Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 347 Demonstration

"Wouldn't it be better to just turn the entire continent of Australia into a place of death? This way, there will be no future troubles. Anyway, the survivors in these infected areas have been saved." Mou Bing said without the slightest consideration .

"It shouldn't be you. We have rescued only 50 million people in the infected area. There are at least 5 million people in these infected areas. Do you care if these people live or die?" Chen Qiang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"We should make our own decisions. Anyone can settle the accounts of five million people and hundreds of millions of people." Mou Bing gave Chen Qiang a white look and said.

"I actually have the same idea, but every time I have this idea, I have a hunch that if I turn these three places into dead places, there will be more disasters, and we will not deal with this disaster at all I can't." Chen Qiang also didn't understand, especially because his feeling was so clear.

"Grandpa, it's been three and a half hours for this big sister, why doesn't she show any signs of infection." The little girl named Lulu asked directly after checking the time.

"No, she has already been infected, but she has entered the stage of perception. Of course, it is the sign of an ordinary person's infection. This is a great thing. The opportunity for our traditional martial arts has come. If not, I will go to the scene to experience it. This is our chance and I can't give it up." The old man stood up excitedly, then pushed them away and went out.

"Oh, grandpa, wait for me, I will go wherever you want." The little girl quickly turned off her virtual screen, and followed quickly.

An hour is just a lot of time for many people to play video for a while, but for these millions of people, they have indeed spent several springs and autumns, and living like a year is talking about their current situation. Everyone is exhausted, but their whole body feels full of strength, no one will understand their feelings, maybe they are happy or disappointed when they come out of the gate of hell.

According to the final statistical results, a total of 1.33 million people transformed this time, but only 1.28 million people succeeded in the end, and the failure rate was 3.8%. This is a number that everyone cannot accept. Forty thousand people left this world in less than a day. Perhaps this is their happiness. After all, they don't have to worry about it every day. Now the first thing everyone wakes up every morning is to see if the virus has spread.

"Beauty, look at the strength of our flying team. We are recruiting players to enter the infected area." There were such propaganda voices everywhere in the camp. Human brains are always active, and now someone has come to form a team. Having a team has a greater chance of surviving in an infected area than fighting alone.

"No need, I want to find my brother." The woman directly rejected the recruitment, but went straight to the front service hall.

"Hello, can you help me find a person named Shang Kai, he is the person who transformed this time, I didn't find him." The woman's face was full of worry, she waited for a long time at the agreed place There was no one, so some haze was left in her heart, so she could only turn to this place for help.

"Okay, it's Shang Kai, right?" The service staff is a female soldier. Obviously, this person has undergone a transformation. She has already looked down on these things. Killed. All the people who failed to transform were recorded, so she searched directly among the records.

Sure enough, her guess was right, there was a person named Shang Kai among those who failed to transform, so she could only say euphemistically: "Shang Kai, a Hong Kong native, is he right?"

"Yes, where is he now." The girl was very excited because she finally knew her brother's location.

"He failed to transform." The female soldier's voice was very soft, but it sounded like thunder in the girl's ears.

"Woooooo, brother, we agreed to be together." The girl immediately burst into tears.

Chen Qiang immediately turned on the live broadcast after receiving the call. Now the live broadcast channel of Star Group is directly connected to major TV stations. If the live broadcast is turned on, these TV stations will broadcast the live broadcast immediately.

"Hello everyone, I'm Chen Qiang. Some people in the world are unwilling to carry out transformation plans. I understand this. Because there is only one life, even if the current failure rate is more than 3%, everyone has the possibility of failure. Sex. We can't find a completely safe way for you, it's our fault. But now I hope you can try it, no one knows what's going on with future virus mutations. Of course you don't have to, Because we have already studied it here, as long as the defense devices of each city are turned on to the maximum power, this virus, including variants, will be blocked outside. But this should not be your life, it is similar to going to jail, if you want to go to prison If so, you don’t have to go. Another news is that the animals in the infected area have begun to mutate. They are very powerful. Some employees of Star Security have been injured. I don’t rule out the possibility of these animals attacking the city in the future. These animals They are intelligent." Chen Qiang said tirelessly, his only purpose now is to let these people carry out the transformation plan, and according to some observation stations in the infected area, there are more and more mutated animals in the entire infected area, and There are more and more variants of the virus. No one knows when this virus will break out.

All the infected areas are isolated by the defense shield made by Starry Sky Group, but this defense shield has no force defense at all. At the beginning, it was stationed by troops from various countries, because all the mutants are zombies at any time, so There is very little pressure on the army, and the zombies are concentrated. But now the zombies are no longer so concentrated, and zombies have appeared in the border areas, so various countries have built walls to enclose all the zombies.

But later, as the animals mutated, various countries cut off all the rivers flowing to the sea in the infected area, and installed a defensive cover to filter out the virus in the river water, but there were always some imperfections. On Dongying Island Zombie viruses have been detected in some nearby seawater, which is not good news at all.

There are many creatures in the sea. If the creatures in the sea mutate, no one can be sure that there will be no monsters like Godzilla in the movie. Even some creatures in the sea are a huge threat to human beings now, not to mention the mutated creatures are simply a disaster for human beings.

Therefore, all countries are frantically building transformation bases, and sending their own citizens to transformation. If they do not transform, they will only have to wait for death. Human beings must quickly become stronger. This is the thinking of all countries at the moment.

The members of Xingkong Security are a very powerful force in the impression of various countries. Even the most powerful soldier king in their country is not the opponent of these members, and now someone is injured. You must know that Starry Sky Security is dispatched in the form of a five-member squad every time, and these five people can easily single out a country's scout platoon, so basically everyone in the world let go of their grudges , and now their idea is to survive.

All countries are building cities, yes, it is the form of ancient city walls plus moats, but the moats are not water, but a kind of specially smelted oil.

After Chen Qiang's words, many people have regained their sober understanding. Yes, they are not in a peaceful age, but in an era when a virus is about to break out and the whole world is about to mutate. They have no the right to choose. If they want to survive, they must go to the gate of hell, otherwise, when they come into contact with it later, the death rate will not only be 3.8%, but 38%, 380%. .

Maybe there are many people in this world who like to be drunk and dream of death, but there is no one who is not afraid of death. So this time, many people took the initiative to carry out the transformation plan. After all, this is their opportunity and idea, and during the transformation plan, the military of each country will check everyone's body. chance.

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