Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 346 Mutated Animals

"Then what do you think?" Chen Qiang knew that he had taken it for granted, so he blushed a little.

"My idea is to build 500 orphanages in the 30 urban agglomerations of Huaguo. The area of ​​each orphanage doesn't need to be too large, 50 acres is enough. The remaining 500 orphanages are built in Maoxiong and other countries. The food supply for the entire orphanage is all supplied by our Star Group." Luo Meijia stopped her words and reported.

"Yes, let's do it according to your plan, but each orphanage prepares a store, Xiaomi will set up a Xiaomi flagship store here, Starry Sky Security will also send some personnel to enter, and there is education for these children. The problem must be put in the first place, I hope these children can become talents." Chen Qiang added a few points, safety is now a headache in the whole world, even in Huaguo, there are always troubles and deaths. The message appears. And the establishment of adventurer guilds and mercenary guilds in various countries also has the idea of ​​​​finding a job for these people.

The world has changed. The vast majority of people in the world have settled in the concentrated residential areas established by the state. Since Huaguo was established relatively early, his entire arrangement is in place. But although other countries in the world have arrangements, their preparations are completely insufficient, so they can only simply gather these people first. As a result, the entire concentration area is very chaotic, and the struggle for power and profit of various forces is fierce every day.

"Has the construction of our military's forward base been completed?" The chief was very serious at this time, because after today and tomorrow, it will be time to open the infected area, and they need to make full preparations.

"Report, the construction has been completed, and we have 10,000 people stationed there." Chief Qin reported neatly.

"Well, remember that we need to complete the transformation of all our troops within a week. This is the shortest time. We need enough deterrent force." The chief's body was full of evil spirit at this time. In the past, countries sent their own troops in secretly. Even if these soldiers have been transformed, they cannot leave the infected area, but now they can. As a violent institution, the army must have its own strength. If another force surpasses the army, then the army does not need to be called a violent institution.

Now the forces in the world have been clearly divided. The first level is the Starry Sky Group, the Mercenary Guild, and the Adventurer's Guild. Needless to say, the Star Group, if at this time the Star Group suddenly had a hot head and planned to unify the earth, no country or force would have a chance to resist; although the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild are service organizations, they have a large number of transformed personnel , although these personnel are relatively loose, but no one dares to ignore this force. The second level is the military of each country. Of course, the strength of the military in different countries is different, but the military is an absolutely powerful group within the territory of this country. As for the third level, there are various families. Although their strength has been greatly reduced, the resources in their hands are still very rich.

"Okay, wait a moment for us to open this door, you can enter the infected area through this wall, after entering, a special person will take you into a small room, where your transformation will take place, remember to It is important to get through with your teeth, if you can’t make it through, you can only be killed by us.” This situation has occurred in many places in the infected area, and in these places, thousands of people are waiting for them of this change.

"Brother, we only have one chance, we must persevere." A very handsome girl said to a very thin man.

"Don't worry, sister, I'll make it through. Don't forget that my body is Tier 4." The man rubbed his sister's hair and said dotingly.

The door was finally opened, and everyone started packing and queuing to enter the infected area. Everyone is solemn, they know it may be eternity to go, but they have to do it. Because in the propaganda these days, they all know that if the virus does not survive now, it will be even more difficult after the virus is fully mutated.

No one wants to lick blood on the sword, but sometimes they have to do it when they are forced to do so. Those people in the world who did not participate in this transformation are watching all this through the Internet. In their hearts, these people are heroes.

"Come on, beauty, this is your good card, remember to hold on." The most common sentence said by the soldiers in charge of distributing good cards is "must hold on". Because many of his comrades did not stand up, and were shot dead in the transformation room.

"Brother, come on." The woman held a photo, and the man in the photo was suddenly the very thin man.

"Didididi, everyone is ready, ready to start to change, remember to persevere, must persevere." At this moment, the rooms where millions of people live are filled with the air of the infected area, from the infection It is only three hours at most until the onset of illness, so many people start to take out the things they have prepared for recreation.

"I'm going, how big is this fat man's heart? He even brought a bag of food with him, and he ate it with gusto." Laughing one by one. In fact, there are not only one such weirdo, but also a woman who directly started to put on makeup, in short, she did everything.

However, the woman just now did not completely relax, but started to practice martial arts in this small room.

"Hey, this little girl has practiced well, and she has already started to learn Xingyiquan." An old man leaned on the back of the chair and said while looking at the virtual screen.

"Grandpa, I'm also very skilled, okay?" A little girl muttered unhappily.

"Okay, my Lulu is a master." The old man said dotingly.

"Grandpa, this big sister should practice Shang's Xingyi boxing. I remember you told me that the Shang family has fallen, and their Xingyi boxing has not been passed down." The little girl was very excited. Strange way.

"No, they still have one, but they went to Hong Kong in the 1960s, and Shandong didn't recognize it." The old man explained with a smile.

"Oh, then they are not orthodox, right?" The little girl suddenly understood.

"Hey, it's getting more and more difficult to inherit traditional martial arts. Is there any orthodox saying?" The old man's face was a little downcast.

Shang's Xingyiquan was created by Shang Yunxiang from Leling, Shandong. Shang Yunxiang practiced martial arts since he was a child, he first worshiped Li Cunyi as his teacher, and later got the true biography of Guo Yunshen. He is weak and thin, less than 1.6 meters tall, but he is famous in the martial arts world for his "big pole", "half-step Bengquan", "dantian Qi hit" and actual combat skills. He has studied Xingyi boxing all his life, and has formed a unique Shang style Xingyi boxing with unique training methods and fighting theories.

Just when the netizens were very interested in watching it, the first person who transformed happened. The first person who transformed was a big fat man with a bag of food. The fat man had just taken a pack of milk and was about to take a sip, when his whole body began to tremble, and then he began to break out in a cold sweat. In the end, the skin all over his body started to turn red, and then the fat man started howling loudly.

"It's terrible, his skin has turned red."

"It was a burst capillary and he looked like he was in excruciating pain."

"Come on, fat man, you will definitely make it through."

"It will definitely survive."

Netizens began to silently pray for the fat man. The time of three hours is almost up, so millions of people have started to transform one after another. The whole transformation time is one hour, because this is the limit of the human brain. If it exceeds this limit, the human brain will automatically reduce the will to resist. This person One hundred percent will become a zombie.

The first person who became a zombie appeared. It was a white man. He turned into a zombie in the tenth minute of his transformation. At the moment he turned into a zombie, the vacuum pump in the entire transformation room started to run. After three minutes, the whole People turned into a pile of flesh and blood, and then were washed by the sprinkler head above and entered the sewer.

Yes, this is the way many bases deal with people who have failed to transform, because the zombie virus will disappear in just ten seconds in a vacuum environment, which is the result of research by many countries. Of course, some metamorphosis bases are better. After they kill the zombies, they will push them into the crematorium and revitalize the corpses with tens of thousands of degrees of heat. This method is still dangerous, because some countries have found that many virus variants can survive in high temperatures as high as 100 degrees, and it is not ruled out that there are viruses that survive in high temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees.

"Tell me, how many people can't come back this time." Chen Qiang couldn't help asking, looking at the losers who were dealt with on the screen.

"I don't know, it should be more than ninety-nine percent." Although Mu Bing was uncomfortable with this scene, she still watched it.

"Well, actually, these people don't have to go. The results of our current research show that this virus will not penetrate the defense shield with full output." Chen Qiang sighed.

"No one will stay in one place waiting to die. We have to go out. If we stay in one place because of fear, is it any different from going to jail?" Mu Bing obviously didn't agree with Chen Qiang's words.

"Yes, human beings always have to face disasters by themselves, but this disaster is already too big. Did you know that Starry Sky Security has discovered some mutated animals in Australia, and these animals seem to have become intelligent. We Some of the security guards have been injured." Chen Qiang's voice was low, but the disappointment could not be concealed in his voice.

"Can we wipe out these animals in the bud?" Mu Bing did not expect that this matter has reached this point. It is possible in biological theory for animals to develop wisdom, but now it has become a reality.

"There is no way. Although we have sent elite soldiers, these animals are too cunning. They escaped. The Australian continent is so big that we can't find them at all." You must know that because of this incident, the Starry Sky Security personnel More than 30 people have been injured, including one whose arm was bitten off by a tiger.

"Then are you going to announce these things to the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild?" Mu Bing asked directly.

"I have this idea, but the members of our Starry Sky Security are already strong enough, they are all injured, and the others have no ability at all, and the most important thing is that if someone touches these animals, then there is no chance of escape at all." Chen Qiang sighed again.

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