Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 319 Astrophysics

"President Ma, I'm a student of astrophysics. This is the first time for the entire Xingkong University, and I'm still one of the three who haven't received an offer from Xingkong Group." Among the 21 students, 18 of them received the offer from Xingkong Construction in advance, but three of them did not. He is one of them, and his grades are not very low in the class, so he is very puzzled.

"Students, you are the treasures Mr. Chen gave us to these aerospace companies. No one wants you. I want you. Hurry up and let your remaining two classmates come over quickly. As long as you sign a contract with Interstellar Aerospace, I will give you the best! Good treatment." Lao Ma immediately realized that this was a talent specially released by Chen Qiang, otherwise, according to the character of Star Group, the first generation of talents trained by Star University would definitely be recruited. You must know that the original purpose of Star University was to provide talents for Star Group and the research institute. Only the talents needed by the Group will be recruited by Star University, and this generation of talents will be fully cultivated by Star University, because this A generation of people will directly enter the Star Group to work.

"Okay, I'll call my two classmates right away." Not only his other two classmates were also ignored by major companies for this job, because their major is not a practical one. Professional, and now the companies that come to Star City to participate in this recruitment need the kind of practical talents who master Star Group's research and development ideas, so it is normal for them to be left out in the cold, after all, they are only engaged in theory.

Not long after, two other male gods appeared next to Lao Ma and the two boys. Lao Ma looked at these three as if he was looking at Jinshan. He didn't believe that these three talents released by Chen Qiang on purpose were useless .

"Come on, let's go in and have a chat. You can raise the salary as you like, and I will try my best to satisfy it." Lao Ma can't wait to sign the contract right now, but Xingkong University stipulates that companies must let students know their qualifications before recruiting students from West Zhejiang. Position and future prospects, and these must be written in the contract, and a backup contract must be given to Xingkong University.

"Qinghou, this President Ma seems a little unreliable." The three of them followed the old horse to the recruitment site of Interstellar Space, and a thinner man asked the man who met the old horse first.

"Song Yi, we have no choice. Even those schools have no intention of accepting us." Lu Qinghou rolled his eyes and whispered.

"Come on, drink water, don't be nervous, let's just chat casually, can you introduce yourself first." Lao Ma handed the water brought by the secretary to the nervous Lu Qinghou and the other three.

"Mr. Ma, my name is Lu Qinghou, and I'm from Suzhou Province."

"President Ma, my name is Song Yi, and I'm from Kyoto."

"President Ma, my name is Han Lin, and I'm from Yuhang."

Lao Ma listened carefully to the self-introductions of the three young people in front of him. Although they were all a bit similar, he still listened carefully.

"Not bad, I want to know what specific aspects of astrophysics you study at Xing Kong University." Ma finally asked his first and most important question.

"Mr. Ma, to put it simply, what we have learned is how to calculate the mass of a celestial body, the energy required for interception, and the required method through the speed and size of the celestial body." Lu Qinghou, who has the longest contact with the old horse, He acted as the person who made the introduction.

"What, you should be overtaken by other aerospace companies. Why can't you find a job?" The old horse is very strange, because meteorite capture has been developed in the whole world now, and this time alone has exceeded Hundreds of meteorites have been captured. Although some of them are stony meteorites and are not of great value, other captured meteorites have more or less rare metals, and a European company has captured an iron meteorite weighing about 5,000 tons. Meteorites were never transported to Earth after they were captured, and were directly bought by Starry Sky Mining in space.

Compared with the small amount of demand from other companies on the earth, the Star Group is not afraid of meteorites. As long as your meteorite contains the demand of the Star Group, it will be bought. And the money is never in arrears. The current Star Group will recognize it even if it gives a piece of paper, because now the Star Group has the hard currency space shuttle, and there is no need to worry about money.

"Mr. Ma, if we go in and say that we are studying astrophysics, they won't even give us a chance, and what we are doing now can be done by the current computer." Song Yi said with a wry smile.

"Oh, it's because they don't understand your strength. Besides, you are not the worst in the assessment results. This is your Mr. Chen sending talents to our companies. Well, I want you, and the treatment is according to the fifth level Come and decide, I will give you a promotion and a salary increase after you make achievements.” Lao Ma did not expect that the whole world is so impetuous now, and he sees farther than these impetuous people, because he is not limited Because of the situation of becoming a raw material supplier, and now the entire Ali is inevitably going to decline, so he is now focusing all his energy on interstellar spaceflight.

The double selection session lasted for a week. Star University enrolled a total of 5,000 people last year, of which 1,300 were those who stayed at Star University to continue their studies and entered the Star Group to work, and the remaining 3,700 people were all recruited. Entered the double election meeting. Among the 1,300 people who stayed in Star City, less than 50 were foreign students, and all the other foreign students chose to return to China. Among the 3,700 people who entered the double election meeting, 2,700 people chose to continue their studies in various universities, and the remaining 1,000 people entered various companies to start their working careers.

"Where did the three students I let go go to?" Chen Qiang asked Zong Ruodao who came to report after looking at some of the situation in this double election.

"It was all taken down by President Ma of Interstellar Aerospace." After so many years of training, Zong Ruo is now a mature person, and she married a researcher who joined Star University to teach last year, and has child.

"It seems that the old horse is going to be prosperous this time, but I really don't want to release these three children." Chen Qiang was a little bit sorry, but also a little bit admiring the old horse's shit luck.

"How about I call them back, I think they want to come back very much." Zong Ruo joked.

"Hey, sending out talents is like pouring out water, don't think about it. But you, as the new principal of Xingkong University, don't know if you have any difficulties." Chen Qiang put down the document in his hand and said.

"There is pressure. In fact, I really don't understand why Mr. Kong would rather become the dean of the independent school Xingkong Academy than the president of the entire Xingkong University." Zong Ruo understood very well.

"You should be able to understand this. In a few years from Xingkong University, I will let him enter Huaguo's college entrance examination unified recruitment plan. By this time, various things will be involved, so it is better to let a person in the system be in charge. It's better. You are a member of the system he cultivated, so you need to use these few years to build the entire Xingkong University into a team that belongs to you." Chen Qiang sighed.

"What does Mr. Chen mean, we won't recruit foreigners for a few years?" Zong Ruo frowned.

"No, we will recruit, just change the quota, use the quota of foreign students, and these students can only study in Xingkong University for one year." Chen Qiang explained.

"Will this cause dissatisfaction among foreign students?" Zong Ruo didn't understand.

"Didn't Mr. Kong already formulate the operation plan for the entire school? Didn't you read it?" Chen Qiang was really speechless.

"I read it, but I think a lot of it is unreasonable." Zong Ruo's voice was a little mean.

"Then go back and see if it's reasonable, just implement it directly. Let go of your belief that everyone is equal. The one year that should be given to those foreign students is enough for them." Chen Qiang explained lazily.

He doesn't like the children of these aristocratic families very much. If it wasn't for Kong Ru's recommendation, he wouldn't even give them the chance to meet. Too idealistic, they take it for granted that the world in their hearts is the whole world, this kind of people Chen Qiang is the most annoying.

Although Zong Ruo is now a member of the Starry Sky Department, Chen Qiang still did not let this person know the secrets of the Starry Sky University. To be precise, this person is still under Chen Qiang's investigation. The Zong family, one of the big families in Huaguo, has a very rich family background. It is said that the daughter of a family has been ignored in Starry Sky City for so many years, and even let her marry a researcher of Starry Sky Group. Very abnormal. If it were not for Kong Ru's persuasion, he would not have let this person sit in this seat at all.

"Brother, after testing, our second-generation space shuttle is now fully capable of going to Mars and the asteroid belt. Do you want to increase the number of people in the entire space station now and make preparations for the next step?" Chen Jun Ask Chen Qiang who is doing the experiment for instructions.

"Have you fully understood the energy block technology? Can it be used on the second space shuttle now?" Chen Qiang asked without looking up.

"Based on preliminary understanding, construction of our second space shuttle has already started, and the main energy supply is energy block technology, but the power of our space station is completely unable to store energy for energy blocks." Chen Jun is now very excited , because the entire space station's early warning can now run normally. If you don't see the earth outside the window from time to time, you won't feel that you are in space at all.

"That's good. I will prevent a group of people from going up in the near future. You will make a list of the missing people for me." Chen Qiang continued to do his own thing, and now he really wants to know how this germ will be when it meets his own. Phenomena after blood.

Chen Qiang is fully aware of his own body. After undergoing the transformation of Wuming mental method and cell activation fluid, although his body is very thin, the energy contained in it is huge. At least it can be said that even the world's The strongest soldier king is here, but it is not enough for Chen Qiang to fight.

So he planned to try it with his own blood to see if there were any results. After all, in those movies and novels, the human body can completely ignore the infection of these viruses after it is strong enough to a certain level. So he put a drop of his own blood on the lens containing the germs, and he planned to use a scanning electron microscope to see the effect of the combination of the two.

The moment he dripped the blood, the germs on the container toasted the blood and swallowed it, and the cells in Brother Zeng's blood began to swell, then began to divide, and finally formed a part of new cells. This made him very puzzled. He thought that this kind of bacteria could enhance his cell metabolism. This is good, but it is not good. So Chen Qiang decided to take apart a cell and observe it.

This observation led Chen Qiang to make a major discovery. After the virus invaded blood cells, it would crave the end of telomerase in the cells, and telomerase is a cause of human aging in modern medicine. The older the cell, the shorter the telomere length; the younger the cell, the longer the telomere. And normal cells have shorter telomeres. Cell division will shorten the telomere, divide once and shorten a little, just like wearing away an iron rod. If only a stump is left, the cell is close to aging. However, Chen Qiang found that the telomeres of the cells infected by this bacteria will not shorten when they divide, which should be a miracle in human lifespan.

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