Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 334 Scary exchange rate

"Okay, the front personnel will return to Xingchen 2 immediately, and we are going to go home." Chen Jun was also very happy with the one-time success.

"Okay, go home." After the five hummingbirds returned to Xingchen No. 2, Song Tianye directly pushed the afterburner of Xingchen No. 2 to the maximum, and then began to rush forward. But the reality is not like this. The speed of the space shuttle is very slow, even slower than the stretching process just now. But it's not without effect. The meteorite numbered 118 also began to move slowly, and the speed gradually increased, and finally it directly left its orbit.

Just like we push the cart, as long as you push the cart, you will save the rest. The same is true in space, because the Star II has been in a state of afterburner, so the speed of the meteorite No. 118 increased rapidly after leaving the orbit, and finally reached one-third of the full speed of the space shuttle.

This speed is also very fast, and it is also the optimum speed for the entire project after calculation. If the speed is too fast, it is not easy to stop the meteorite when it reaches the starting point space station. After all, the influence of the earth's gravity in this place is very low. If the speed is too slow, the entire return time will be increased, causing some physical problems for all astronauts.

Although Star II uses the technology supplied by energy blocks, its design is still a transportation-type second-generation space shuttle. Therefore, the protection of the human body is not well done, and many facilities are not available, such as air balance systems and physical exercise devices.

"Report, there is news from Xuanyuan Airport that Xingchen 2 has returned, and there is a meteorite weighing 100,000 tons." The sixth elder was reading the document, and the secretary said directly after coming in.

"One hundred thousand tons, do you know the composition of this meteorite?" Sixth Elder asked after pondering for a while.

"Unable to detect." The secretary could only tell the truth.

"Then continue to pay attention, and report to me as soon as you find the composition of this meteorite." The sixth elder could only say disappointedly.


After thinking for a while, Elder Six picked up the red phone again: "Second Elder, I think the meteorite brought back by Xingchen No. 2 this time must contain materials for making energy coins."

"Are you sure? You should know that now we have cut off the supply of materials from the Star Group, and they are short of all materials now." The second elder's disbelieving voice came from the microphone.

"Ninety-nine are inseparable. Now the number of energy coins announced worldwide has reached 50 billion, but so far Star Bank has released a total of 80 million. With the production capacity of Star Group, If it weren't for the shortage of materials, 50 billion star coins would only be a matter of a week." The Sixth Elder analyzed.

"Then keep an eye on this meteorite. We must master this technology. The United States is planning to hold 10 billion star coins. Maybe they know the material for making this energy coin. From this aspect, try to find out about this material." Be clear." The second elder ordered directly.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it." The Sixth Elder agreed.

"Old Chu, we are now grasshoppers on a rope, do you understand." The Second Elder suddenly said such a sentence for no reason.

"Understood, Second Elder." The Sixth Elder obviously understood what the Second Elder said.

In fact, not only China, but even every country in the world is cracking the technology of energy coins, because no country is willing to hand over its own country's finances to others, which is really too dangerous.

The news that Star Group captured a meteorite with a weight of 100,000 tons has been known all over the world under the publicity of many meteorite capture companies. 100,000 tons is a very huge number. You must know that meteorite captures in the world have so far The company's record for capturing meteorites is 8,300 tons, and in order to capture this meteorite, the meteorite capture company sacrificed two space shuttle pilots and lost a space shuttle. However, the report brought was also rich, and the entire meteorite was sold by the Star Group for 500 billion US dollars.

"Xiaojun, what did you gain this time? Did you find the black gold?" Chen Qiang hurriedly called and asked after learning that the team he had sent out had returned.

"Fortunately, we dragged back 100,000 tons of black gold, enough for us to use for a while." Chen Jun's face was also red at this time.

"That's good, you send a thousand tons to Xingkong City as soon as possible. And when the time comes, Xingchen No. 1 will be sent over. The nuclear fusion miniaturization of Xingkong Research Institute has been completed, and all parts have been processed. The starting point is also preparing a place, this time I plan to build three nuclear fusion power generation devices on the starting point, as for the use, you understand, so the location should be hidden." Chen Qiang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I will send the fleet over as soon as possible. But now that we have the materials, we can fully produce at the starting point. I don't know when the 30,000 people given to us this time will be in place." With these 30,000 people He can do a lot of things, so Chen Jun still pays great attention to the training of these people.

"Soon, I'll send you there next month." In fact, Chen Qiang is more anxious than anyone else about the full production of the Qidian space station, but the training of these people who are about to go up must be done well. He is letting these people go up to work. It is not for these people to go up to die.

Star Bank delivered the energy coins of all countries, and then began to announce the exchange prices of various national currencies and star coins on the official website of Star Bank. The lowest is the United States, where the exchange rate between star coins and US dollars is 1:100, which is the only three-digit exchange rate in the world. Because the euro is an area, the exchange rate between him and star currency is 1:80, which is the only two-digit exchange rate in the world. The next thing is that the exchange price of Huayuan and Xingbi is 1:1100. As for the exchange prices of other countries are all higher than this figure, this makes the whole world very shocked, because there is no need for the star coins at this exchange price to circulate in the market.

Take Hua Yuan as an example, one star coin is 1,100 Hua Yuan, and now the average salary in the entire Hua Country is no more than 6,000, which means that only six star coins can pay the salary. No one is very happy that the originally thick one suddenly turned into six. And even a dime of star coins is worth one hundred and ten Chinese yuan, so there is no need for circulation at all.

Of course, some smart countries have also discovered the clues. The changes in these exchange rates are basically related to the number of energy coins held by each country, so some countries began to urgently hold energy coins. Sure enough, after holding a large amount of currency The entire exchange rate has begun to decline, but more international currencies are still on the official website.

But then the Star Group's shopping website changed, allowing all countries to do their best to start holding energy coins. The price of a first-generation space shuttle is 500 million star coins, the price of a virtual cabin is 300 star coins, and so on. The prices of all the items of the Star Group use star coins, which also makes countries start to increase their holdings of energy coins crazily. You must know that the same space shuttle only needs 50 billion if you buy it with US dollars, but if you buy it with Chinese dollars Then it would cost 550 billion, which is nearly half of what it was before. This is still Huaguo, like those small countries, because they don’t hold energy coins, the exchange rate between their currency and the U.S. dollar is one to one, but the star bank directly sets the exchange rate between the star coin and the country’s currency at 1:5000 , that is to say, the currency of this country has devalued five thousand times at once.

This country may not recognize this result, but the currency of this country will never be accepted by Star Bank, which means that people who hold this currency have no way to buy any products of Star Group. And now many players have recognized this exchange rate. If this small country does not recognize it, their currency will become worthless.

Maybe this is the dominance of the Star Bank, which simply does not give those small countries a way out. Holding energy coins is not a free increase. These countries need to exchange some of their own minerals, just like if a country wants to issue more currency, it must buy some gold from the market, otherwise the issuance of this batch of currency will fail. .

Strongly promote the energy currency system, which is what every country in the world is doing. The gold standard system is a thing of the past, and all countries and peoples are adapting to it. With the release of Star Bank's exchange rate conversion, the exchange rate conversion between countries will also start to change, and there will be a lot of profits in it, so there is such a thing as foreign exchange speculation in the market.

Compared with the chaos of currency reforms in various countries in the world, everything in Huaguo's reforms is very smooth. Because Huaguo holds a large amount of US foreign debt, and in this turmoil, the US dollar and the euro are the two currencies least affected. Therefore, Huaguo's currency reform is very orderly. After Huaguo increased its holdings of energy coins, the exchange rate between star coins and Huayuan finally stabilized at the level of 1:500.

Although this order of magnitude gave Huayuan a slight appreciation, it was within the tolerance of the country. All countries are supporting this currency reform, and no country directly uses star coins as the currency of the entire country, because the face value of star coins is too large, and it is not suitable for circulation in the market at all.

"Mr. Chen, the face value of the star coin is too high. There is no way to circulate it in the world. We need to readjust the face value of the star coin." Zhang Zhengtao complained.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't use star coins as a currency in circulation. It's good that this currency is only circulated in various countries and companies." Chen Qiang said emphatically.

"Mr. Chen, what is the reason for us to issue star coins? We can just issue energy coins directly, so we can also control the finance of the whole world." Zhang Zhengtao asked suspiciously.

"The existence of star coins is just as a medium between energy coins and currencies of various countries. The real constant value currency is only energy coins, and the star group is not only an energy device of energy coins, but also an energy device of energy blocks. According to the conversion of electric energy, one energy is almost equivalent to 30,000 energy coins. You should understand." Chen Qiang knew that this was a stubborn old man, so he explained.

"I understand, Mr. Chen is still thinking far-reaching." Zhang Zhengtao also understood the thinking of Mr. Chen in front of him, so he left satisfied. As a newcomer who just joined the Star Group, he knew the core secret of the Star Group He still has something to be dissatisfied with. Sometimes it is not good to know too much of him, so he left the office decisively.

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