Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 356 Receiving

For Chen Qiang, the whole agreement is to throw away some outdated technologies. For example, the manufacturing technology of energy coins is basically a defective product. Now the star group uses energy block technology, and the manufacturing technology of cell activation solution is only given to him. It is a low-level product. As for the filtration and concentration technology, he didn't even mention it, and he didn't mention the classification and manufacturing technology of the cell activation solution, so this cell activation solution is really tasteless.

"Xingkong, fully take over the intelligence of countries around the world. Now I only need your intelligence on earth." Chen Qiang said directly after walking out of the great hall.

"Yes." After Xingkong received the order, the artificial intelligence of each country was directly disintegrated in an instant, and some confidential information of each country was also completely mastered by Xingkong.

"Report, artificial intelligence has invaded, our artificial intelligence was disintegrated in an instant, whether to take physical isolation measures." In the command room of the Pentagon Building in the United States, a lieutenant colonel reported to a five-star general.

"No need, the United States will no longer exist." The five-star general said with a lonely face.

This is the case in the military departments all over the world. The top leaders of the military in all countries are lonely at this time, but they still need to stick to their posts and wait for the Star Group to be incorporated, otherwise the army will mutiny, which will affect the whole world. is a disaster.

No one in the world has noticed all this at all, and everything seems so peaceful on the surface. However, there are always some people in the world who are not afraid of death. The army of a big country in the northernmost part of Africa mutinied. The whole world was shocked, but the world was not shocked. The army of this big country was directly taken over by the Starry Sky Security. , Those who caused the mutiny were also directly thrown to the Australian mainland to build a forward base.

The Starry Sky Security recruitment is very simple, as long as the news is released, there is no need to worry about finding people. All the recruitments have been completed in less than three days, and they have been arranged in various concentrated cities. 150,000 people play games in 10,000 concentrated cities around the world, but there is still no splash, but it is still possible to control the situation, and the government's army has not lost control, so the whole world is still at peace as a whole. After Xingkong took over the global information network, some criminals could be arrested in a long time, so compared to the previous chaos, the security of the whole world is much better now.

"I've already negotiated with the other side. Now we need to consider how to take over this big planet. I have let Xingkong control the global network, so we still have a little time to talk about your ideas." Chen Qiang Sitting on the podium, he said seriously.

"Mr. Chen, let's build a country. It's not suitable to manage the earth with the current structure of the Star Group." No one spoke, and there were nearly fifty people present, and it was Lei Jun who finally broke the deadlock.

"Then how should we manage this country, we have no experience at all." Mu Bing raised a very serious question, that is experience.

"I do have someone here. It depends on Mr. Chen whether you dare to use it." Kong Ru said after pondering for a while.

"Who, as long as his character is good, I can hand over these billions of people to him." Chen Qiang knew that if there is no one with governance experience to do this, even with the help of Xingkong, the Xingkong Group wants to digest several people on the earth. A billion people takes at least ten years.

"The last great elder, Yang Zhicheng, and the second elder, Wu Aiguo." Kong Ru directly said the names of the two people, and then the voice of the real brother's discussion in the venue suddenly disappeared, even Chen Qiang didn't expect it to be these two people. At the beginning, these two old people took a lot of care of the Star Group. If the Great Elder hadn't insisted on the transportation line of sending water from east to west, Starry Sky City would not be where it is today. You must know that Starry Sky City has never been short of water since then. .

"Will the two come? Hua Guo's high-level officials should take them away." Chen Qiang said hesitantly.

"Huaguo people's memories of their homeland are incomparable to any nation or country. Do you believe that this time, some senior officials in Huaguo and some old people in various families will definitely not go to the moon unless they are all injected. Star Group's high-grade cell activation fluid, otherwise they wouldn't have left Earth at all.

"Where are those two now?" Chen Qiang woke up after hearing such an explanation.

"It's in Starry Sky City. I chatted early yesterday. It seems that I came to Starry Sky City to play." Kong Ru said helplessly. It would be strange if there was nothing to come to Starry Sky City at this time. .

"Oh, it looks like they came here yesterday. Mu Bing, please go and invite the two old men. Don't neglect the two of them." Chen Qiang knew what the two meant without thinking, so he said directly to Mu Bing next to him.

"Okay." Mu Bing said and left his seat.

"Zhang Jian, tell me about the current security situation in the starry sky." Chen Qiang asked after Mou Bing left.

"Mr. Chen, now we have a total of 150,000 people in Star Security, distributed in 5,600 cities around the world. The strongest cities are in Eurasia, and the weakest are in Africa, where no urban agglomeration has yet formed. , and as far as I know, these countries are excluded from the family alliance." Zhang Jian made a simple report on the work of the past few days, but it sounded so cruel to everyone's ears . In just a few days, Xingkong Security sent a total of 50,000 people to the Australian mainland to build a forward base.

"Okay, remember that stability is the premise now. All those who disturb the law and order are directly sent there to make atonement. According to the report of the advance base, the lion has already launched a tentative attack on the advance base. Although there are no major casualties, we The personnel staying there suffered a lot of injuries, and we now need to build the advance base as soon as possible." No one on Chen Qiang's face said seriously, but these words sounded very strong in the voice of many people on the scene The smell of blood.

"Mr. Chen, I haven't seen you for many years. Do you still remember me, an old man?" Chen Qiang just heard an old man's voice outside saying in a very angry voice.

"Great Elder, long time no see. Your old health is still as good as before." Chen Qiang hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Chen Boss, this is a shame for me. We are not elders now, you can call me Yang Zhicheng. Now Boss Chen is the actual ruler of the entire earth, and no one will stop you from being an emperor now." Yang Zhicheng said with a smile.

"Oh, I don't have this idea. I'm too tired. I prefer doing experiments rather than proclaiming myself emperor." Chen Qiang said shyly.

"Mr. Chen, in this situation, you might as well not be an emperor. The earth needs a strong ruler." Another old man behind Yang Zhicheng said seriously.

"Second Elder, don't you think so, we can just change countries into districts, why not keep everything as it is." Chen Qiang said doubtfully.

"No, the hearts of the whole world are in turmoil right now, and you are their last support. Only a strong country can gather the hearts of the whole world." Wu Aiguo said still seriously.

"But isn't this a system of feudal restoration? Will the people agree?" Although Chen Qiang was a little excited at this time, he was more worried.

"What the aerospace age needs is an autocratic system, but now with Xingkong, everything is not a problem. You can ask other people in your Xingkong Group to see if they want you to be emperor." Yang Zhicheng pointed to more than fifty senior members of the Xingkong Group. pipeline.

Everyone nodded in unison, and Chen Qiang also made up his final determination: "But what we have to do now is to take over the rights from various countries. Can you help us?"

"It's possible, but it's just for help." Yang Zhicheng stared at Chen Qiang and said.

"In the future, I will leave it to the two of you to govern." Chen Qiang was also straightforward, because the control of Xingkong was in his own hands, and he was not afraid of anything happening.

"Then we are considered members of the Star Group now, so we can sit down and have a meeting with everyone." The Great Elder asked.

"Yes." Chen Qiang nodded solemnly. Although this is very risky, there is no other way now, or this is the only way.

The entire meeting started again, because with the participation of Yang Zhicheng and Wu Aiguo, coupled with their many years of administrative experience, the plan to accept the entire earth was slowly finalized. The first step is to take over all the troops that blockade the infected area and change the defense of all the troops. The second step is to take over the generals and police agencies of all countries. The third step is to take over the government and announce it to the outside world. Of course, this also involves the layoffs of the troops, the change of stationing locations, and the rewriting of national laws, etc., but this is not difficult. Now there are many people on the earth, and there are more idlers.

"Patriarch, our arrangement in Africa has failed. Starry Sky Security moved too fast, and our whereabouts seem to be controlled by them." A tall blond man said to an old man.

"It doesn't matter, hide the secret lines from the army well, don't contact them to avoid being found out by them, we are about to leave, so let's stop making trouble now, wait until we settle down and then activate these secrets." The old man took a deep puff of the cigar in his hand before speaking.

"Yes." The tall blond man pushed it out.

"Chen Qiang, what's the use of owning the earth? When the earth becomes a dead place, I think you will be so arrogant." The old man took another puff of his cigar and said angrily.

The actions of the Starry Sky Group were all in the dark, and the people didn't feel any difference. The only difference was that there were Starry Sky security personnel in various cities to maintain law and order. They welcome these people, and the reaction of these people is too fast. Now they dare to go out even at night, which was impossible before.

However, there are still some people who are not welcome to the security personnel of the Star Group, because the security personnel hinder their way of making a fortune, but those who are captured by the security of the Star Group and sent to Australia to repair the forward base that are broadcast on the news every day are in front, they can Don't want to be one of those people, it's an infected area, and there are even two kings of animals over there.

This chapter is a bit cold, I will post it first, and I will think about it again. . .

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