Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 328 Using Games to Improve Battleships

"However, this will cause another chaos in the Star Group. Now that the Star Group is on the right track, it will undergo a large-scale exchange of blood. This will not benefit the development of the Star Group." Lei Jun retorted.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Recruit 30,000 people in All Star City and All Star Group to go to the starting point space station. At the same time, the personnel department of each subsidiary will start recruiting talents from all over the world. At least 100,000 people will be recruited. Is there any problem? .” Chen Qiang directly issued an order.

"No problem." Now everyone has no problem, whether it is the starting point space station or the Starry Sky Group, they all got what they wanted. The space station has obtained a population of 30,000 people, and the Star Group has obtained a recruitment quota of 100,000 people. Now the Star Group finally has no shortage of people.

It's not a lack of money that plagues Star Group's expansion, but a lack of people. With these 100,000 people, the size of the Starry Sky Group can be increased by about ten times. Although they know that these people will still leave the Starry Sky Group at some point in the future and enter other departments of the Starry Sky System, at least for now, the Starry Sky Group The group will no longer have the trouble of lack of people.

The first to release the news was the Star Group, to be precise, it should be the office, and announced to the employees of the entire Star Group the information to recruit 30,000 people to go to the starting point. The second one to release the news was the Xing Kong Research Institute. The scope of the information received was narrowed, only the employees of the research departments of the various subsidiaries received it, and it was the kind of employees who had been employed for more than three years. The last one is the recruitment information released by Xiangxiang all over the world. Because each subsidiary of Star Group has its own personnel department, this recruitment information is released in the name of each subsidiary, but the recruitment of more than 10,000 people in each subsidiary makes the whole The world is boiling over.

For a while, the mailboxes of the HR departments of various subsidiaries were filled with various resumes. If it weren't for the Starry Sky Group's artificial intelligence 'Xingkong', the mailboxes of the HR departments would have been blown up long ago. According to statistics, within 24 hours after Star Group's recruitment information appeared, the personnel departments of Star Group's subsidiaries received a total of 30 million resumes. There are at least 23 million resumes, and this is the result of preliminary screening by 'Starry Sky'.

In fact, it is very accidental that Star Group can receive so many resumes. The first reason is that it is just in the early stage of autumn recruitment, and some college graduates who are ready to find a job have already prepared their resumes and are ready to find a job; The second reason is that companies are now proficient in the use of artificial intelligence, so there is no need for more people, which also leads to many people not being able to find their favorite jobs. In addition, the national security is not low, so Many young people who can't find the job they want don't want to look for it anymore, and there are still many of them. The third reason is that Star Group's high benefits and leading position in the aerospace field are very attractive. Many people who already have jobs have also sent their resumes to Star Group. After all, people go to high places.

The work outside is in full swing, but now Chen Qiang is really as big as a cow, and he really doesn't know what to do in the face of this stubborn kid.

"Mr. Chen, I have already designed a lot of medium-sized warships, but Starspace Aerospace has no intention of building a test ship. You also know that all warships cannot be regarded as a mature ship if there are no test ships and some problems are discovered. battleship." Bai Xinyuan said very sincerely.

"Xinyuan, I think you can accompany your mother, I know your eagerness, but you don't know that the entire Star Group doesn't have the strength to build this warship, and such a huge body proves that Leaving the earth is also a problem." Chen Qiang also has some headaches, although he really wants to build a warship, even the smallest one, but now the Starry Sky Group simply can't produce any excess production.

"Mr. Chen, we can build at the Qidian space station, and you are recruiting 30,000 people to enter the Qidian space station. I want to take a look. I just want to check the construction site of the Qidian space station. Let's see if we can expand a dock." Bai Xinyuan finally couldn't help but reveal his purpose.

"No, there is no extra material to complete a battleship at the Qidian space station, and the most important point is that Starry Sky Group cannot produce spacecraft like battleships." Chen Qiang directly refused.

"Mr. Chen, this time my mother agrees to my going." Bai Xinyuan could only show his last trump card and said.

After Chen Qiang heard this sentence, he thought for a while. Otherwise, Bai Xinyuan also had Tie Xinlan's reasons for leaving Starry Sky City, but not all of them. He needs to think of a way to let this one achieve his goal. After all, although the battleship cannot be built, his Design work cannot be stopped.

After thinking hard for a long time, he finally found a way. The online game is a virtual online game to be precise, using the high intelligence of the "starry sky" to build a starry sky battlefield in the virtual network, and there are many war weapons in these battlefields. The battleship designed by Bai Xinyuan will also be put into the entire battlefield through simulation. The power of human beings is powerful.

"Xinyuan, you can't go. I need you to bring this group of people to create a game, a Star Wars game. What do you think of the battleship you designed can be simulated in this way?" Chen Qiang looked up at Bai Xinyuan Said with expectant eyes.

"But Mr. Chen, the network simulation is not very accurate." Bai Xinyuan said with his head down when he heard Chen Qiang reject him.

"How about we use 'Starry Sky' as the intelligent program of the entire simulator?" Chen Qiang said an answer that surprised Bai Xinyuan. You must know that in the entire Starry Sky City, 'Starry Sky' is the last and the first line of defense. He can't get in touch with it, and he has only been in contact with the Starry Sky Research Institute.

"This is fine, but the current virtual helmets are not very effective." Bai Xinyuan still has some ideas about the effect of the entire game. After all, if he wants to achieve a 100% effect, the current virtual helmets can't do it. The virtual helmet mentioned here is the product of Star Group, not the virtual helmet of other companies.

"It doesn't matter, the virtual cabin should be released now, and now the company is going to launch a virtual helmet with a simulation degree of 85%, which should be almost enough." Chen Qiang has long been interested in the open game cabin I plan to, now that even the biotin drink and the healing medicine have been sold, there is no problem with a virtual cabin, and the high-level game cabin in Huaguo has been fully rolled out. When the Star Group provided virtual cabins to the military, they provided them according to the number of one per person, but in fact, a regiment may only have a virtual cabin for one battalion, and it is not known where the rest will go.

"That's fine, but I need a group of talents who are familiar with game design." Bai Xinyuan said directly. He also knew that it would be impossible for Xingkong Aerospace to build a test ship. The purpose of his visit today is to enter the starting point He really wants to go to the universe to have a look. Although he also signed up last time, he didn't go because of his mother's obstruction. Now he finally got the consent, but his application was pushed back. The reason is that there are no extra children in the family.

"There is no problem with this. Our company has many people who have participated in the development of the game "Age of Mythology" before. I will send you a list at that time, and you can select it yourself. If there is still a shortage of talents, you can recruit from outside, but inside Don't let those recruited come in touch with some of the core things." Chen Qiang called up a file and passed it to Bai Xinyuan.

After sending away Bai Xinyuan, Chen Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, because it seems that Qidian space station has stabilized, so now many people want to work there, so there are still many people who come to the office to look for him during this period of time. , They are all old people from the past, he can't even think about it. However, he insisted on his bottom line in the end, and did not agree to the requests of these people. The rules are the biggest in Chen Qiang's place, and this time the screening conditions were issued after he signed them himself, and no one is allowed to destroy them, not even him.

The external recruitment is vigorous, but because of this recruitment, the attention of a product that has been quietly launched in Xiaomi direct stores in various places has become very small. But gold will never be buried. When some Starry Sky fans found this legendary virtual cabin, they were in a bad mood, so they directly took out their savings to buy it.

It takes time for the event to ferment, but for the Star Group, none of this is true. Three hours later, the news of Star Group's withdrawal from the virtual cabin directly appeared on the headlines of major media, and the words with exclamation marks were still used.

The virtual cabin and the virtual helmet are products of an era. Up to now, the Star Group has launched ten helmets with different degrees of simulation, but the virtual cabin is not available online, especially for some game fans. This is a very bad situation. news. Because the use of the virtual helmet is limited, if the use time exceeds the limited time, the virtual helmet will automatically lock and cannot be opened. Although it can be opened forcibly, it will cause great damage to the human brain.

"The Star Group has finally discovered its conscience and finally sold virtual cabins."

"But it's so expensive, it costs 50,000 Huayuan."

"Oh, my friend, you don't know the price of the virtual cabin in Europe, which is a total of 10,000 euros."

"This price is already acceptable. You must know that the virtual helmet costs about 8,000 Chinese yuan."

"I just bought one, and it's very good, but the nutrient solution inside needs to be replaced regularly."

"Everyone, there is only 30,000 difference between me and the virtual cabin. I don't know who can support me."

"I'll go, I thought you were going to say fifty thousand."

"Hey, I still have a little conscience."

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