Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 349 Wu Wudi

"I'll go. The old man fainted. It's a success or a failure."

"Why is no one going to save the old man, and the old man has not mutated."

"It's impossible to save the old man. If the old man can't wake up within two hours, then the only result is being shot dead."

"Ah, how cruel."

"Hey, the entire earth is now on the verge of the end of the world, and there is no way around it."

The end of the world refers to the sudden and devastating natural disasters, plagues or wars that destroy or are about to destroy human civilization in a breath, leading to a serious test of human survival, social production, and social order. The plight of human existence caused by the shortage of survival resources. Although the earth has not yet experienced a major decline in production and the social order has disappeared, human survival has faced an extremely serious test.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, I am the person in charge of Huaguo No. 88 Transformation Base." Chen Qiang just got off the plane and a very young man came over to salute Chen Qiang and greeted him.

"You haven't undergone transformation, right? Which family are you from? It seems that your family has put a lot of effort into putting you in this position, but I would like to advise you that the transformation base is the frontier, or Let's transform as soon as possible." Chen Qiang just cast a glance at the young man, and then went straight to the anti-gravity flying vehicle to transform.

"Who is this, dare to drive the anti-gravity flying car in the transformation zone, are you afraid of being shot down?" In fact, many people in the infected area escaped from the infected area through the anti-gravity flying car, but some people did not cooperate The actions of various countries, privately driving the anti-gravity flying vehicle to leave the infected area, the final result was shot down. And it was shot down in the infected area.

"This anti-gravity flying car is not the one sold on the market, it should be specially customized by that local tyrant." There will always be someone who understands cars, so he explained directly.

Because the transformation plan is a batch every day, the entire transformation base is very quiet at this time, except for the military guards, no one can be seen at all.

"I'm going, Boss Chen, Boss Chen actually appeared in the Transformation Base." The whole Internet was bombarded. In the whole world, this was the first rich man to appear in the Transformation Base, and he was also the most powerful person in the hearts of all the people. The person with the degree of trust.

"Boss Chen is planning to transform."

"This is the first person in the world. He is indeed our idol, Boss Chen."

"Boss Chen has gone, and I want to sign up too."

"I am coming too."

Chen Qiang did not expect that this unintentional move of his would greatly speed up the process of transformation in various countries, but now he has encountered a problem. The head of the defense front line will not let him enter the transformation base at all: "Mr. Chen, you can't go in .before I receive orders from superiors."

"Bai Shao, it's not good for us to be stuck with this boss like this, and now many people are watching the live broadcast." A woman in military uniform frowned and said, this is the one who was at the service desk back then. bit.

"What's wrong, I did this for the sake of my idol, it's too dangerous there, he can't go in. If there's something wrong with this guy, I'll be a sinner through the ages." The man leaned against the command center and looked at Chen Qiang helplessly. He looks very happy.

"Then what if Captain Yang let Mr. Chen go." The woman continued to ask.

"Yang Ye is a deadhead. If he hadn't stood up to me, would he have gone to such a dangerous place, and even implicated his regiment's soldiers." The young man named Bai Shao had a look of resentment on his face.

"But." The woman was about to say something, but when she saw Chen Qiang on the screen, she had already started making a phone call.

"This is the case with the Great Elder, why don't you, Commander Yang, talk about it." After speaking, Chen Qiang gave Yang Ye the authority to call him.

"Yes, Great Elder." Yang Ye was actually very puzzled, because if Mr. Chen wanted to enter the metamorphosis zone, as long as he was not blind, he would be notified in advance to let him go, but he didn't receive the notification, so he could only stop him up.

"Chen Qiang, you have to bother me with such a trivial matter. Your name, Mr. Chen, is probably more useful than mine now." The Great Elder joked.

"Who dares to compare with you, but it's not appropriate for an important base like the Great Elder to be managed by a child who has not undergone transformation." Chen Qiang said with a smile, and then hung up after saying a few homely words to the Great Elder Telephone.

No one stopped Chen Qiang from entering the metamorphosis under the protection of ten people including Zhang Jian, and walked towards room 965. The time was already tight, so they walked very fast, and many people on the Internet were paying attention What the hell is this President Chen going to do?

"Zhang Jian, open the door. The two of us will go in. The rest of us will wait at the door. If someone rushes out, we will shoot them directly." Chen Qiang didn't know whether this Mr. Wu succeeded, so he was still very careful. After all, if this old man becomes a zombie, his reaction will be very sensitive.

"Why did Mr. Chen go to Mr. Wu's room and open the door, and what is that blue power grid for?"

"The blue power grid and the defense cover of our city are one thing. The reason why we see the blue sky is very blue is here."

"I think Mr. Chen should be very familiar with Mr. Wu. He might want to save Mr. Wu."

"No, I think Mr. Wu may have some big secret, Mr. Chen really wants to know that's why he invited him here." In short, there are many speculations on the Internet.

"Zhang Jian, turn Mr. Wu around, remember to be careful." Chen Qiang said while putting down the silver box in his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Zhang Jian came to Wu Wudi's head, grabbed old man Wu's head with one hand, grabbed the neck with the other hand, and turned the old man over. The cervical spine is the most critical part of the human body, and there is a small joint on the cervical spine. If this switch is disconnected, the entire upper body will be like a puddle of mud. This technique is also applicable to zombies.

Chen Qiang took out a cell activation medicine from the silver appearance, of course it was low-level. Then the injection entered Wu Wudi's heart. Seeing that Wu Wudi still didn't make any movement, he continued to pick up a cell activation drug and injected it into Wu Wudi's heart. This time he took a total of ten low-level cell activation fluids and one medium-level cell activation fluid. If these activation fluids were not enough to revive the old man, it meant he might have died.

"Let me just say, Mr. Chen is here to save Mr. Wu."

"Have you noticed that Mr. Chen injected the old man with a cell-activating drug, and this is already the fifth injection."

"Wow, Mr. Chen seems to want that box."

Wu Wudi felt like he was trapped in a nightmare at this moment, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out, and what was even more frightening was that he felt the power in his body was slowly passing away. He no longer has the strength to stand up, and now he doesn't even have the strength to think. He was about to die, this was his first feeling, so he turned over and lay down, because his life was worth it, after all, she had seen a higher level of martial arts, although it was not passed down but He is still very content. After practicing martial arts all his life, he has finally mastered the true meaning of martial arts. This can be regarded as the consummation of his merits and virtues.

So he closed his eyes directly and began to wait for the end of his life, but when he closed his eyes and felt the life passing by, he suddenly felt an external force entering his body, so he tried to use this force To break this nightmare, but the power is too small, but this power is continuous. So he began to accumulate strength, and when the last force that was bigger than the previous one was injected, he finally accumulated enough strength, and then the direct manipulator energy directly exploded, and then a ray of light appeared.

"Mr. Chen, wake up." Zhang Jian said very happily, these are ten low-level cell activation fluids and one intermediate-level cell activation fluid, especially the intermediate-level cell activation fluid, which is a resource that is not easy to obtain even in Star Group .

"Who are you?" Wu Wudi is a little weak now. Although his body is full of energy, it is still in a chaotic state, so he can't control his body at all.

"I'm Chen Qiang. I've watched your entire transformation process. This process consumes a lot of energy. Although you already have a method to absorb energy, it's too simple and there's no way to supply your change this time, so I'm here , I injected you with a cell activating agent." Chen Qiang said while packing the silver box and the used syringe.

"Sure enough, your Starry Sky Group has its own energy-absorbing skills. The tube of activating potion that you injected into me at the end should be one level higher than the previous one." Fa has no allure at all. When he contacted Xingkong Body Refining Technique before, he guessed that Xingkong Group had a more advanced body training technique, but now he still underestimated Xingkong Group.

"That's an intermediate cell activation solution. Now I invite you to join the Star Group. I will set up a strategic department to improve the exercises. Your exercises are too crude, but they are the most suitable exercises for human beings. I need you to perfect this set of exercises as soon as possible, and then publish it, what do you think?" Chen Qiang stood up and asked directly.

"Yes, I agree, but I need an intermediate cell activation solution." Wu Wudi agreed directly, knowing that he had no choice, and the temptation of the intermediate cell activation solution was indeed very high.

"Yes, but you need to use your contribution points in exchange. The Star Group never rewards for no reason." After Chen Qiang finished speaking, he carried the box and left, and then a person came in outside, carried Wu Wudi on his back, and left after him. up.

"Captain Yang, I took this away for Mr. Wu, so you don't have to worry, I've cleaned up all the viruses on his body." Chen Qiang smiled at Yang Ye.

"Mr. Chen wants to take someone away. I dare to speak up. You can just take him away." Yang Ye is just stubborn, and he is not stupid if he sticks to his heart. He still can't afford to provoke this big guy. I learned that the person in charge of the base was directly taken away by the military police.

"That's fine, I'm leaving. Head Yang, do a good job." Chen Qiang patted Yang Ye on the shoulder and left, leaving Yang Ye in a daze.

Many people are paying attention to Chen Qiang's move, especially the high-level officials of various countries, because the appearance of this boss Chen is really too abrupt. It's inspiring, but why did I go to Base 88, other bases can also go, and there is a silver box and more than ten cell activating drugs in my hand, which shows that Mr. Chen's The purpose is very clear, it is this old man named Wu Wudi.

The intelligence agencies of various countries in the world began to frantically investigate this old man named Wu Wudi. Wu Wudi does not have any level of confidentiality, so the desks of the presidents or prime ministers of various countries soon put a report on Wu Wudi. intelligence data.

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