Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 337 Secret Experiment

"The gravitational acceleration of the moon is only 1/6 of the earth's. The gravitational acceleration on the moon's equator is 1.62m/s2. The escape velocity on the moon is only 2.38km/s, which is much smaller than the escape velocity on the earth (11.2 km/s). The moon The distribution of the gravity field is not uniform. Gravity measurements have found that there are gravity anomalies in some lunar basins, called mascons. The area under our feet is the area of ​​gravity anomalies, and the gravity here can reach 1/4 of that of the earth Three, in addition, we made the ground with a special material, so that the gravity of this base can reach about nine, so everyone can see that I am walking here very leisurely." Chen Qiang explained directly.

"Let me just say, Boss Chen will definitely not deceive us, and there is no such comparison."

"Mr. Chen, can you tell us about this material that can change the gravity of the area you are in?"

"The dome above the head looks very beautiful, like a diamond." Some women who are very sensitive to diamonds seem to have discovered something extraordinary.

Because diamonds have a huge market, diamonds in the world still have a very strong economic value, so now the meteorite capture companies should most hope to capture meteorites containing diamonds, but so far there is only one aerospace company in Huaguo caught. In this one-ton meteorite, they found a 50,000-carat diamond, all of which were in good condition. The largest one reached 5,000 carats, and was directly bought out by the British royal family at a price of 10 million star coins.

"It's not a diamond. It's a high-strength material produced from graphene through a special smelting method. It's mainly used to protect the entire base. Let me reveal some information to you, that is, our base is located in a huge crater. And on this dome is very thick lunar soil." Chen Qiang said mysteriously.

"Hey, my Mr. Chen, the whole world is now bombarding the establishment of bases on the moon. Isn't this done to reduce the radiation of cosmic rays?"

"That's right, I'm tired of hearing it."

"Mr. Chen, you are out."

Chen Qiang looked at the barrage and laughed speechlessly. After all, she hadn't watched some news or watched some short videos for a long time, so he was still a little out of touch with these young people.

"Well, I'm actually a young man, why do I feel like I'm out of touch now?" Chen Qiang said a little distressed.

"Mr. Chen, don't cry." With these words, the world flooded the entire screen.

Just like this, Chen Qiang led the hundreds of millions of people in the live broadcast room to turn the entire moon base aside in a gag, and then announced that the live broadcast was over. He didn't give everyone in the live broadcast room a chance to stay, so he directly closed the live broadcast room.

Although netizens are nostalgic, there are too many things on the Internet that divert their attention. But for researchers in those countries, this is the real beginning. All countries have convened the most powerful scientific research teams in their own countries, and also set up a special department to connect with the current science and technology of the Star Group. They have now deeply realized the gap between themselves and the Star Group.

"Mr. President, I think the scientific research funding this time can be taken out of the army's military expenditure." The US Secretary of State broke the deadlock at the venue.

"Mr. Secretary of State, do you have any prejudice against our army? Could it be that our army's military expenses can be embezzled at will." The US Secretary of Defense quit, stood up and roared angrily.

"Mr. Minister, the Army is no longer necessary. It should be phased out. Our opponent Huaguo has abolished 300,000 people in two years. This already means the end of the Army era. The Army in the new era It should be the same team as the Marine Corps." The US Secretary of State directly retorted that he had been dissatisfied with this group of guys for a long time, and he planned to use this opportunity to directly tell the Army to be reduced to an elite mixed division.

"No, this time the army's military expenditure cannot be reduced. This research fund is directly raised from the major families." The US president still has some ideas of his own. After all, although the army is bound to be eliminated in the future, the army still has necessary to exist.

"Mr. President, if the big families don't have this intention, the Congress will not pass this fiscal budget." The Secretary of State is obviously prepared.

"They will pay for it. If they don't, then let the whole of the United States be buried with them." The president was already tired of these families at this time, not to mention greed, which made the whole of the United States very passive now.

"Bob, stay here for a while." The president rubbed his already aching temple.

"Mr. President, what do you want?" Bob was not surprised to hear that the President stayed behind, but asked after everyone had left.

"How's our research in Area 51 going? Has it succeeded in taking down the researchers from Japan?" the president continued rubbing his temples and asked.

"There is not a single case of success, all experiments have failed, and we even sacrificed a scientific research team. But we have now found a way. According to our investigation, the Starry Sky Body Refining Technique from the Starry Sky Group can strengthen the human body against this virus." One experimental subject almost succeeded, but in the end because the physical fitness of the experimental subject was not enough, it collapsed at the last moment." Bob is the newly appointed director of the CIA, and the first thing he did when he took office was from Huaguo. During this operation, these researchers and some of the research materials were intercepted, and finally they were brought to the United States to restart the experiment.

"That's good. According to the quality of this round of experimental subjects, can we obtain a batch of successful experimental subjects before the Chinese New Year." The president stood up and asked directly after hearing that he had found an accurate method. .

"This is a bit difficult. After all, our research funding is secret, and now our CIA income is completely unsupportable." Bob spread his hands and said that he was powerless.

"Don't worry about this. I have allocated 50 million U.S. dollars from the President's special fund to the CIA. I hope to hear good news before the Chinese New Year." The president directly waved his hand and received 50 million U.S. dollars.

"Mr. President, I will not disappoint your expectations." Bob also stood up and said solemnly, but the happy president did not see the faint smile on the corner of the mouth of his newly promoted CIA center.

Chen Qiang returned to Star City safely, and everything was the same as before. But on Huaguo's side, it is very noisy, because they are all arguing about some power issues of the moon base and some land that has not been built. In their view, this is simply a lucrative business. As long as they build a house on this land, there will always be people living in it, and it should be full.

"Okay, stop arguing. I will only release a thousand acres of land to you at the moon base. Don't think about the rest. I plan to build all the other land into scientific research institutions. We need to concentrate our efforts on this area. Thoroughly understand all the technologies of the base." The Great Elder is actually one of these, but he thinks further.

"I also agree with this decision. As long as we thoroughly understand these technologies, we can build countless bases like this." The Second Elder knew what the First Elder was thinking, so he also agreed.

The first and second in command have all been said so, and of course other people have no objections, but what should be contested still has to be contested. Star Architecture has built a villa community on this moon base. The environment is beautiful, all in the middle of the forest. No one wants to give up such a glamorous place, even if they don't live there, but owning it is a status symbol.

The Great Elder did not stop such disputes, because sometimes balance is still very important.

"Senior Sister Ouyang, how is your research going? Is there any result? I want to start the Mars project as soon as possible." Chen Qiang asked after handing Ouyang Mingyue a glass of water.

"We have completed the preliminary transformation now. But Mars lacks a necessity for life, no, it should be a necessity for carbon-based life." Ouyang Mingyue introduced after taking a sip of water.

"Water, I also know about this. According to the current investigation by NASA, the possibility of water on Mars is very high, so this should not be a problem." Chen Qiang said with a frown.

"I'm talking about a lot of water, just like the earth now, we also know that the origin of life on earth is from single-celled organisms that exist in the sea. And what we are building now is this single-celled organism, we are building this This kind of single-celled organism can slowly change the atmospheric environment of Mars, and finally meet our living conditions." Ouyang Mingyue knew that the person in front of him was also a bigwig in the biological world, so he didn't dare to show off.

"Then what you mean is to shout about rebuilding the atmosphere of Mars, how much water resources will be needed according to your plan." Chen Qiang also understood Ouyang Mingyue's words. So ask directly.

"At least one-third or more of the surface area of ​​Mars." Ouyang Mingyue said directly.

"Is this the data calculated by the entire Mars project?" Chen Qiang didn't expect to need so much. This is basically to build an ocean on Mars.

"Yes, the entire Mars project is now centered around our strain design." After finishing speaking, Ouyang Mingyue handed a document to Chen Qiang.

Seeing the topic on the document, Chen Qiang asked Ouyang Mingyue to take care of his own affairs first, and then began to look at the specific implementation plan of the 'Mars Project' on his desk in detail. '

"Europa, isn't this plan a little too bold? Jupiter's volume is too large, and its gravity is also very huge. There is no way for the Star series space shuttles to complete such a mission. This requires the construction of a new type of space shuttle. A space battleship, and it can’t be small.” Chen Qiang raised his head and murmured, then immersed himself in the plan in front of him again.

Europa is the sixth satellite of Jupiter. Scientists have discovered that Europa is covered by a thick ice layer, the ice layer is as thick as 100 kilometers, and there is an ocean under the ice layer. Because the whole world is covered with ice layers , which makes the surface of Europa very smooth, and it is one of the smoothest planets in the solar system. The amount of water on Europa is several times that of the earth.

This may be the main purpose of the scientists of the Star Group in formulating this plan. In fact, in Chen Qiang's memory, there are still precautions against transforming the planet, but there is no one that is suitable for the current Starry Sky Group. The only thing that can be done is the thrilling transformation of the planet's core, but this kind of plan is completely unfeasible. We must know that although the construction of human beings in space is in full swing, the understanding of the earth is still on the Mohorovich discontinuity (Moho surface), which is completely unworkable.

But this plan is a bit too sensational. It was already night after he browsed all the proposals. Chen Qiangjia Ang put the proposal in the safe and returned home, but no matter what he was doing, he was thinking about it. This plan, he felt that he could take a risk and try it, after all, this was the best way.

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