Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 323 The American Moon Base

The conversation between the two was interesting, at least it sounded interesting to the audience, but Houston was pissed off. This time, the astronauts were all selected from the pilots of the space shuttle, and this Johns was also an American super pilot, so he was appointed as the commander-in-chief. However, Johnson has a shortcoming that he talks a lot, like Like a chatterbox. "Johns, this is Houston, don't forget your mission, you only have one hour." Houston finally couldn't help reminding. "Song, it takes a day for our space shuttle to be fully charged, right?" Johns asked unwillingly. After asking this question, Houston wished he could grab this fool and beat him up. "It doesn't take that long, it can be fully charged in thirty-five minutes." Song Tianye replied honestly. These people will not be left on the space station at all, and this exchange is just a normal help. "Oh, Song, you can't give me good news." Johns said with his face covered. "The good news is that your next food will be very delicious." Song Tianye changed the topic directly.

Just under the gag of the two, the space shuttle also stopped, and the information officer of the space station also reminded Johns and these people to get off the space shuttle.

After Johns and his team got off the space shuttle, they didn't see busy people, but saw mechanical arms hanging from the ceiling one by one, and their space shuttle was also connected to the space shuttle. charging cable.

"Johns, you can't bring in your things, you can take them off." A middle-aged man came out of one of the girls next to him and said with a smile.

"Song, you really know how to joke, we don't have anything on us." Johns pretended to be stupid.

"Johns, you must be sincere. Since you want to wear it, wear it. We will provide you with a live broadcast signal." Song Tianye smiled mysteriously, and Johns laughed a little awkwardly.

"Hey, why the live broadcast is closed here, isn't it agreed to live broadcast the whole process?"

"That's right, I still want to see the interior of the Starting Point space station."

"Let's go directly to NASA's official website to make a complaint."

"Go, let's go together."

This kind of resentment is so deep that even foreign audiences don't like it very much, so NASA's official website fell in less than a minute. But even so, NASA still held the pressure and closed the live channel.

But after three minutes, the live broadcast resumed and the shooting was still very clear, while the video in a room of Mo in NASA Houston looked a lot blurred, even if the entire camera used the best quality.

"Report to the President, our live broadcast has resumed, and the picture quality is very clear. According to the inspection by the technical department, our line has been hacked. The biggest suspect is the Star Group." A black man came in and confronted the president who was watching with gusto said,

"What, our line has been invaded." The president was shocked, because this is a communication line that has not been developed, and it has gone through many generations of development. .

"Yes, President." The big man replied with his head down.

"Well, that's it, do we still have a chance." The President of the United States regretted becoming the president at this time.

Although NASA in the United States is gloomy, netizens all over the world are very happy, because the live broadcast has resumed, and the entire live broadcast content is very predictable. From the decoration of the space station to the pattern on the corridor of the space station, they all conform to the thoughts of the space station in the hearts of netizens.

"Song, Huaxia cuisine is so delicious, I want to eat some more." Johnson handed Song Tianye an empty bowl full of sauce.

"Johns, you eat too much. Noodles are hard to digest. Come, have a bowl of soup." Song Tianye served Johns a bowl of soup.

"Song, you are trying to kill me." Johns said aggrieved like a child. In fact, not just Johns, the entire moon landing team was very satisfied with the noodles in front of them, and everyone ate two bowls.

"Our Huaguo food is amazing. Just a bowl of Zhajiang Noodles conquered their stomachs. If it was something else, wouldn't it make them swallow their tongues." These are the opinions of Huaguo netizens.

As for the views of foreign netizens, it is relatively simple. There is only one sentence: "What do these astronauts eat that looks delicious." Maybe this will be a sign that the fried noodles are popular abroad.

After eating the noodles, Johns and the others still wanted to continue their voyage, although they were very sad. They are not fools, it is impossible for them to stay, even if Houston agrees to the starting point space station, they will not take them in.

The voyage continued for six hours, because the space shuttle stopped at the space station for a while, so the initial velocity from the earth's gravity was gone, so the next journey needed to rely on the power of the entire space shuttle, because this time the entire spaceflight The energy of the aircraft is full. So this time Johns and the others drove the speed of the entire space shuttle to the maximum, let the space shuttle have an initial speed and then turned off the engine.

In this way, the voyage of turning on the engine for a period of time and then turning off the engine took a full six hours to complete the entire voyage.

Johns and the others were lucky. They didn't encounter a single meteorite or even a little bit of space junk during the whole process. This kind of good luck made Chen Qiang feel a little jealous. Xingkong Aerospace transported materials to the starting point space station, and basically encountered meteorites or space junk every day. It has been a full three months since the space station has been operating. Only five space shuttles were lost, and these five space shuttles have been completely scrapped and can only be recycled.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the scrapping of five space shuttles made Anderson feel bad for a while. After all, this is 250 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to the annual revenue of Xingkong Motors.

The entire process of the US moon landing took one hour, and it took eighteen hours from launch to entering lunar orbit, which is already a record for the moon landing. After the fleet of space shuttles entered orbit, Houston did not immediately issue an order to land on the moon, but carried out an inspection of the three space shuttles that were used to supplement the energy of the other four space shuttles.

After the inspection was completed, Houston issued an order to land on the moon. This time, the seven space shuttles, except for one that had already replenished its energy and one 'tanker', the other five space shuttles began to prepare for landing. on the surface of the moon.

"What are they trying to do? Isn't it to land on the moon? Why do they let all five space shuttles land on the moon?" Mu Bing lay on the bed and leaned on Chen Qiang's shoulder, looking at the screen in front of him and asked suspiciously.

"They are planning to use the space shuttle to build a survival base on the moon. This is a good way, but it is too tricky." Chen Qiang carefully observed the photos of the space shuttle taken by the starting point space station. just said.

"This is indeed a solution, but how do they solve the ecological cycle problem of the entire base? You must know that the cycle system on our first-generation space shuttle can never do all of this." Mou Bing is now an expert in the aerospace field But he still couldn't see through this operation.

"You see, three of their seven space shuttles are so-called 'tankers', one is a command plane, and one is a space shuttle for return. What are the remaining two for? I think their The solution lies in these two space shuttles." Chen Qiang analyzed that he now feels that he already has a good understanding of the technology in this world, but now he still underestimates the technology in this world. You must know that Ecosphere No. 1 and Ecosphere No. 2 in front of you were first initiated and established by the United States. After so many years, it is normal to have some progress.

"Then if this base is successfully established, then our plans with the country will be shelved." As the supreme leader of the entire star system, Mou Bing knows the plans of Chen Qiang and the country.

"It's okay, their small base is nothing at all. If there is a slightly larger meteorite, it can't resist it at all. The defensive cover on the space shuttle also has a certain carrying capacity." Chen Qiang said. In the plan of Chen Qiang and the country, this time the moon landing will establish two bases on the back of the moon, one belonging to Huaguo and the other belonging to Star Group. And these two bases have one thing in common, that is, the entire base is located under the moon, to be precise, it should be in a cave. After all, as the first permanent base, safety comes first. The moon is attacked by meteorites very frequently, and there may be meteorites falling from the sky that day.

"But what if they deploy weapons." Mu Bing expressed his thoughts. After all, this is normal. You must know that laser weapons are not exclusive to Star Group, but the laser weapons of other countries are not as high-energy and small as Star Group's. volume. There is also the electromagnetic rail gun, which is not difficult at all. Anyone who knows a little bit of principle can build it, but it is a matter of power.

"It's useless. Whether it's a laser weapon or an electromagnetic railgun, each launch requires a huge amount of energy. I don't think they can launch multiple launches with the power of these space shuttles alone." Chen Qiang was very confident this time. , because the electromagnetic railguns of the Qidian space station had been tested once, and the energy consumption of the entire space station was horribly exhausted. If there was no spare energy, the entire space station would shut down.

You must know that these energy sources are accumulated by the space station for ten days, so after the test launch, Chen Qiang decisively began to soak in the experimental project of miniaturizing the nuclear fusion reactor.

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