Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 335 Roller Coaster

"Hello everyone, today I plan to go to the moon to take a look. During the whole process, I plan to take you to see the space station of Huaguo and the airports of the five major countries, and learn more about the starting point space station. Go see Guanghan Palace." Before boarding the plane, Chen Qiang said to the camera controlled by Xingkong.

"Wow, you look so awesome."

"Isn't this a trip where you just leave and leave?"

"It's too grand. There is no way to go on this trip without a million star coins. It's just all the service money. But if you don't have the 'Starry Sky' series of space shuttles and the 'Star' series of space shuttles, you are rich Can't make it through either."

"Look, this is the space shuttle I'm going to take this time, which can be regarded as my turning point. This space shuttle has just rolled off the assembly line, and all its parts are brand new, and the most important thing is that this space shuttle uses Energy coins are used as energy. However, this also caused the price of this space shuttle to be half the price of the previous space shuttle, so only two space shuttles were produced here, one called Xiaoyi, and the other It’s called Xiaolu, and it only belongs to me.” Standing in front of the nose of the space shuttle, Chen Qiang introduced the special features of the space shuttle in front of the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"How inhumane, the two space shuttles cost a total of 150 billion US dollars, which is 1.5 billion star coins. This is too rich."

"Everyone is a private jet, and now they all have private space shuttles."

"Mr. Chen has no shortage of flight attendants. I am protruding forward and backward. I need breasts and breasts, and I want flesh and flesh."

All of a sudden, the style of painting in the live broadcast room changed drastically, all begging Chen Qiang to bring them along. But because Chen Qiang didn't turn on his virtual screen, he couldn't see the barrage from netizens at all.

"Okay, it's time to board the plane." Chen Qiang walked into the space shuttle, but after he entered the space shuttle, the entire live broadcast room exploded again, because the interior of the entire space shuttle was really It's too luxurious, without the serious beauty of the aerospace industry at all. If it hadn't been introduced before that this is a space shuttle, netizens would never have thought that it was a space shuttle.

"Wait a minute, let me turn on my virtual screen. I didn't see the virtual screen at all just now." Chen Qiang sat on a sofa and said to the camera.

"Okay, the space shuttle is too luxurious, and I can't accept this problem. Everyone knows that I am a relatively frugal person. At the beginning, I just planned to get a space shuttle for myself as a special plane, but I didn't think about it. In order to please me, those guys made the space shuttle into what it is now, regardless of the cost, but since the money is spent, we can’t waste it, after all, it’s also 500 million star coins.” Chen Qiang looked innocent after seeing the barrage Said.

"I will obey you if I refuse to accept anyone."

"Wow, this B gives you a thousand and one points."

"500 million star coins, you still know that it is 500 million star coins, even if you give each of us 1,000 Huayuan, it won't be enough."

Now that the mysterious idol in my heart has finally come out to show his face, these young people are crazily posting barrage, and they are also very excited to see that their idol is like ordinary people.

"Oh, when will the lunar travel project be launched. It won't be too long. Everyone knows that our star group and Huaguo have cooperated in a moon landing plan and established a permanent living base on the moon. This time I went to the moon to understand this permanent Check and accept the residence base. Didn’t Huaguo sign travel projects with various aerospace companies, so you will be able to purchase travel projects from major aerospace companies in the near future.” Chen Qiang poured himself a glass of plain water on the drink rack of the plane .

"Does the richest man in the world only drink plain water?"

Just when netizens were making fun of Chen Qiang, and he was about to refute, a voice from Zhang Jian came over the radio of the space shuttle: "Mr. Chen, the space shuttle is about to take off, so don't drink any wine or water. .”

"Look, I can't even drink water now. Since I can't drink water, I will explain to you how to wear a seat belt on the space shuttle. You see, this is a seat belt. You need to put the seat belt from your left shoulder. Pull it up, and then fasten it with the button on your right." Chen Qiang said firmly.

"I'll go, isn't this the way you used to wear your seat belt when driving?"

"Mr. Chen looks like an old driver."

"Mr. Chen, you are wrong, you should wear the seat belt from your abdomen."

"I know it's wrong, but Mr. Chen's serious look made me suspicious."

"Me too. When I went to play in the sky, I didn't wear my seat belt like this."

"Okay, this method is wrong. The correct method is to fasten the seat belt from the abdomen. Do you know why?" Chen Qiang said this for a long time, and even said it was a mistake. Many people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but say The liquid in his mouth spurted out.

"I'll go, Boss Chen, can you be more serious."

"Boss Chen, stay with my screen."

For a moment, the crowd in the live broadcast room was furious, and they began to attack Chen Qiang one after another.

"Old Ma, it seems that Mr. Chen is not as scary as you said, isn't he? Is he still very funny?" Lao Ma's wife accompanied Lao Ma to watch Chen Qiang's live broadcast at home today, and saw him speak seriously. This is the wrong way to wear a seat belt, said with a smile.

"Yes, he is actually easy to get along with. But because he is easy to get along with, he can't integrate into our circle at all. I once had a chance to integrate into his circle, but I missed it. "Old Ma regrets it very much now. If he had sent Ali to Chen Qiang, he might have become the second Xiaomi.

"It's too much for me to say that I have to pay for the screen. Don't I know the virtual bracelet you use? I invented the virtual bracelet at the beginning. If your screen is really broken, let my old face Put it there." Chen Qiang said with a stinky face.

"Mr. Chen, the space shuttle will take off in 20 seconds. Please fasten your seat belts and get ready to take off." At this time, Zhang Jian's voice sounded again on the space shuttle broadcast.

"Okay, the space shuttle is about to take off. Now I will teach you the correct way to wear your seat belt. Put your left seat belt around your abdomen and then buckle your left side. The seat belt form of the space shuttle is the same as that of an airplane. It’s the same. One advantage of the two-point seat belt is that it can be unfastened quickly when you need to leave the plane as soon as possible in case of danger. Of course, the main reason for the seat belt on the space shuttle is to hold you Fix it in the seat area, and pop a capsule-like thing on the seat in case of danger, then wrap the whole person, and then eject it. In this way, you may be rescued.” Just when Chen Qiang introduced the seat belt to everyone When it was active, the space shuttle began to take off, and it was getting faster and faster.

"The space shuttle is now taking off, but because this space shuttle is specially built for me, I can't feel a lot of gravity here, but there is still gravitational acceleration, and this force cannot be offset at all. Now the space shuttle It has started to speed up to leave the atmosphere, and now I will show you the friction between the atmosphere and the space shuttle." Chen Qiang said and turned the lens of the camera to the outside of the porthole. Although many people have seen it during space travel, it was still very shocking at this time. The sparks fell like fireworks, and they were still continuous.

Chen Qiang suddenly felt that his body became lighter, so he said to the camera: "We have left the atmosphere and entered space. Next, I will show you what a real space walk is." in a cabin.

"Great Elder, the earth is really beautiful. Look, that is our Great Wall, and that is the ALS that was barren before." On another space shuttle, all the senior officials of Huaguo were looking at the world outside the porthole.

"Yeah, it's beautiful, really beautiful." No one would reject such a beautiful planet, the elder murmured in the air, but there was another answer in his heart.

"Zhang Jian, open the viewing facilities and the skylight, I'm going to space." Chen Qiang said directly after putting on the spacesuit.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, wait a minute, Chu Jianhua is heading to the observation cabin, let him go with you." Zhang Jian did not refuse Chen Qiang's order, but let Chu Jianhua, who was on the mission with him this time, as a rescue team. No one would not care about Chen Qiang's life and safety, especially all the personnel of the Star Group, in their hearts Chen Qiang's life was even more important than theirs.

"Spacewalks are also set up by various aerospace companies, but you are only less than one meter away from the space shuttle accompanied by astronauts. It is not enjoyable, but you have to understand these aerospace companies, because spacewalks like this The movement requires the coordination of your whole body muscles. If you have not received at least half a year of training, no one will be able to maintain your body balance in space. Today, let you personally experience the charm of spacewalking, and you can enter the virtual cabin Turn on the real view, and you can enjoy this space feast from my perspective." Chen Qiang introduced a little while waiting for Chu Jianhua's arrival.

"Mr. Chen, we can go out." Chu Jianhua completed all the preparations when he came to Chen Qiang's side.

So, Chen Qiang left the space shuttle with Chu Jianhua, and then entered space. And the same is true for Chu Jianhua who is not tied to any rope behind him.

"Hi everyone, I'm in space now, and the earth looks much more spectacular from this angle, wait until I zoom out the camera." Xingkong controls the camera and starts to shoot Chen Qiang from a very far angle, no one will refuse this scene.

"The sense of sight of a blockbuster movie."

"This photographer is so awesome."

"Humans are so small."

"It looks so lonely."

There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people. At this time, people watching the live broadcast are very awkward in their hearts, and they should be unwilling to prepare. Chen Qiang, a technological giant in many people's minds, the star group he founded directly led mankind to leave the earth and enter space, but such a giant seemed so small and helpless under this scene, and some people even felt confused. Confused about the future of mankind.

"Are you confused? I was like this at the beginning, but now I'm not confused at all, because I have the Star Group. Well, it's time for me to perform." Chen Qiang was still sensational just now, but now Directly manipulating the power unit on his back and rushing towards the earth.

"Ah!" Some people who used the virtual cabin to enter Chen Qiang's perspective began to shout.

After rushing towards the earth for a while, Chen Qiang suddenly turned around and lifted up, and then began to fly towards the space shuttle.

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