Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 343 Group visit

Chen Qiang is busy, and now he needs to discuss the mutation and defense methods of zombie viruses with the researchers in the biological field of Starry Sky Research Institute every day. Although the progress is not very good, he still does not give up.

"How's it going? Is there any result today?" Seeing Chen Qiang coming in, Chen's mother hurriedly took the clothes and asked. Ever since the zombie virus broke out in the world, Chen's mother would ask Chen Qiang every day after he came back.

"Oh, let the child have a good rest. He is tired enough now, so don't make trouble for him." Father Chen knew the pressure on the child, so he immediately pulled Mother Chen away.

"Chen Qiang, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Mom is watching the news on the Internet every day. She can't help shedding tears when she sees the homeless children. She is also worried about these children." Mu Bing came over Help Chen Qiang put on slippers.

"I know that there are so many homeless children now." Chen Qiang threw his whole body on the sofa, he had never been so tired before.

"Many, according to incomplete statistics, there are at least one million. Moreover, the parents of these children have mutated, but these children have not mutated. It stands to reason that these children's physical fitness is even worse, but the children have not been infected." Mu Bing Gave Chen Qiang a glass of water, and said.

"Well, we have also studied this issue. It is because the brain neurodevelopment of these children is not so complete, so these viruses have the least impact on children, and through our research, zombie viruses will first affect the human brain. Then, by stimulating the brain, the pituitary gland at the back of the brain releases a hormone we named X. This hormone will quickly cover the human body, and then cause the zombie virus in the blood to reproduce in a large area. But the X hormone is very It's special, it doesn't seem to be produced by the human body at all, it seems to be produced after changes in the pituitary gland." Chen Qiang knows that although his wife has now turned to an administrative position, she has not lost her professional knowledge at all.

"This can easily explain that the physical fitness of those who have survived the virus will increase significantly. The pituitary gland is the main channel to control various hormones, and these hormones affect the human body in all aspects." Mu Bing thought for a while.

"Well, what's the use of knowing, there is still no solution, we humans really don't know much about the brain." Chen Qiang couldn't help sighing.

"Chen Qiang, Mou Bing is here for dinner." At this moment, Mu Bing's mother Tang Li shouted loudly.

"Oh, here we come." Mou Bing quickly pulled Chen Qiang up from the sofa and came to the dining table.

"Oh, and my favorite crystal elbow." Chen Qiang didn't want to bring his emotions to the dinner table, so he said deliberately.

"That's my crystal elbow, stinky dad, grab it from me when you come back." As soon as Chen Yi was brought to the restaurant by his grandmother, he heard Chen Qiang swearing sovereignty on his own crystal elbow, and hurried over to move the crystal elbow After checking the position, he said to his father with a grimace.

"My wife made it for me." Chen Qiang said threateningly.

"My mother made it for me." Chen Yi said not to be outdone.

"Okay, there are so many crystal knuckles on a plate, so don't grab it, come on, I stewed an old hen today, let's taste it first." Tang Li said as she served the last soup.

"Okay, let me taste it first." Chen Qiang said, after filling a bowl for several parents and two children, he poured a bowl into his own bowl and took a sip.

In fact, Chen Qiang planned to let the parents of the two families live in Qidian space station at the beginning of the whole virus outbreak. Now the whole space station has started to fully operate, which is no different from the earth. Moreover, some important data and technologies of the Star Group have also begun to be transferred to the Qidian space station. Of course, these things are only being carried out secretly, and no one knows at all, not even Chen Jun.

But the parents of the two families have almost the same attitude, that is, no. Later, the zombie virus was brought under control, so he let go of this passionate idea, but now the zombie virus has begun to mutate, and he is not sure whether the entire human race can survive this mutation, so he still intends to persuade the four Parents go to the starting point space station.

Seeing that Chen Qiang hesitated to speak, Chen Shun knew what his son was going to say, so he preemptively said: "We can't go, if we go, people all over the world will think that human beings are doomed, and the whole world will be in chaos Yes. At that time, human beings will really be hopeless."

"Yes, we also know what you are going to say, and do you know that the current whereabouts are very concerned, as long as we are not around for a day, the whole world will explode, so we will protect ourselves from direct explosions in the future." Mou Jianguo saw that the dinner table was a bit cold, so he planned to liven up the atmosphere, but his joke was not funny at all.

"Chen Qiang, don't try to persuade you. You have to believe in yourself. You are an excellent biological scientist in the world." Mu Bing also persuaded. She knew that her husband was under a lot of pressure these days, so she didn't want to give up because of her family. Put more pressure on Chen Qiang.

Just as Chen Qiang was about to speak, his phone rang: "The presidents of many countries came to Star City together, and now they have arrived at the Star Hotel."

"Yes, they hope you can meet them as soon as possible." The voice of the person in charge of the Starry Sky Hotel came over the phone.

"Okay, arrange them in the conference room, and I'll be there later." Chen Qiang hung up the phone after speaking, he was very confused now.

"Okay, go get busy if you have something to do." Chen Shun spoke directly. In the past, it was an honor for the president and prime minister of a country to come to Star City, but now there is no feeling.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, you eat first, I'll go and see what they have to do." After Chen Qiang finished speaking, he left straight away, looking at his son's back, Chen Shun sighed for a while.

Because of the zombie virus, Starry Sky City has implemented controls in all aspects, but the boss of Starry Sky Group is not among them. Chen Qiang's anti-gravity flying car has been electrified, so he came to Starry Sky in less than 15 minutes The rooftop of the hotel.

"Mr. Chen, I have arranged for the presidents of various countries to be in meeting room No. 3." Seeing the boss coming down, the person in charge of the Starry Sky Hotel hurried up to report.

"There are leaders from those countries." Chen Qiang asked as he walked, he needed to know the purpose of these people.

"A total of 63 presidents from the three countries, the Emirates, and Germany are here." The person in charge of the hotel reported in detail.

"Understood, you can ask the kitchen to make some food and bring it to the meeting room. Simply make beef noodles, and then bring me a cold noodle." Chen Qiang opened the door and went in after ordering the person in charge. .

When the leaders in the meeting room saw Chen Qiang coming in, they all stood up to say hello. Chen Qiang had seen this kind of scene once or twice, so he took it calmly and nodded in return.

"Mr. Chen, hello, we meet again." The German Chancellor said enthusiastically, holding Chen Qiang's hand.

"Hello, Chancellor Merck." Very politely returned.

"Mr. Chen, hello, we may be meeting for the first time, my name is Gandhi." The prime ministers of the three countries also shook hands with Chen Qiang.

"Prime Minister Gandhi, your country has performed very well in this disaster. The virus has begun to mutate again. As the most populous country in the world, your country needs extra attention." Chen Qiang knew this prime minister, the largest of the three countries. The fifth president from the Gandhi family, a political family, was also praised by Ah San's media as the hope of leading Ah San into a world-class power.

"Mr. Chen, we have already started to arrange. We plan to learn from Huaguo to build a centralized gathering place. The defensive shield of the Star Group is very useful. We are stepping up the implementation." Prime Minister Gandhi was very humble at this time.

"My friend, are you okay?" After talking with Gandhi, a chubby old man hugged Chen Qiang and began to kiss Chen Qiang on the cheek.

"King Abdul, long time no see." Chen Qiang tried his best to push the old man away, he was not used to this kind of etiquette.

"We are not very good. Now the world's economy is in a state of stagnation, and we can't sell our products." King Abdul complained.

"King Abdul, I can't do anything about it, but can you tell you what the purpose of this visit is?" Chen Qiang asked with a smile.

"It's a great thing, my friend, and it's good for Star Group and you." Abdul said exaggeratedly.

"Then let me take a guess. You also plan to form an organization like the Mercenary Guild." Chen Qiang said playfully.

"Oh, you guessed it right my friend." Abdul was very surprised.

"Mr. Chen, the mercenary guild does not allow us to have our own rights. This is completely different from our demands, so we plan to establish a guild by ourselves. We must take the lives of the people of our country into our own hands." The German Chancellor hurriedly Said.

"It's a good idea. Let's sit down and talk about it." Chen Qiang said with a smile. He had some guesses when he heard that there were more than 60 countries. It is enough for the mercenary guild established by the five major countries to have a starry sky group, and they simply do not allow other forces to participate.

"Mr. Chen, do you agree with our plan?" Gandhi asked incredulously.

"I haven't even seen your plan, how can you agree with me, but it's good for you to have this idea, are you ready to confront the five major countries, you must know the current control of the five major countries over the three infected areas We must be stronger than you." Chen Qiang deliberately raised his voice when he said the last paragraph, because this matter is not a simple matter at all, if these countries do not unite after establishing a guild, then there is no need for it. On the contrary, it made the Star Group a laughing stock and greatly weakened the prestige of the members of the Star Group in the Mercenary Guild, which was not worthwhile.

"Mr. Chen, this is our plan. You can take a look at all the preparations we have made. As long as you agree to let the Star Group join, the guild we form can directly become an institution directly controlled by the Star Group, but our countries Our interests must be guaranteed." The German Chancellor handed over the document he had already prepared to Chen Qiang.

"Okay, let me take a look first. Later, the hotel will deliver food. Let's talk while eating." Chen Qiang took the document, found a seat, sat down, and began to read it seriously. Everyone held their breaths together, they were very afraid that their breathing would disturb the one in front of them watching.

No one would be a fool. Now Star Group's prestige among the people is completely at the height of the sky. Without the support of Star Group, this so-called guild would not be able to do it at all. The large-scale spread of zombie virus has made many governments in the world lose their prestige. The force drops to a very low point.

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