Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 329 New Airport

The sales of the virtual pod exploded on this day. All the stocks in the Xiaomi direct store were sold out, and 5 million units were also sold on the Xingkong shopping website. The total of the two combined exceeded 13 million. tower. This is not the biggest problem. The price of a nutrient solution on Xingkong Shopping Network is 1,000 Huayuan, and the nutrient solution must be changed once a month, but if you use it frequently, you need to change it every half a month. Change it once, so basically the Star Group will receive 13 billion in funds every month.

Because the simulation degree of the virtual cabin was as high as 100%, sales reached a peak again on the second day, with sales reaching as high as 30 million units. This number makes all companies and even all countries feel jealous, because this number is a bit large, and the Star Group is equivalent to harvesting the wealth that countries have saved with great difficulty.

However, the Star Group also knows that it is not safe to keep so much money in their hands, so they started a global acquisition, basically the money they got was spent, and the countries let the Star Group go. And now Star Group has established branches in various countries, and when paying taxes, it also pays taxes to the governments of various countries. Because it makes money, it also pays a lot of taxes, so many countries hope that Star Group can establish a branch in their country. After all, no one will refuse such a huge tax.

Star Group's aggressive acquisitions are not without problems. The biggest problem is that the global mineral prices have increased sharply, and there is still a shortage of supply. So now the whole company can only use the same money to buy 60% of the previous minerals.

As a result, space mining has become more and more popular. Coupled with the fact that the Star Group is very happy to give money, many meteorite capture companies have begun to carry out meteorite capture activities frantically. But sometimes being too eager can easily lead to disaster.

A meteorite capture company in Europe and China found a meteorite with a diameter of 300 meters, but because the meteorite was too big, they planned to smash it into pieces by bombardment, and then jointly with other meteorite capture companies to send the meteorite to the eat it. But things did not develop as they expected. The missile they launched did not shatter the meteorite, but only smashed one piece, and the remaining large piece directly changed its trajectory and flew towards the earth.

Meteorites with a distance of several hundred meters have been rubbed and burned by the atmosphere for at least one hundred meters. If this falls in a densely populated area, there will be no living creatures for hundreds of kilometers around. But because the location where the meteorite capture company operates is too close to the earth, there is simply no time to bombard the meteorite again.

"Report, find the target, whether to attack." On a nuclear submarine in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a radar soldier reported.

"Wait, let's wait." Although this commander has obtained the key to the president's nuclear bomb, he is still very cautious when launching a nuclear missile, even though the target of the missile is the bomb that is about to fall on the earth. on the meteorite.

This scene is being staged in many countries, some are nuclear submarines and some are road-based missiles. At this moment, they were all waiting for someone to beat this guy down.

"Launching, the first thing that failed was the bear's nuclear missile. They launched it first." At this moment, many people on the earth were watching the missile meet the meteorite, but they missed it perfectly and then the missile exploded in the air.

The second nuclear missile was launched, and this time it hit, but there were still many large pieces of the meteorite. So the third, fourth, and fifth missiles lifted off at the same time, and then flew towards several meteorites that were about to fall on land. All hit, and all dangers were eliminated, but this time the danger made many people on earth realize the danger of catching meteorites near the earth, so various countries decisively stopped various companies that caught meteorites.

"Mr. Chen, our current metal reserves can only supply the raw materials of Star City, and there is no extra resources to transport to the starting point space station." Su Yan complained directly, and now the entire Star City is undergoing large-scale expansion. The need for resources is enormous.

"Oh, I see. From now on, Xingkong Metal will stop transporting metals to the starting point space station." Chen Qiang also knows the difficulties of Xingkong Metal. Now the prices of various minerals on the earth are crazy, and there are still some There is no market for the price, and the Star Group seems to be preparing for a new way of energy acquisition.

"Xiaojun, is the Xingchen 2 space shuttle finished?" Chen Qiang called Chen Jun after Su Yan left the office.

"There is still one week before the delivery." Chen Jun said truthfully, but it was still relatively late. According to the scheduled construction plan, it should have been completed two weeks ago, but because of the rush to manufacture various parts for the lunar base, the construction of Xingkong-2 was slowed down.

"That's good, let's form a resource team. I will stop the various metal resources you transported from the ground. Now various countries have urgently stopped the meteorite capture plan. So I want Xingchen 2 to conduct a long-distance It’s the best way to go to the asteroid belt to get some resources, after all, the starting point can’t be stopped.” Chen Qiang explained.

"The closest meteorite from the earth to the asteroid belt is only 100,000 kilometers away, but it takes at least 200,000 kilometers to find some meteorites with relatively high metal content, and a round trip is 400,000 kilometers. This distance is a bit long, and it has certain effects on the astronauts' body and mind. Moreover, Xingchen 2 has never sailed such a long distance, so it is a bit risky." Chen Jun felt that it was a bit risky, so he said.

"There is no other way. It should be enough to bring a few more energy blocks." Chen Qiang also has no choice. This is the best way now. Chen Qiang is a little envious of the characters in those novels now, saying that hundreds of thousands of kilometers are hundreds of thousands of kilometers without considering the dangers during the voyage at all.

"That's okay, I will form a team, and I will start directly in a week." Chen Jun saw the exhaustion in his brother's eyes, so he agreed. In fact, the raw materials on the starting point space station are not very sufficient. If Xingkong Mining had not purchased some meteorites in a frantic manner some time ago, the raw materials would be exhausted now.

When Chen Qiang was troubled by raw materials, especially metals, the United States began to take the next step. They took off a total of 30 space shuttles in one day, and transported some parts to the earth's synchronous orbit. On the second day, the space shuttle that took off more than 30 sorties delivered the parts to a node going to the moon, and on the third day, the space shuttle that took off more than 30 sorties was still delivering parts to this stage. Although the parts were still being delivered on the fourth day, this time the space shuttle was farther away, but it was still on the necessary passage for the earth-moon navigation, and the parts delivered on the first day had already been assembled by ten astronauts .

Seeing this, Chen Qiang finally understood what the United States was going to do. They wanted to build a series of supply stations on the necessary passage from the earth to the moon, and then pass through these supply stations to control the entire passage. If the Star Group hadn't developed the second-generation space shuttle, then the United States would definitely win this time, and it won thoroughly. After all, this plan is too amazing. But there are no ifs in the world. What he can't figure out now is that since the United States has exposed its achievements and follow-up plans, why should they continue to build these supply points? You must know that this plan does not have any technical content. It can also be done.

However, after Lao Ma and the bosses of domestic aerospace companies came to him, he finally understood what the ultimate goal of the United States was.

"Mr. Chen, now the whole world is banning the project of capturing meteorites. Now our aerospace companies are almost unable to support themselves. They are all borrowed from the bank. The daily interest of such a huge amount of money is just a huge number." , if another month passes, we will go bankrupt." The old horse can be as miserable as he said. But after Chen Qiang listened, he just rolled his eyes. You must know that Star Group is owned by shares in Interstellar Aerospace. Now the Interstellar Space Company has a total of six first-generation space shuttles, two of which are for travel, and the other four are for meteorite capture, and the harvest is not bad. A total of four captures have been carried out, with a success rate of 100%. They are all iron meteorites, and they were sold to the Star Group for a total of 300 billion Chinese yuan. This is a huge number, and he doesn't think that interstellar spaceflight will go bankrupt.

Seeing the expectant looks in the eyes of the CEOs of hundreds of aerospace companies on the venue, Chen Qiang could only say, "Can we capture them 50,000 kilometers away from the earth, and there will be more meteorites over there."

"Mr. Chen, Star Group's first-generation space shuttle was developed by you. Don't you know its maximum range? Besides, it takes a lot of energy to intercept meteorites. What should I do if I can't come back after flying such a long distance? Why don't you use the Star Group’s second-generation star series space shuttle bought us one as a rescue tool.” A middle-aged man in his forties said with a smile.

"Mr. Yan from Yanhuang Aerospace, the idiot that landed on the moon some time ago belonged to your Yan family, why did you fall in love with our Xingchen No. 1, but don't think about it, at least the Xingchen series will not be sold within three years Tell your old man not to think about it." Chen Qiang said mercilessly, he hated this kind of person who used all his strength to negotiate with him.

"You..." President Yan of Yanhuang Aerospace pointed to Chen Qiang without saying a word for a long time, and finally did it with his unflinching eyes.

"Then what can you do?" Chen Qiang asked directly.

"Mr. Chen, our idea is to take the lead of the Star Group and gather funds from major aerospace companies across the country to build an airport. The material is located 50,000 kilometers away from the earth. What do you think?" Mingzhu Aerospace Han Hao said.

"This is indeed a good way, but we don't need to build it now, because the United States has already started construction. At that time, you can use the airport in the United States. After all, are they planning to make money after building it?" Chen Qiang said directly.

"Mr. Chen, according to our analysis, the United States seems to be building a supply line for the Earth-Moon channel this time, rather than building an airport." An old man said in a loud voice.

"They are indeed building an airport, because it is useless for them to continue to build a supply line, because if they really build a successful supply line, Huaguo will build one at all costs. This kind of competition is not good for their domestic economy Allowed." Chen Qiang analyzed.

"But Mr. Chen, it's better for us to have something ourselves." Lao Ma frowned.

"Airports are all the same, because there is no technical content, and since the United States has established an airport on the Earth-Moon Passage, then some other parts and directions will definitely be occupied by other countries. You don't have to worry about monopolizing things. " Chen Qiang spoke very carefully at this time, because he knew that these people came to him because they believed him.

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