Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 355 May 21 Agreement

The whole network and the whole world are angry, because they feel that they have been cheated and that the whole world has abandoned them. Just when everyone was immersed in anger, a big problem appeared in the eyes of everyone, including Chen Qiang : "Mr. Chen, Star Group's moon base has been built. I wonder if you have any arrangements."

Everyone calmed down. The Star Group was the last hold in their hearts. If the person in front of them who they regarded as an idol also deceived them, then there would be no need for this world to exist.

"This is a moon base that has been arranged for the Star Group. It may be immigrated next month. It can accommodate one million people. The specific arrangement is to select 100,000 people from the current Star Group and among the survivors in the infected area. Choose 900,000 children aged 10 to 18 to go to the moon base, as for me, neither will my wife and children." Chen Qiang said calmly, but when he spoke, his whole leg He was trembling, he was not sure that humans could survive this time.

Everyone calmed down, because their idol did not abandon them, and no one suspected that Chen Qiang was lying to them.

"A group of idiots, stay on the earth and wait for death." Many rich people who have already bought the boat tickets laughed silently in their hearts watching this scene. However, after seeing this scene, various countries and families suddenly had a very brilliant idea in their minds.

The world began to fall into turmoil, and a barrage made the whole world into turmoil, and various countries began to trace the source of this information, but in the end it was blocked by the Star Group. It's very chaotic. I can only use this word to describe the current world. The government's credibility is completely useless. Some people with ulterior motives have begun to embark on the path of crime. Huaguo is better, but foreign countries are even worse The government can't suppress it at all.

"Zhang Jian, immediately dispatch Starry Sky security personnel to find out those troublemakers for me, and then send them all to the advance base in Australia to repair the city. It seems that we need to establish an open base in Australia. "Chen Qiang saw that the whole world was already in chaos, so he directly ordered Zhang Jian to use forceful means to restrict it.

"Mr. Chen, we simply don't have enough personnel. The whole world cannot escape, and we need to leave at least 1,000 people in the advance base in Australia. Otherwise, if a king comes to attack the city, we will simply be defeated." I can't resist." Zhang Jian didn't expect Mr. Chen to let Xingkong Security intervene in global security issues so quickly, and the current Xingkong Security is not ready at all.

"Then go recruit. There are now 15,000 people in Xingkong Security, and there are 50 million people who have successfully transformed in the world. It is still possible for each member of Xingkong Security to lead ten new team members. The population is relatively concentrated, and 165,000 people should be enough to deal with it." Chen Qiang ordered.

"But do those countries allow us to enter?" Zhang Jian said bitterly.

"They will agree. You should do a good job in the recruitment of Xingkong security first. Let them mess up the world first. Some people should deal with it." Chen Qiang seemed to be targeting someone in his words.


Indeed, the chaotic world is indeed driven by some forces, and this force is very powerful. They use people's fear of the unknown to lure people to join them, so that these people can do things for them. Moreover, in some countries where the government does not have strict control over the military, these people have already controlled the country's military.

"Mr. Chen, the country is calling, and I hope you can go to Kyoto to attend a meeting." At this time, Lei Jun and Anderson came in together and said.

"It looks like you are planning to persuade me not to go, right?" Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Yes, I don't want you to go, the price is too high, and now the whole world is in chaos, our strength is still a bit weak." Anderson directly expressed his thoughts.

"Mr. Chen, I don't want you to go either. The Star Group is not capable of taking on the responsibility of the entire world. The number of people is really too large, and we can't control it." Lei Jun also said directly.

"We can't give up on the Earth. If the Star Group leaves the Earth, it will be a rootless duckweed, and it will be destroyed sooner or later. Since our Star Group needs a base, wouldn't it be good to use the Earth directly." Chen Qiang shook his head and said.

"We can't control it at all, and where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. We have no experience in managing so many people, so it will mess up." Anderson continued to persuade.

"Use Xingkong, since we can't control it, let Xingkong control it, and I will upgrade Xingkong's intelligence at that time." Chen Qiang seemed determined to want the earth.

"Okay, but we can't give up on the starting point space station, that's our first line of defense." Anderson and Lei Jun said after looking at each other.

"Yes, I also plan to stay at the Moon Base. The terrain starting point nearby has already been explored, and it has a huge amount of resources. This is what our Starry Sky Group urgently needs." Chen Qiang nodded.

Chen Qiang didn't expect that the Star Group, which was about to escape from the earth, was now ready to accept the earth. He never thought that such a thing would happen, and what he didn't expect was that the upper class of various countries would give up the earth decisively and directly. After thinking about it, I can only think of one reason, and that is the Star Group. If there is no Star Group, the aerospace development of the whole world will not be able to develop to this point even after another 500 years, and the emergence of various technologies makes the eyes of all countries not limited to the earth, but to the vast and boundless space. .

"Mr. Chen, welcome to the great hall. This way please." Chen Qiang's anti-gravity flying car landed directly at the entrance of the great hall, and a middle-aged man greeted him as soon as he got off the car.

"Okay." Cherish words like gold, but Chen Qiang is still very curious about the Great Hall.

After walking for about three minutes, the middle-aged man leading the way came to a gate and pushed it away, then motioned for Chen Qiang to go in.

Chen Qiang stepped in without hesitation. He had nothing to worry about, because now it was these people who wanted something from him, not him.

"Hello, everyone. It seems that basically all the high-level officials and families from various countries have arrived. Tell me what you want." Chen Qiang walked directly to the rostrum and sat in the most central position. He is alone.

"Mr. Chen, we don't want much. All of them are in this document. Please take a look." The person who spoke was the head of the Yan family in Jingdu. The loss is the least, so the Yan family directly ranks first in the new family ranking.

"Okay, wait a minute, let me take a look." Chen Qiang took the document handed over by a woman, and then began to read it deeply, but the woman did not move, but stared at Chen Qiang.

"You can go down now. What are you doing standing here?" Chen Qiang felt that the woman was not moving, so he raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"I just want to see what it's like to be the CEO of the Star Group who treats billions of people around the world as a savior." The woman smiled sweetly, leaving Chen Qiang a little stunned.

"Yue'er, mess around, come down quickly." The head of the Yan family shouted from below.

"Understood, Grandpa." The woman named Yue'er stuck out her tongue and left. Chen Qiang shook his head with a smile and continued to bury his head in the list.

No one is impatient, because this is related to their vital interests, and they even hope that this person can agree to all their requirements, but this is simply impossible.

It took a long time before Chen Qiang raised his head and said, "This list is really too much, why don't you just copy Starry Sky City and make it on the moon soon."

"Mr. Chen, Star Group is about to acquire the entire earth. Don't you want to pay such a price." The President of the United States said with a smile.

"The Star Group doesn't need the whole earth, it's enough to have its own one-acre three-point land." The tone is very flat, but this is in line with Chen Qiang's original character.

"Then what are your conditions, Mr. Chen?" Rothschild asked.

"The Star Group can help you build ten million-level permanent residence bases on the moon, but we are not responsible for everything else. As for your materials and property on the earth, you can find a way to take them away." Chen Qiang summed it up in one sentence. He had agreed to his terms, and he did not believe that these people would directly agree to his terms.

"No, at least one hundred, and we also need to master the construction method of the permanent residence base. In addition, the Star Group must provide us with one hundred star series space shuttles and their production technology. We also need the production method of energy coins .” Rothschild also gave his own price.

"No, we can't give you the manufacturing method of energy coins. We can hand over the construction technology of the permanent base, but our Starry Sky Group is not responsible for building it for you, and we can't produce a hundred star series space shuttles at all. If you It takes us 20 years to produce it for you, and you don’t need to think about the production technology, it’s simply impossible.” Chen Qiang’s speech has always been at a constant speed, and he seems to be in no rush, giving Rothschild and his party People cause a lot of stress.

"Mr. Chen, we must have the manufacturing technology of energy coins. We can give up the technology of the Star series space shuttle, and we can relax the delivery date of 100 Star series space shuttles to ten years." For Star Group Rothschild they don't Dare to push too hard, because if this old man suddenly changes his mind, they will be really cold.

They don't really need the manufacturing technology of the star series of space shuttles. When building the interstellar spacecraft, all countries concentrated all the top scientific research forces to tackle key problems, and finally completed the design of the entire spacecraft, and construction has already begun in various countries, so They have no shortage of such skills.

As for the idea of ​​taking root on the moon, it only came about during the last live broadcast of Chen Qiang, and these people did not use the moon as a permanent living base. They need time to build a large enough interstellar spaceship. Now they are building an interstellar spaceship It is so small that there are not many people sitting there, and the place of the moon has entered their eyes.

For Jews like Rothschild, this kind of thing is like an inheritance in their bones, and they will be able to do it since childhood. But in front of Chen Qiang, their previous invincibility seemed to be terminated, and finally after six hours of negotiations, the two sides reached an agreement.

First, Starry Sky Group will deliver a series of technologies such as the construction technology of the permanent base, the manufacturing of energy coins, and the manufacturing technology of cell activation liquid to the family alliance in the next three months. Second, the Star Group needs to deliver 30 star-series space shuttles to the Family Alliance for ten years. Thirdly, after the moon is stabilized, the family alliance can select 50 million voluntary people from the existing earth people to go to the moon. Fourth, in the next three months, in addition to maintaining the necessary protection forces for the family alliance, the armies of each country must be controlled by the star security

The entire agreement has a total of more than one hundred articles, nearly three hundred items. On the side of the family alliance, there are a total of ten people signing, while on the side of the Star Group, it is relatively simple. Chen Qiang can sign alone. Because that day was May 21st, this agreement was also called the "May 21st Agreement."

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