the Chinese nationals who entered the territory recently. Things, it can be said that the whole world has entered a tense atmosphere.

Such a large-scale action brought Huaguo an economic loss of up to 500 billion U.S. dollars, but under such circumstances, Huaguo also directly borne the loss, because no matter who is behind this matter, But the people of Huaguo are important, as long as most people in Huaguo have nothing to do, then even if they lose a lot of money, it is worth it. This is what the Great Elder of Huaguo said at the high-level meeting.

The power of Huaguo country is powerful. After Chen Qiang provided a conjecture, the entire state machine started to operate, and more and more evidence showed that the person behind this operation was the country of Dongying. The higher-ups were very angry about this incident, and directly ordered a nationwide search to take advantage of this incident. This search was very bad. From the mouths of many spies, they got a lot of things that the entire senior management couldn't believe.

"Bastard, what happened in Huaguo? Our last few dark spots have been caught." The director of the CIA yelled at the subordinate in charge of Huaguo's intelligence work in his office. This kind of situation has appeared in various countries in the world, but Dongpu is the most angry, because they not only lost all the secrets in China this time, but they are willing to leave some evidence in China.

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