Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 350 Holiday

But to the disappointment of all the countries, because there is no useful information in this document at all: Wu Wudi, born in 1943, his ancestral home is Zhili, the eighth generation inheritor of Wu's Taijiquan, and now lives in Chengde. In the end, the relationship between Wu Wudi and Chen Qiang was investigated, and the final relationship was not related, which made many countries feel angry. Therefore, Chen Qiang's actions this time have broken the hearts of strategic departments in many countries. No one thinks that our old man, Chen, will always get hot-headed, and his sympathy will burst out, and then he will save the old man.

And the most important thing is that in the video, Chen Qiang injected the old man with a total of eleven cell activation fluids. The effect of the cell activation fluid is now known to everyone, and the price of a single cell activation fluid on the black market is as high as one million Star coins, if converted into Chinese yuan, are about 700 million yuan, which is also a huge sum of money for some wealthy families.

Because of Chen Qiang's 'taking the lead' this time, many people's resistance to the transformation plan has become less strong, so the work in various countries is relatively easier. And Wu Wudi brought back by Chen Qiang didn't take care of him after directly throwing him a house. He is very busy now. He just recently reviewed all the technologies of this technology trading conference. In June, it will be followed by Xingkong University Graduation and enrollment, and the most important thing now is that the construction of the Star Group's lunar space station has begun. Although it has been busy on the ground during this period of time, the space expansion of the Star Group has not stopped, and there is even a speeding up. trend.

"Brother, this is the situation of the Qidian space station now, and according to our arrangement, the Mars program will officially start in August," Chen Junhui reported.

"That's good. The starting point is to speed up the acquisition of resources. After all, we need to build a transport ship with a length of 1,000 meters. This will be a challenge for us." Chen Qiang instructed while looking at the plan of the Mars project.

"Yes, we have made arrangements here. Because of the application of the new shipbuilding method, the starting point space station can basically deliver five star series space shuttles every month. Based on our calculations, if the resources are sufficient, we can It can take half a year to roll out one transport ship, and if we increase the production line, we can increase this number to three." Chen Jun is not only the station master of the Xingkong Starting Point space station, but also the person in charge of the Xingkong Group's moon base.

"Then follow your plan, and the two star-series space shuttles to be delivered to Huaguo and the United States will be produced as soon as possible." Chen Qiang suddenly thought that the Star Group still had two star-series space shuttles to be delivered, so he hurried reminded.

"We have produced this a long time ago. It uses the fifth-generation bio-battery. It has a long battery life and can fly back and forth in the small star. However, if you want to collect resources, it still has insufficient power." Chen Jun's eyes were shining. Well, in fact, the Xingchen series of space shuttles currently being produced are much more powerful than the Xingchen-1 on the whole, and it would be impossible to sell them if they put everything together.

"Okay, that's all I have to do, what's the matter with you?" Chen Qiang put his serious face on his face at this time and then showed a weird smile.

"Well, brother, I want to go back to Starry Sky City. Catherine's parents want to see me." Chen Jun was a little shy when he said this.

"Then come back, leave the work to Feng Zhengming, and you haven't been home for a year." Chen Qiang said with a smile, he knew it was unfair to his brother, but some things must be done by someone, and he can choose There are not many people.

"Ah, can I really come back?" Chen Jun has been in this space station for almost a year, and the time has changed so fast in this year that he can't believe it. When the zombie virus broke out, he really wanted to go back to the earth to stay with his parents. He was so afraid that he would be left alone. Now he can finally go back to the ground, so he is very excited.

For his younger brother Chen Qiang, who felt that he owed him too much, he was changed from a research position to an administrative position, and he was sent to Qidian Space Station to stay for a year, so he planned to give his younger brother a vacation. After a while, they will get married. He knew that Catherine was a good girl. When he first met this girl, she was just a small researcher in the Starry Sky Cultivation Center, but now she is the person in charge of the nuclear fusion research project of the Starry Sky Research Institute. It has been eight years since Xingkong Xingkong Group was established. The original group of people all had their own families, but there were still a few who did not have families. Chen Qiang was also in a hurry, so he did it during this period. A lot of matchmaker jobs do.

"Old man, chop up the ribs. I'm making braised pork ribs. Xiaojun likes to eat them." Chen's mother is very busy today, because the youngest son will be home today. She hasn't seen the child for a year, and she is a bit forgetting about him. look.

"There are already a lot of dishes, and we can't finish them." Although Chen Shun said so, he still washed his hands and started chopping ribs. He was also very happy when his son came back today.

"I invited Catherine's family today, and my mother-in-law's order is a bit small." Chen's mother said while stirring the chicken soup in the crock, after tasting the saltiness.

"Yes, I should invite you. This brat doesn't even tell me if he has a girlfriend." Although Chen Shun blamed him, he was very happy in his heart. Chen Jun's marriage has always been on their minds. Now that the biggest stone in their hearts has been resolved, they will be let go.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Chen Jun's voice came from the living room. Mother Chen immediately put the spoon in her hand into the earthen pot and ran out. Father Chen could only close the work before going out, but the smile on his face was wide open.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu She felt like she was in a dream, and more than once she dreamed that something happened to the space station.

"Mom, the food over there is very good. It's the same as on our earth, and you can see so many big stars. When will I take you to see it?" Chen Jun comforted his mother while wiping away tears.

"Dad, are you in good health?" Chen Jun looked at his father with a smile on his face and asked.

"It's okay, you did a good job." Maybe my father is not good at expressing his feelings. He thought about a lot of things in the kitchen, but now he can't say a word, and then he can only say these two words dryly. sentence.

"Dad, come and give me a hug." Chen Jun went over and hugged his father who was a little shorter than himself. Sometimes the gesture of expressing affection is so simple.

"Okay, it's good that you can come back. Your mother made you a lot of delicious food. Eat more today." Father Chen patted Chen Jun on the back and said, but the moisture in the corners of his eyes could not be concealed of.

"En." Chen Jun nodded firmly.

Parents' love for their children is selfless, unrequited, and eternal. Maybe we will understand this kind of feeling only when we become parents, but it doesn't mean that we can consume this kind of love, what we have to do is lose the care of it.

The whole dinner was warm and pleasant. In addition, Chen Jun and Catherine also had a little bit of sweetness in the warm and Yu Kai atmosphere. Maybe this is the taste of love.

Chen Jun officially started his vacation life, and even Catherine was taken on vacation. So the two began to appear in pairs in various places in Starry Sky City, and sometimes they even shamelessly kissed on the street. Compared with the traditions of Chen Qiang and Mou Bing, Chen Jun and Catherine are much more open.

"Mr. Chen, our preliminary screening has ended, but we have no place to resettle these more than 900,000 people. Even if we want to train us, we have no place at all. What's more, the group company has no spare at all. People come to train these children, and the 100,000 talents recruited last time have just been digested." Luo Meijia complained.

"This is indeed a big problem. Do you have any good solutions?" Chen Qiang asked directly, he had no idea at all right now.

"Mr. Chen, I think we can disrupt these 900,000 people and send them to orphanages. We can let them receive education by themselves through online teaching." Luo Meijia put forward her own idea.

"This is possible, but our group's base on the moon is almost ready. These children were originally prepared for the base on the moon, and people are needed there." Chen Qiang revealed directly.

"Mr. Chen, these children are really too young. There is no help for them to go to the moon base." Luo Meijia couldn't help being surprised and said, this is the use of child labor.

"No, the moon base is all controlled by artificial intelligence, and the main task of these children going there is to learn. They will be the aborigines of the moon base. And I plan to be excited about the 100,000 people we recruited this time. Compared with admitting that children generally have a much greater ability to accept the unknown, these children will be the pillars of the entire Star Group in the future." Chen Qiang explained that he basically He has no intention of letting these children work. He intends to build the moon base into an industrial production and education base, and the entire city is also a pilot for artificial intelligence to control the city. Even now, the artificial intelligence starry sky does not have the autonomy to manage the entire city.

"Actually, these children can still live there. We can wait until the moon immigration and send them up, but will this cause protests from the public?" Luo Meijia is still very worried, and suddenly let Wan's children Going to space, this will make many people have a bad association, after all, these children do not have substantial working ability.

"There may be a little resistance, but if we don't accept these children, the future of these children will be ruined. The future is definitely an era of pioneering, and the next virus outbreak will make the whole world messy. These children will become The first victim." Chen Qiang finally chose to bear the pressure.

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