Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 336 Tropical Rainforest in Light Years

"Isn't it very enjoyable just now, but don't imitate dangerous actions. My spacesuit is specially made, and the small ion engine behind it is a product of the laboratory. It can only be used for one hour. If calculated according to the price, it will cost 5,000 yuan." About 10,000 star coins, as for the cost of the entire spacesuit at 150 million star coins, it is acceptable." Chen Qiang said while manipulating the ion engine behind to slow down.

"I'm going, almost scared me to death."

"Is this showing off your wealth? 150 million star coins is acceptable."

"Pretending to be a criminal, you will be struck by lightning."

"Okay, that's it for this spacewalk. Next, we will go to Huaguo Space Station and major airports to see." Chen Qiang was actually not very satisfied this time, and he didn't know when he fell in love with it. Such a campaign, but the time is almost up, he needs to take hundreds of millions of viewers to see the situation of the airport.

"Everyone, please see that this is the Zeus Airport in the United States. It is very prosperous now, but there are too few commercial developments. I think the US government can build a trading center and hotel on this airport, which is also very profitable." Chen Qiang did not let the space shuttle go up but let Zhang Jian circle around.

The five airports are basically the same, there is no big difference, but Huaguo's airport is extraordinarily large, and some living facilities on it have been built, but except for some space shuttles in Huaguo, there is no big difference. There aren't many space shuttles here.

Chen Qiang's shooting this time is also the first time that the five major airports have appeared in the eyes of the global public. Everyone is proud, as if they have returned to the era of big ships and cannons, only big is the truth.

"Okay, now we are going to the starting point space station, where I will show you something very shocking. But now I need to take a break, and I will start the live broadcast when I arrive." Chen Qiang received the news of the arrival of Xingchen 2 After that, the live broadcast was directly closed.

"Oh, don't go, I haven't seen enough yet."

"Don't turn off the live broadcast if you have the ability."

"Mr. Chen, you liar."

The live broadcast room was wailing again, but our aloof Mr. Chen seemed to have never seen these bullet screens at all, and closed the live broadcast room directly.

But the turmoil on the earth has not subsided, and various media are frantically reporting some things about this trip. The main media in various countries reported the information of the five major airports, while some tabloids reported on Chen Qiang's funny nature this time.

After Xingchen No. 2 arrived at the predetermined location, Chen Qiang's Xiaolu and Huaguo's high-level executives took Xiaoyi and began to approach them, and they docked with Xingchen No. 2 smoothly.

"The harvest this time is not bad." Chen Qiang asked after entering the crew cabin.

"I have gained a lot, and it seems that practice is the only criterion for mastering the organization." I said with emotion.

"Mr. Chen, do you think there will really be aliens in this world?" A middle-aged man in his forties asked.

"Mr. Cui, let's put it this way. As a researcher in the field of biology, alien life must exist. As for when we will encounter it, we don't know, but he must exist." Chen Qiang said seriously, He knew that Mr. Cui was the next generation of Huaguo, so he needed to popularize this knowledge for him.

"Then there is no way for humans and aliens to coexist." Mr. Cui seemed very puzzled.

"Mr. Cui, everyone knows that big fish eat small fish. Maybe you are right. We and aliens can coexist peacefully. But don't forget that only interests and strength are eternal in this world. If we don't have the strength to let the other side throw the mouse, then we can't protect anything." Chen Qiang explained very plainly.

"Xiao Cui, you also know the law of the dark forest. Mr. Chen doesn't want to explain it thoroughly, and I understand it. But you can't figure it out. You must know that this is an era of great development. It was the black slave trade that supported the era of great navigation. You should know this. Think about it carefully." After speaking, it seemed that he was still a little dissatisfied with his overtime worker.

"The times are indeed developing a bit fast, and everyone needs to adapt to the times." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Yes, it is indeed developing too fast. As the founder of this era, you don't care about anything, which makes us very passive. Now with the strength of the Star Group, it is not a problem to unify the world, right? Hurry up." Looking at the starry sky in virtual reality, he said.

"I am a lazy person, and I am also a person who hates evil. If I become the lord of a country, then this country will make me a utopia. But human nature does not allow the existence of this utopia, so don't give it to yourself. It's better to make trouble." Chen Qiang said without any concealment.

"Yes, human nature is indeed complicated. But you can change yourself, let yourself go in which direction to do it." Still a little reluctant.

"No need, I really can't take that responsibility. I just planned to make the star creatures the number one in the field of biology. At that time, the earth was full of holes. But I didn't expect that the starry sky creatures would develop to this point." Chen Qiang also sighed, and everyone who heard these words was silent, and some people thought that these words were too high-sounding. But some people heard something different from it.

"Then you plan to relocate Star Group to the moon or Mars." Asked again.

"I have this plan, but some key technologies of Xingkong Group have not yet broken through, and it may take a long time." Chen Qiang also knew that Xingkong Group's relocation could not be hidden from the state's investigation at all, so he did not hide anything. However, what he said was relatively cryptic, and he didn't explicitly say whether it was the moon or Mars, but he still included a lot of things in it.

"Understood, Star Group really shouldn't belong to Huaguo." A little lonely.

Chen Qiang didn't speak anymore, and the Fourth Elder wanted to say something, but he held back in the end. But the eyes of some other elders kept flickering, as if they were thinking about something.

In the silence, the space shuttle arrived at the starting point space station. After sending everything off the space shuttle, Chen Qiang turned on the live broadcast, and then said with a smile: "Good afternoon, everyone. Now I have reached the starting point space station. Now our position It is the interior of Xingchen No. 2, and the first thing we want to visit now is the airport." After Chen Qiang finished speaking, he got off Xingchen No. 2 directly.

"Is this the real airport? It's busy and has a heavy metal texture."

"A lot of space shuttles."

"Why can't I see anyone?"

"The airport of the Qidian space station can accommodate hundreds of first-generation space shuttles and thirty second-generation space shuttles. The entire airport is completely unmanned and controlled by the artificial intelligence of the space station." Chen Qiang asked Xingkong to shoot some different very important area.

"There are more than 100 space shuttles. I remember that Zeus in the United States can only resupply 30 space shuttles at the same time."

"Is this a war fort?"

"In my opinion, the barrels of the electromagnetic railguns alone give people a chilly feeling."

"Now I will take you to the core of the Qidian space station. This is the most proud part of our Star Group. I promise you will be surprised." Chen Qiang said and started to move along a passage.

Along the way, Chen Qiang introduced a lot of space station equipment, but of course some of the core equipment was not photographed. Because there are now more than 30,000 permanent residents in the entire space station, so basically you will meet people after walking two steps.

"The current resident population of the Qidian space station is 33,000 people, and what I want to show you now is the key to supporting these 33,000 people to live here." Chen Qiang opened a password door after speaking.

The one in front of him stunned everyone. In this large space is a huge forest, and the lush greenness on his body is very attractive. Even such a forest on the earth is a precious resource, but it is really shocking that there is such a forest on the iron lump 150,000 kilometers away from the earth.

"The tropical rainforest in front of us has a total of about 100 acres. There are three such forests on the Qidian space station. The air in the entire space station is circulated. It can be said that these three tropical rainforests are the lungs of the entire space station. Without them The starting point space station also does not exist." Chen Qiang explained while directing the camera to shoot the forest.

"It's so awesome. At this moment, I actually think that the creature is the strongest one in the Starry Sky Group."

"I'm afraid the upstairs has forgotten that the Starry Sky Group was called Starry Sky Creatures in the past."

"I think biology will be a very popular career in the future."

"It's been a long time ago, and the supply of biology students graduating from all over the world is simply in short supply."

Chen Qiang was generous this time. He used this camera to shoot all the facilities of the Qidian space station one by one. Just these things are beyond the reach of all countries in the world, and some even recorded them directly.

When everyone saw the water circulation system of the starting point space station, the glimmer of hope that each country had raised in despair also turned into ashes. Watching a bunch of super currents slapping the endless water below, and then decomposing it into various gases, on the other side, there is a waterfall pouring down, no one will forget all this, technology and nature combination.

"This is the starting point space station water circulation system. The whole system is divided into three parts. The first part is that the water is electrolyzed to generate some inert gases, which are then mixed with oxygen to form a gas similar to the earth's air to supply the entire space station; the second part This is a direct water supply system. At the bottom of the lake, it supplies all domestic and industrial water for the entire space station; the third part is the purification system, which waterfall will pass through some industrial or domestic wastewater after treatment Enter this lake" Chen Qiang has always been a very kind person, so he satisfied the audience's thirst for knowledge and introduced the whole system to everyone.

Although the audience is satisfied, the scientists from various countries are smiling wryly, because this is simply not something that their technology can produce. The Star Group has formed a water cycle and an atmospheric cycle in the entire starting point space station. Even if they know the principle, they can't do it. Because the events of Ecosphere 2 are vivid in their minds, they know how difficult this matter is.

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