Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 322 Help

"That's fine, I'll follow your arrangement. From the looks of you, the Qidian space station is running completely normally. Do you want to give the country a seat and let our researchers go up to do some experiments?" The elder suddenly thought of himself. On the table, a group of old academicians jointly signed an application for the national coordination to allow them to conduct experiments on Qidian, but he suppressed it, and it is just right to mention it now.

After not speaking for a long time, just when the elder was about to give up, a voice finally came from the microphone: "Yes, but we will share the research results of these academicians."

"There is no problem with this, it can be shared." The elder immediately agreed. The academicians who applied for these applications are all doing basic scientific research, and even if there are any achievements, they cannot become practical technology, so there is no requirement for confidentiality.

After exchanging opinions on many things with the elder, Chen Qiang finally hung up the phone with satisfaction. What excited Chen Qiang the most during the whole phone call was the fact that those academicians wanted to go to the starting point to do experiments. These are all masters in the field of basic science. Although he has now established a basic science research institute, it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice. Those researchers at Starry Sky Research Institute are half-baked, and they are very good at developing a material. But when they are asked to study a theory or ask some questions to study, they simply cannot do it. Even if a few seedlings were selected among them, without the guidance of a famous teacher, there would be no breakthrough at all.

Now it can be regarded as drowsiness meeting a pillow. What Chen Qiang is thinking now is whether to relocate the entire Academy of Basic Sciences to the space station. Now all the partitions of the entire space station have started to operate and open, so there is a great shortage of people.

Just do what you say, Chen Qiang immediately called Chen Jun: "Xiaojun, quickly make room for me over there for scientific research. I want to house the Institute of Basic Science. Also, this time the moon landing plan will have The people of the country board the space station for a period of time, so you make arrangements. You should understand what should be shown to them and what should not be shown to them.”

"I'll make arrangements now." Chen Jun couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard the news from Chen Qiang, because now he is finally going to send people up, and more than 10,000 people are needed to run the space station, and this is still with the help of robots. But many places still need a lot of people to operate, so even though the entire space station is in operation now, there are still many vacancies. But the first step of the Mars plan is all on the starting point space station, so he can't let these positions be vacant at all, otherwise it will affect the whole plan.

"That's good. The American lunar landing team will pass by the space station. Remember to be polite and give them some supplies or energy if possible. We want the whole world to see Star Group's responsibility." Chen Qiang suddenly thought what, quickly said.

"Understood." Chen Jun also knew what his brother was thinking, after all, the two of them were brothers.

In order to enhance its own prestige, the United States broadcast the entire moon landing process live on the Internet, and the details are very clear, that is to say, as long as any country has ten space shuttles, it can enter space in the same way. The United States is so frank His approach really won the praise of people and countries all over the world, but only praise, because in the minds of these people, the strength of the Star Group is the most powerful.

"Moon landing team, this is Houston, how are you all now? If possible, we will start the separation plan." In the command hall in Houston, a commander asked.

"Houston, we're fine. Would you like a cup of coffee?" He said and waved towards the camera with a cup of coffee.

"I think you need to put down your coffee, and the gravity device will be turned off next." He complained about this pilot, but he still reminded.

"Oh, yes. Let's get started." The astronaut quickly walked up to a metal wall, and then pressed on the wall, a slot appeared on the wall, and then the astronaut put the coffee and the cup into it .

"Okay, moon landing team, put on your space suits, sit in your seat and fix yourself, and prepare to leave." In order to save fuel during the whole process, NASA in the United States designed the whole process of landing on the moon to reduce the gravity The facility was cancelled. After all, if the gravity is cancelled, 21% of the energy will be spared. This energy has a great guarantee for the life of the astronauts.

After nearly fifteen minutes, the team leader and on-site commander of the lunar landing team, that is, the man drinking coffee just now, reported: "Houston, this is the lunar landing team. The preparations have been completed and the departure plan can be carried out."

"Understood, it is expected to disengage in ten minutes and start to turn off gravity." So an unprecedented feeling appeared from all the astronauts who landed on the moon. They felt that they were now floating in the universe and coincided with the entire universe. .

Because the United States is not as rich and powerful as the Star Group, and directly uses super afterburner to increase the speed of the entire space shuttle, which will make the entire engine scrapped. So they took normal speed, and to save fuel they circled the Earth a full eighty times to get to breakaway speed.

"The moon landing team, this is Houston, we will start to disengage in ten seconds, ten, three, two, one, we will successfully disengage, I wish you good luck." In the lobby of the Houston Aerospace Command Center, a voice was very bright.

Compared with the Star Group's space station migration plan, the earth's gravity separation is not very advanced. After all, there is nothing new, and the most important of these is the huge number of forty-two space shuttles in the Star Group's space station operation plan. The fleet has seen it all, and the fleet of ten space shuttles is not attractive at all.

The U.S. moon landing program embarked on a journey. Because of the speed of the space shuttle, it took a full twelve hours to fly from the earth to the moon, which was already very short compared to the five days of the Apollo program.

The American people are jubilant at this time, because their country also has the ability to go to the moon, even surpassing Star Group. Although they are sometimes blind, this does not prevent their patriotism from spreading. So the whole of the United States is boiling, with various discounts and celebrations. Even at this moment, for foreigners who often live in the United States, it seems that Americans have really regained that kind of self-confidence, that kind of superpower self-confidence. This is what the White House wants to see. Maybe they succeeded this time. .

Surprisingly, the seven space shuttles finally arrived at the Earth-Moon point after a five-hour flight. As long as they pass through this position, they will truly leave the earth. But now they don't have the energy to think about this, because they are shocked by the huge monster in front of them.

Compared with the starting point space station in the last shot, the current space station seems to be more prosperous, especially the electromagnetic railguns on the side of the space station, which makes people tremble. After all, which muzzle is really too big Yes, even the main guns of the battleships during World War II are insignificant here.

Netizens were even more shocked, because everything in front of them was something from science fiction, and now they are very excited to see the real thing.

"I'll go, such a large-caliber gun, I'll take it."

"If this is a shot at the earth, I am afraid that a city will be destroyed."

"Upstairs is so stupid, at such a fast speed, the shells will be burned up in no time."

Compared with the discussion of netizens, many countries have held high-level meetings one after another, and let the families in the country pay attention. If anyone who is not good at offending the Star Group, then go to apologize, if the Star Group uses these railgun to retaliate, and the whole country will be buried with them.

Compared with the guesses of netizens, various countries do not believe that the atmosphere can withstand the attack of shells. You must know that the insulation materials of the Star Group are now at the forefront of the world. How much money, compared to the results achieved, these are not worth mentioning.

Just when the American space shuttle fleet was shocked by all this, a space shuttle took off from the airport of the starting point space station, and then flew towards the American fleet. In this scene, the commander of Houston began to get nervous. He held the microphone tightly, and he would authorize the weapon system on the space shuttle as long as there was a slight problem.

"Welcome friends from the United States to the Qidian space station. Chen Jun, the director of our space station, hopes that the space station can provide you with some assistance. After all, you are human heroes. We have prepared fresh food and sufficient energy for you. If You need to be able to follow our plane to land at our airport for a short rest, during this time we will give your space shuttle full energy." The space shuttle stopped not far from the US fleet, And said on the international channel of the radio.

"Johns, promise him." Just as the commander in front of the US lunar landing team hesitated, the order from Houston arrived.

"Thank you Starry Sky Group, and thank you to your station master. Please lead the way ahead." Now that Houston has issued an order, he also wants to see it, so Johns went along with it.

After the seven space shuttles of the United States landed at the airport of the starting point, they were grabbed into a warehouse by a very huge manipulator. This scene made Johns' scalp tingle, because it was really insecure.

"Johns, don't be nervous, don't you feel very insecure? I also felt this way when I first arrived, but it's good to get used to it." The navigator on the starting point said with a smile.

"Song, it's really insecure, why don't we land on the bridge." Johns complained.

"Johns, your space shuttle needs to be recharged. Now the bridge is landing a batch of goods from the earth, so there is no place for you to land." Song Tianye, Star Space One of the special astronauts, who was sent to accept the astronauts of the Star Group's second-generation space shuttle.

"Okay, Song, you want to buy me a drink." Johns knew that some devices on the bridge were not exposed on the side of the space station, so he went down the donkey along the slope.

"Johns, if you can persuade the country to stay here for a day, then I can buy you a drink." Sending Amano laughed loudly.

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