The management systems of the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild are two extremes. The Mercenary Guild is like a centralized system, while the Adventurer's Guild is a parliamentary system. This also led to the development speed of the Mercenary Guild being faster than that of the Adventurer's Guild under the same circumstances, and the work efficiency was also more efficient. The last two are evenly matched.

Therefore, when finally distributing the cell activating medicine, the Starry Sky Group created a small conflict, dividing the first batch of 10 million cell activating liquid into two equal parts, each with 5 million guilds. This result was like a bolt from the blue to the Adventurer's Guild. Didn't they work hard to recruit members for this kind of cell activation solution? During this period of time, all the cell activation drugs in the world have been distributed, and the effect is obvious to everyone, so these countries hope to get more, but what is the matter of dividing them evenly now.

In fact, they also tried the idea of ​​these people's cell activation drugs, but after seeing some family residences being directly razed to the ground, they gave up this idea. After all, sometimes it is a big problem to have money but not to spend it.

"Don't go to Chen Qiang, this is my warning to you. What you have done during this time is a bit too much. Don't think that the Starry Sky Group doesn't know about your actions. The distribution of the cell activation solution this time is a warning to us. Since we want to If we compete, we will come here in a fair manner. I propose that all the five million cell activation fluids this time should be put into the exchange, and we can’t have just one.” Abdul regrets working with these people now, it’s really too much Stupid.

"No, we need at least 500,000 of the 5 million this time." A short German stood up and protested.

"What do you think, Chancellor Merck?" Abdul ignored this person at all, but turned his head and asked the German Chancellor next to him.

"I agree with your suggestion. We need to have the strength to resist the mercenary guild. Now we have no turning back." Apparently, the German Chancellor had understood Abdul's thoughts, so he directly agreed.

The short man below said sarcastically that he was very angry now that the representatives of the Junker family, the five top families in the world, were ignored in the adventurer's guild's council.

"Mr. Hyde, your Junker family is in decline now. Shut up your stinking mouth. This is the council of the Adventurer's Guild, not the internal meeting of your Junker family. And there are eighty-three countries here, what do you think Can the now fallen Junkers control so many countries, or you are ready to face the Star Group." Merck counterattacked directly. Because of the spread of the zombie virus, the economy of the whole world has undergone tremendous changes, and it has become depressed. If it is not supported by the aerospace industry, various countries do not have the money to do these things. Now the contribution of the aerospace field to the world economy has reached 50%.

In fact, this number is not high, because every meteorite capture will generate at least billions of funds, even if converted into city stars, there are tens of millions. And now the Star Coins are used in a very wide range, not only to buy various industrial products of the Star Group, but also to buy various grains produced by the Star Group.

Speaking of food, Xingkong Group has done a good job in this area, and its anhydrous cultivation technology has developed to the third generation. And the most important thing is that basically one month can complete the maturity of food crops, and the nutrients inside are also high enough. Some vegetable substances can now be cooked every three days, and now they can be fully supplied. The living expenses of 300,000 people in Starry Sky City have been spent, and there is still some left over. After so many years of production, Starry Sky City's food reserves have now reached the point where 5 million people can feed for a year.

The spread of the zombie virus has reduced the food production of the whole world a lot. You must know that Australia was the world's largest food exporter before it became an infected area, but now it is gone, which has also led to a food shortage in the world. This has not had much impact on countries like Huaguo that have grain reserves, but for some countries with small land areas, it is a disaster for countries whose food production depends entirely on imports. Especially in this era when the zombie virus will break out when it doesn't know what to do, no country is willing to export food at all, so many countries can't buy food even if they have money. So this gap was taken by the Star Group, and because of the participation of the Star Group, the price of food in the whole world dropped by more than 10%, which is good news for many people.

So now the strongest currency in the whole world is the star currency, and other currencies have more or less depreciated. After all, when there is no commodity circulation, currency is no different from waste paper.

"Mr. Chen, Luo Meijia and Mr. Luo are here." Chen Qiang's secretary is a girl with a good figure, but now he has passed the age of impulsiveness, so just appreciate it.

"It's coming so soon, let her come in." Chen Qiang put down the simplified plan of the first-generation soilless cultivation technology in his hand, and tidied up his clothes.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know if you have anything to do with me." Since Luo Meijia participated in the Star Group's annual meeting, she has never seen Chen Qiang at all. In addition, so many things have happened in the past six months. She was puzzled when she was notified.

"Luo Meijia, sit down. I'm looking for you today to ask if you have any plans to change your position." Chen Qiang didn't say anything polite. After all, he is very busy with time now, and a president or prime minister will come every now and then. Starry Sky City asked him to talk heart-to-heart, and some people had good friendships, so he had to go and meet him, who knew if a president or prime minister would come back later.

"Ah, Mr. Chen. May I know which department I go to?" Luo Meijia didn't even think that this would be the case. Although the Xingkong Bio Charity Fund sounds like a subsidiary of Xingkong Group, its headquarters is in Xingkong City On the outside, this means that this company has not substantially entered the subsidiary series of the Star Group, but still belongs to the series of illegitimate children. She is still very clear about this situation, so her status is far lower than that of the managers of those subsidiaries. Although the benefits and treatment of the Starry Sky Bio Charity Fund at the Star Group are not the same as those of other subsidiaries, she still I want to integrate into the group of Star Group. She has been invited to participate in the company's annual meeting in the past two years. She thought she was going to be passive, but she waited and waited, but she didn't get it. Just when she was about to lose her mind, she came out like this. She is very excited now .

"Xingkong Security, you can be the deputy general manager, but you don't need to participate in the daily management of the entire company." Chen Qiang said, taking the glass of water that the secretary handed him.

"Then what will I be responsible for in this company?" Luo Meijia couldn't help but frowned. When she heard Xingkong Security, her whole heart almost jumped out. After all, Xingkong Security is the most special company in the entire Xingkong Group. One, she can be regarded as one step up to the sky, even the deputy general manager. But now that she is not allowed to participate in the daily management, she really can't think of what she can do in this company.

"I counted 930,000 children between the ages of 10 and 18 among all the people rescued from the infected areas. You can check the situation of these children. If the governments can't manage them, then take them. Come here, the construction of the lunar base is about to be successful, we need a large number of people, and these children are strong enough to accept." Chen Qiang gave a brief introduction, and then handed a document that had already been prepared to Luo Meijia.

Luo Meijia took it over and looked it over, then asked: "Mr. Chen, what about those children under the age of ten? There are more of these children." She still had a trace of anger when she said this. In the whole plan, he only saw that the Star Group directly gave these children military education for development, and it directly stated in this document that the children must be over ten years old and under eighteen years old.

"I have also considered this. The Star Charity Fund still has a lot of funds left to build orphanages in the inland areas of China, especially in concentrated cities close to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and arrange these children. Recruit a large number of women to take care of these children, which can also reduce the pressure on the group." Chen Qiang took a sip of water and said, in fact, he intends to accept all these children, because these children have been infected by the virus , They are no longer infected with viruses, and each virus mutation will make their bodies stronger. But the Starry Sky Group really doesn't have such a lot of energy now. If the lunar base is fully built, it can accommodate up to one million people, and the Starry Sky City can accommodate 300,000 people after so many years of construction, which means that the Starry Sky Group can accommodate up to one million people. It can only guarantee that 1.6 million people will not be infected by the virus, so he can only accept a maximum of 900,000 people for these children.

"It can be, but according to the statistics in this document, there are a total of 2.5 million people under the age of ten, and there are only 13 cities close to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which means that basically one city It has to bear 200,000 people, even if ten orphanages are built in each city, that orphanage will have to take care of 20,000 children, isn't it a bit huge." Luo Meijia's first consideration was the children living environment problems. Now the construction of one hundred concentrated urban agglomerations in Huaguo has been completed. The scale of the cities is very large, and each city has at least 14 million people. Although everyone now has a house to live in, the specifications of the houses are fundamentally different, and the price of the house is also different due to different locations. Therefore, the real estate market in Huaguo is now on the rise again. Just can't stop it.

"It's really a bit huge, so you think it's better to do it this way." Chen Qiang has actually considered this issue a long time ago, but what he considered was that if the zombie virus mutated completely, it would mutate all the plants and animals in the world after being leaked. , the places close to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are places with relatively sparse vegetation and few animals, so they will be safer. You must know that the physical defense of this defense cover will be turned off directly after the virus defense function is turned on. The two are simply impossible to be compatible. At least with the current strength of the Star Group, there is no way to be compatible.

"We might as well expand the city, but we don't need to cover all the cities, and we can also build orphanages in Europe and Maoxiong, about 1,000 or so, because the child is relatively young, and it takes a lot of effort to take care of it. So the number of children in an orphanage cannot exceed five hundred." Luo Meijia said after thinking about it.

"Isn't 1,000 a bit too much? If you calculate it this way, each orphanage basically only has 230 children. Isn't that a bit of a waste?" Chen Qiang said with a slight frown.

"Mr. Chen, do you imagine that the orphanage is like a boarding school, but this will not work at all, so what we have to do is to give these children a home. As for going to school, we can let these children go to school. "Luo Meijia immediately understood Chen Qiang's thoughts, so she quickly persuaded her.

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