"It's time to start working, why are you so dazed?" Song Tianye called Yan Qianhai out of his daze in the past. He didn't expect that his daily operations would make these people lose their minds.

"Ah, we've reached the moon." Yan Qianhai just came out of the shock just now. From his position, it looked like the space shuttle had already landed on its nose when it was 500 meters away.

"Young man, the universe is full of such dangers. I don't know why the country sent you here, but you are already here, so you should work according to your operation. If you can't, then I will take off immediately." Song Tianye also I understand that the astronauts sent by these countries are in such a situation because of their own operations just now, so I sincerely warned.

"Okay, we can." Yan Qianhai still knew the seriousness of the matter, so he quickly nodded and agreed. So he got up and woke the others up. But after they woke up, two women started crying immediately. At this time, the country has already cut the live broadcast to the live broadcast room. The reason is that the astronauts have to change their clothes during this period to prepare for the next moon walk.

Seeing two girls crying, Song Tianye finally understood that the rumors in Qidian space station were not false. Some of these astronauts are children of various families, and the country spent such a huge amount of money this time to appease these families and pave the way for the next national urban reform.

"Why are you crying, now you have two choices, land on the moon with me in 15 minutes. Or we will start returning to the voyage after 15 minutes. Is your family powerful? There are so many experienced astronauts in the Huaguo Aerospace Brigade I don’t want you to be a member, let you rookies carry out this mission. I don’t care who you are, but I know that more than 500 million people in the whole world are watching Huaguo’s moon landing. If you don’t go down, then you will be the entire Huaguo. A sinner of the country." Song Tianye is very angry now, he did not expect the country to be so sloppy this time.

And Chen Qiang was also very angry at this time. At first he thought that these astronauts were the new generation of astronauts in the country, but he didn't expect that they were the children of several families, so he called Xu Bu.

"Chen Qiang, the Great Elder knows that you are going to call me, tell me what you want to know." Xu Bu calmly looked at the angry Chen Qiang on the screen.

"Let's talk, those idiots belong to those families. It seems that these families are very powerful, and they can even participate in such a large aerospace project." Chen Qiang gritted his teeth.

"The Yan family, the Bai family, the Ma family, and the Yang family are all first-class families in Huaguo." Xu Bu didn't hide anything, because it was useless to hide, and it wouldn't take long to use the artificial intelligence method of the Star Group. Find out.

"Okay, since the country doesn't think it's wrong, then there's nothing wrong with the Star Group, but it's better not to drag the Star Group into things like this in the future. You also know that I hate these greedy people very much. .” Chen Qiang’s expression immediately returned to calm.

"I'll tell you." Xu Bu still had the same expression. But when he turned off the virtual screen, the wry smile on his face was fully revealed. He knew that the country had disappointed Chen Qiang. This time the moon landing plan was specially pulled out by Chen Qiang to cooperate with the country, in order to allow the country to be ahead of the world in the aerospace field.

The impact of a moon base is huge, and anyone with a little brain can understand this truth. With Hua Guo's ability, there is no way to build such a huge permanent base. It must be known that this base can accommodate more than a thousand people.

And the most important thing is that this base belongs to Hua Guo in the end, including the construction drawings of the entire base and so on. In other words, as long as Huaguo has a thorough understanding of the technology, it can build its own base. But now the entire cooperation has broken down, and this may be the last time the country will cooperate with the Star Group.

"Okay, now follow me to get off the space shuttle, remember the movements you have practiced, and don't run around." Song Tianye opened the moon ramp after a few instructions, and then opened the door in front of him.

Because Song Tianye was really worried about these people, he also joined the moon landing team. There are a total of six astronauts who landed on the moon this time, and the two crying ladies and a man did not get off the space shuttle. As for the remaining four are real astronauts, they have already prepared for this .

It took a total of 30 minutes to land on the moon, and then the entire moon landing team returned to Xingchen-1 after completing the mission according to the scheduled plan. The whole country of Hua was boiling, they didn't see the bad intentions behind this, they just saw someone from Hua country landed on the moon and planted the national flag of Hua country on the moon.

"Huaguo successfully landed on the moon today, and our store plans to open for free for one day to celebrate."

"My florist is cowhide."

"This prosperous world is as you wish."

"I think that rabbit can make a side story again."

The goal of the Star Group and Huaguo's joint moon landing is to occupy the entire back side of the moon, with one and half of the two families. And in the whole plan, the two companies will spend ten years building two cities with a population of one million on the moon. It seems that these domestic families have taken a fancy to the two cities and plan to occupy some of them in advance. But Tarn's calculations were a bit wrong. The children of the family who were spoiled and spoiled since childhood could not experience strong winds and waves at all. If it weren't for Hua Guo TV's quick response, the ugly behavior of these astronauts would have been exposed.

And it looks like even any city that belongs to the Starry Sky City has to intervene. Since the opening of the Starry Sky City, the city has become more and more prosperous, and the penetration of various families in the country has become stronger and stronger. There are too many people hovering around the gate of the Starry Sky Research Institute every day. Some people come here just to take a look. As for others, they have some ulterior motives of their own.

Sometimes compromises can be made, this is an art of communication, for example, he just turned a blind eye to the infiltration of Starry Sky City by various families. But excessive compromise is not art, but a fool. Chen Qiang will never let these people enter the moon base.

China's moon landing was successful, but the moon landing plans of various countries have just begun. The first one is the country of Japan. They are still rich and powerful, and they also took off with ten space shuttles, using the American plan to carry out a perfect jump flight. But when they came to the starting point space station, the starting point space station did not welcome them to rest, but sent a fleet to replenish the energy of the ten space shuttles.

Because of the perfect plan of the United States, Japan finally succeeded in landing on the moon, and the location of the moon landing was near the United States. Even when they came back, only two space shuttles came back. This made Chen Qiang once again firmly believe that the United States has a conspiracy. Then came the third brother next door to Huaguo. The third brother was so proud that he didn't accept the energy supplement from Qidian space station at all. Dropped two space shuttles directly near the starting point and continued on the journey. However, compared to the United States and Japan, they were unlucky. They were attacked by a group of meteors while leaving the earth-moon point for the moon, and directly lost three space shuttles. If it wasn't for the timely rescue from the starting point, I'm afraid someone will perish in the process.

So the third brother's moon landing failed, and three space shuttles were lost. With the lesson of the third brother this time, the countries behind have taken it seriously. Although they were attacked by meteorites, they still survived. During the entire month, a total of twelve countries waited for the moon, and these countries all used the United States to jump to the moon. Mao Xiong was the last one to land on the moon. Because Mao Xiong and the United States have never dealt with each other, when Mao Xiong's moon landing team photographed the moon base composed of five space shuttles, it was directly announced.

The entire United States is boiling, but the US government is smiling wryly. Because they don’t want to expose it yet, this base is just a forward base, the people stationed inside have signed death agreements, and the United States still has plans for the follow-up, if this base is exposed, then their follow-up plans will be destroyed as soon as they come out Opponents guess what these devices are for. And the most important thing is that now the Star Group has developed the second-generation space shuttle star series, which has a great impact on this plan of the United States. The current U.S. economy is not very good and simply does not have the ability to compete.

Because of this incident, the Xingkong Group and Huaguo were not very happy, but the construction of the entire base is still in an orderly manner. After all, this is the established policy of the Xingkong Group, or this is the return of the Xingkong Group to Huaguo.

"I think our side needs to speed up as soon as possible. I plan to make the entire space station run. What do you think?" Chen Qiang looked at the senior leaders who knew about the Mars project.

"Mr. Chen, Star Group's various subsidiaries are starting to be short of people again. According to the design of the Qidian space station, 30,000 people are needed to run the entire space station. The Qidian space station counts the group of people who went up a while ago. It's only 3,000 people, and the remaining 27,000 people can't be drawn by the Starry Sky Group." Anderson spread his hands and said helplessly, thinking that the last recruitment would give the Starry Sky Group a chance to breathe a sigh of relief, but he still A little bit wrong, he thought wrong about the expansion speed of Star Group.

"Mr. Chen, we also have a shortage of researchers here. We need to select a group of researchers. We have too many tasks to undertake." Kong Ru, the director of the Starry Sky Research Institute, also said at this time. Kong Ru, the director of the research institute, was placed by Chen Qiangqiang, because he is really busy now and has no time to deal with some official affairs of the research institute, so he pushed Kong Ru, who was just about to take a break, to the seat.

"Then select, select from the research departments of each subsidiary. The research institute prevents an assessment, and the test questions can be directly extracted from the question bank when the time comes." Chen Qiang said directly, the project of the research institute is the entire Mars project The key to success, people must not be missing.

Although the general managers of the various subsidiaries below had something to say, they also knew the importance of this plan, so they suppressed the words in their hearts, but the students who had just entered the research department also had some psychological balance.

"Mr. Chen, I think that since there is a shortage of people at the Qidian space station, I think it is possible to recruit people nationwide or even around the world, and then through collective training, it only takes one month to complete all the training. In a The Qidian space station’s order to the country has already been completed in July, so do your best to catch up with the time.” Lei Jun suggested.

"I think it is possible to recruit, but the people who go to the Qidian space station need to be selected among employees from all over the company, so that the employees' loyalty to Star Group will be higher." Mu Bing also put forward his own suggestion. People with high loyalty are really needed to go to the space station, after all, here they can get in touch with a lot of confidential things of the Star Group.

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