Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 358 Appointment

"Mr. Chen, isn't it a bit fast to take over the management of each city so quickly?" Yang Zhicheng said with some concern. It's customary.

"How many of the management personnel in the 100 cities of Huaguo are members of those families, Mr. Yang, you should know that now is just an opportunity. Huaguo can't mess up. This is my bottom line. They are still relying on their intentions. It's already obvious, isn't it just to cause me a little trouble, so that I can see how many people are still lurking in the entire Hua Kingdom." Chen Qiang sneered. These families have done a bit too much during this period. Not only have they emptied Huaguo's treasury, but they have also moved away some very important instruments and equipment. Chen Qiang doesn't like these things. Everything is fine with 3D printers, but now they don't want to let go of the regime in various cities, which is a bit too much.

"Okay, but there may be some riots in the process, and you need to come forward. Now your prestige can still suppress everything." Yang Zhicheng still has the original ruling ideology, but now he has changed it.

Global army reorganization is a very sensitive matter, because the armies of many countries have feuds. If the armies of these two countries are in the same queue, then the army will have no way to survive. However, it is much easier to leave all this to Xing Kong, and according to Chen Qiang's reorganization idea, basically the army in one area will be directly transferred to the other four areas. This will not only allow the army to complete the reorganization smoothly, but also promote Global population exchange.

"Mr. Wu, now the world's armies have begun to reorganize, but according to my calculations, if a division of 30,000 troops is stationed in each city, then we need an army of 150 million in more than 5,000 cities around the world. , This is too much for the troops. So I plan to plan the concentrated cities around the world again after the military reorganization is completed. In my plan, it is enough to plan 800 cities for the current 7 billion people in the world. A city is about 10 million, which is conducive to our control. As for the specific plan, you can just give me a document and I will sign it, and I will leave this matter to you.” Chen Qiang found out after calculating the entire troop configuration There are more than 5,000 concentrated cities in the world, and some cities have less than 500,000 people. Is this a joke at all? Isn't it a bit too wasteful to station 500,000 people in a defense force of 30,000 people? So he called Wu Aiguo to make a plan in advance, and after the military changes were completed, he would sort out the population of the entire world.

In his plan, the number of troops on the entire earth will be 80 million. In addition to the 24 million troops stationed in various cities, 10 million of them will enter the Australian mainland to establish forward bases, and the remaining 46 million Ten thousand troops will become mobile troops under each military region, encircling and suppressing mutated animals and defending against mutated creatures in the ocean.

"Mr. Chen, the British army has mutinied." Chen Qiang was planning the future form of the earth, but he didn't expect Zhang Jian to rush in directly.

"Have you sent someone there?" Chen Qiang didn't expect that the first country to mutiny would be Britain, he thought it was some countries in the Middle East.

"A brigade of 3,000 people from Xingkong Security has already passed, but Marshal Claudine hopes that you can give a speech to calm the emotions of the people." Zhang Jian spoke quickly.

"Okay, let the British TV station prepare, and I will broadcast live here." Chen Qiang took out a camera from the drawer and turned it on.

"Yes." After Zhang Jian pushed out of Chen Qiang's office, he immediately conveyed the order to Marshal Claudine.

"Marshal, we need to leave first. It will take some time for our army to come over." A lieutenant colonel said loudly holding Claudy, and there was a fierce exchange of fire outside the house.

"Bastard, they are still so selfish at this point. If I don't leave, I can't do it. Cruise, this bastard will do something to me." Claudine is very angry now, Bruce is now the British major general and the first The commander of the 1st Mechanized Brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Division. At present, there are only two divisions left in the British Army's active forces, the 1st Armored Division and the 3rd Mechanized Division. The 1st Armored Division has 3 armored brigades, and the 3rd Mechanized Division has 3 mechanized brigades. Each brigade The number of people in the army has reached 5,000, which is already a large establishment, so it is very dangerous for Claudius to be besieged by a brigade now.

"Marshal, the Star Group's support will arrive in one minute, and Mr. Chen has already started the live broadcast." At this time, another major came in to report, but the panic on his face could not be concealed.

"Okay, project the virtual screen to the outside for me, I want those bastards to see what they are doing." Claudy is very angry now, you must know that there has been no mutiny in the army since the army was reorganized, even if there is He has also been suppressed, and he is the one who is known to the whole world to make trouble like this, so he feels very ashamed now.

"Yes." Then a huge screen appeared outside the British Ministry of Defense, and on this screen was Chen Qiang's appearance. Soldiers are people too, and they have their own idols, so when they saw their idols were about to speak, they stopped firing one after another, and began to listen carefully to Chen Qiang's speech.

"Hi everyone, I'm Chen Qiang. It's my idea to reorganize the army, and I'm here to implement it. The ultimate goal is to unite the power of the whole world. We need a complete force to deal with the next crisis. At most There will be a major outbreak of the zombie virus in one year, and by that time, all creatures in the world will fully evolve within three months. This process is dangerous, and it may not be possible once it goes away, but human beings need to be guarded. In a week, I will I will lead 10 million people into the Australian mainland to establish a forward base. I need to have a good talk with that lion and that snake. I hope you can actively participate in it. You are the last line of defense for human beings. Maybe some people don’t like fighting Killing life, you can also obey the order of change first, after the adaptation is completed, there will be a retirement procedure, and the retirement fee is 10,000 star coins, which is enough for you to live for a period of time." Chen Qiang's expression was very serious at this time Haggard, looking like he hasn't slept in a long time.

Although what Chen Qiang said was very euphemistic, no one could understand, so many people from the 1st Brigade of the British Fifth Mechanics put down their weapons, and at the same time, a brigade from the Star Group also arrived at the scene and directly controlled Bruce and others. A lot of leadership.

"Bastard, let me go, I'm from the Elizabeth family, you can't treat me like this." Bruce never thought that he would be caught like this, nor did he think that Star Group's reaction would be so fast, and he didn't even think that in his own When he was captured, there were cheers among his soldiers.

"I'm sorry, I don't care who you are, but I can be sure that you will go to Australia to build an advanced base." The captain of the Star Group this time said and stuffed Bruce and all the officers into it. in the space shuttle.

"Hello, thank you for your support." At this time, Marshal Claudy appeared beside the star security team and greeted.

"Marshal Claudine, this is what we should do. Now Huaguo has completed all the reorganization and started to garrison troops in various cities. I hope you can hurry up here. We can't hold on to Australia. , Now our casualties have reached tens of thousands." The team leader boarded the space shuttle and left directly after speaking.

"Marshal, the starry sky security guards are too arrogant. You came here to talk to them in person, and they have such an attitude." Claudine's bodyguard said angrily.

"William, no need, they are all heroes. I didn't expect the situation in Australia to reach this point. The powerful individual soldiers and weapons of Starry Sky Security have sacrificed tens of thousands of people, which shows that the situation they are facing is very serious. It looks like I'm going to speed up." After Claudy finished speaking, there was a piercing look in his eyes, he knew that there are still many people like Bruce in the entire army, and he used to think about old feelings and planned to use him. Gentle way to achieve the control of the entire army, but it is not necessary now.

A week later, besides Hua, the first one to change the army turned out to be Mao Xiong. The entire 3 million army was completely controlled by Zhukov, and it also included the various nuclear facilities it owned. Next is the United States. The American army is basically in the navy, so the resistance to reorganization is very high. However, the reorganization of the entire army was completed under MacArthur's powerful means.

All the armies in the world are recorded in the starry sky database, which includes all the data of all soldiers. The reorganization of the army has never been known to all the people. The army is a secret unit, so this time the reorganization of the army has not been widely reported. First of all, the control of the starry sky caused the information in this area to be deleted on the Internet, and the army in various places immediately injected intermediate cell activation fluid and practiced dragon and tiger body training after reorganization, and was familiar with various energy guns.

In the meeting room of the Starry Sky Group in the Starry Sky City, all the generals gathered together again. Everyone had a general idea about this meeting, that is, the appointment and adjustment of positions, which made many people feel nervous. Can't help gearing up.

"Okay, today's matter is also very simple, that is, the appointment meeting of the chiefs of the military regions around the world, because the entire military starry sky has already been set up, so I only appoint officers at the military region level, and you can appoint officers at other levels. Check it through your soldier's bracelet. Now I will announce the appointment: Commander of the Asian Military Region Zhukov, Deputy Commander Guan Cheng; Commander of the European Military Region Guderian, Deputy Commander Dönitz; Deputy Commander Duck; North American Commander MacArthur, Deputy Commander Patton; South American Commander Claudine, Deputy Commander Steinitz." I don't know if you have any questions now.

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