Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 344 Adventurer's Guild

"Mr. Chen, our noodles are ready. Shall we bring them in now?" the person in charge of the Starry Sky Hotel asked in Chen Qiang's ear amid the murderous gazes of more than sixty people.

"Oh, the meal is ready, then bring it here." Chen Qiang pulled his thoughts out of the whole document and said.

"Yes." The person in charge felt that his back was chilly at this time, so he ran out of the conference room directly after receiving Chen Qiang's order.

"I haven't eaten tonight. I don't think you all have eaten. I invite you to eat beef noodles. Let's talk while eating." Chen Qiang closed the entire document after finishing speaking.

"Oh, my friend, how do you know we haven't eaten? You invited me to eat beef noodles. It tastes good, but it's even better when served with cold skin." It is shining. The last time he came to Xingkong City, Chen Qiang treated him to a meal of beef noodles accompanied by cold skin, which tasted very good, and now he can't help but drool when thinking of the taste.

Lanzhou beef noodles have the characteristics of rotten beef, white radish, red spicy oil, green coriander, flexible noodles, smooth and refreshing, soup, harmonious flavors, tangy fragrance, and attractive appetite. There are many types of noodles, including big wide, two wide, leek leaves, one nest silk, "buckwheat ribs", etc., as well as "two thin", "three thin", "thin" and "capillary". Choose by yourself. Local people describe it as one clear, two white, three green, four red, and five yellow, that is: beef soup is as clear as white water, a few slices of white radish are pure white, bright green garlic sprouts are floating on the soup, chili oil is red, and noodles are bright and translucent yellow.

Except for Abdul who is interested in beef noodles, other people have no interest in beef noodles at all, and some people even start to frown. They really didn't eat dinner, not because they didn't have time to eat but because they didn't Can't eat. Now their hearts are very nervous, because this moment directly determines their fate. But at this moment, they suddenly said that they wanted to eat, and they couldn't accept it.

But when some waiters brought in the beef noodles, everyone was attracted by the aroma, and even some presidents who were already empty began to serve a bowl by themselves and began to eat. Because of the popularity of Chinese food, basically everyone in the world can use chopsticks, but there are still some who can't use them. The hotel has also considered this situation, so they have a spare fork.

Chen Qiang started to gobble up the bowl and plate of Liangpi he had brought him, he was really hungry. And King Abdul was sitting beside Chen Qiang, holding the Liangpi on Chen Qiang's plate, and gobbled up a piece like Chen Qiang, and he was quite proficient in using chopsticks.

"Mr. Chen, can I have a taste of the food on your plate?" Gandhi asked Abdul as he was a little greedy when he saw that the food was delicious and sweet.

"Okay, let's eat." Chen Qiang continued to eat his own beef noodles. With Gandhi taking the lead, other presidents came over to pick some from the plate in front of Chen Qiang. Serve each of these presidents a cold noodle for the waiter. The reason why he didn't serve these presidents with cold noodles is because the beef noodles alone can be full, and the cold noodles can't be eaten.

But what surprised Chen Qiang was that everyone ate up the food in front of him. King Abdul even ate two servings of Liangpi after eating the beef noodles.

"Abdul, are you still feeling well?" Chen Qiang asked carefully.

"I'm fine, my friend, the food is really delicious." Abdul was obviously full, hiccupping as he spoke.

"Since everyone is full, now we are entering the formal discussion stage. Adventurer's Guild, the name is good. I have seen your plan. You plan to divide the current infected area into two parts, and each of your two guilds will control one part. Right." Chen Qiang stepped onto the podium and asked.

"Yes, we think this is the best solution at the moment." Gandhi couldn't stand up anymore, so he sat down and said into the microphone.

"Then which part do you want, is it the infected area in East Asia or the infected area in Australia?" Chen Qiang asked with a half-smile.

"Our opinion is that there are fewer infected people in Australia's infected area, and it is easier for us countries to control it." The German Chancellor's voice was a little soft when he said this.

"Yes, there are fewer infected people, and the place is quite large, right? But do you know that a larger area means more resources? Your calculations are indeed very good, but don't treat others as fools , Star Group will not use this as a shield for you." Chen Qiang directly denied.

"But Mr. Chen, our countries account for forty percent of the world's population, and we have enough reasons to control this region." Gandhi retorted directly.

"As for the remaining 60% of the population, the population of the five major countries alone accounts for 30% of the world's population, plus their military power. In this way, they have more reason to calculate." Chen Qiang At this time, there is no smile and warmth just now, and now his face is serious.

"Then Mr. Chen, what do you think we should do?" Abdul asked directly. He knew that now was the time for him to show up.

"I think give up the idea of ​​monopolization, the two guilds will share the infected area, but you can set up your own camps in different locations in the infected area." Chen Qiang proposed his own method.

"We agree with this, but we can't fight these mercenary guilds. They have cell activation fluid." The German Chancellor continued to cry.

"I will solve this problem for you. The cell activation solution produced by the Star Group will be handed over to you separately. Our specific distribution method is calculated according to the number of members in your guild. Come from the Soldiers Guild, Star Group has no objection to mastering the artificial intelligence of the Adventurers Guild." After Chen Qiang finished speaking, he looked around for a week.

"No." This is already in the plan they designed. The control of the artificial intelligence must only be handed over, and they even set the bottom line to let the Star Group To master this guild, they only need some right to speak in this guild, but they didn't expect that the conditions given to them by Starry Sky Group were the same as those of the mercenary guild.

Although these people in the Starry Sky Hotel are happy, the five major countries are gloomy at this time, because their guilds have not yet opened, but they have only opened their identities and established advance bases in various infected areas.

"Can we prevent the birth of this new guild." The President of the United States asked with some headaches.

"There is no way, as long as the Starry Sky Group recognizes this guild, then this guild will have a legal status, and we cannot stop it." At this time, he was also full of melancholy, because he did not expect that this young man would start playing ordinary games. Quite simply, this made them very passive all of a sudden.

"Then can we directly start with these countries." Mao Xiong proposed a simple and brutal plan.

"There is no chance at all. According to our intelligence personnel, at least more than 50 countries participated this time. The population of these countries accounts for at least 30% of the world's population, and the few of us The country is only 30%. And the most important thing is that our population cannot be counted in it, because we cannot control the choices of the people in our own country. There is a conflict with the Star Group." Rubbing his head, he analyzed.

"It seems that we can only swallow this bitter fruit, and it seems that our children have grown up." The British Prime Minister sighed.

"I have long said that we should share some of the right to speak. As long as we share a little when those countries have demands, then we will not be in such a passive situation." The French president still regrets it very much now. If he had If you persist, there will be no such passive situation now.

"Separation, is it possible? Those families in our country are about to fight for the right to speak, do you think they are willing to separate." The President of the United States sneered.


Sometimes there will always be some helplessness, even these people in high positions.

The emergence of the Adventurer's Guild has made a big difference in the whole world, and both of these guilds are endorsed by Mr. Chen of the Star Group, which is a bit special. Some very keen people saw this move of the Star Group at a glance, and many people began to say that the Star Group has grown. After all, the emperor's method of balancing is not something that ordinary people can play well. Sometimes the wrong opponent is chosen. Under the offensive of the other side, it quickly collapsed. This is also a spoof attack on the emperor.

But it is clear that the two opponents launched by the Star Group this time are still evenly matched. Although there is no time to develop the infected area, the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild have already started promoting and attracting people. In this regard, the mercenary guild is actually at a disadvantage, because the adventurer guild has the backing of Asan, the most populous country in the world. But people from the mercenary guild can't force people to join the mercenary guild, otherwise it will cause reactions from the Starry Sky Group, which is not beneficial to the two guilds.

So the two guilds here are evenly matched. Because of this situation, the mercenary guild has slowly let go of its right to speak, but all the countries that have been pulled in by the mercenary guild have very little power. , but because the mercenary guilds are all the top powers in the world, many small countries are willing to grow under the wings of the strong, so the number of registrants in the mercenary guild has gradually increased, but it is still not as risky There is a certain gap between the guilds, but the gap is not too much.

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