Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 359 Standing in Line

"I have doubts, why our commander in South America is Claudy, not our local officer." Argentina's chief of general staff Muniolo stood up and asked.

"Because of the Amazon forest in South America, we need a strong leader. I think Marshal Claudine is very suitable. Do you have any ideas?" Chen Qiang explained.

"But I think I should have the ability to become the deputy commander." The old guy wasn't shy at all, so he said directly with his neck raised. At this time, there were still some laughter from the entire venue.

"No, you are a division commander of the army I brought into Australia this time. I think you are capable enough for this position. We need capable leaders to fight with those lions and snakes." Chen Qiang spread his hands road.

"Mr. Chen, I'm just joking. I think it would be nice to be stationed in a city in South America. My abilities are not yet at the level of fighting mutant creatures." Muniolo sat down quickly after speaking. Going to Australia would be a narrow escape. As long as you are not a fool, you will not go.

"Mr. Chen, I think the official commander of Asia can serve as an official general. I hope to go to Australia with you." Zhukov stood up and said firmly.

"I want to go too, and I think Patton can also be the North American commander." MacArthur also stood up and said.

"No, this time I just plan to build a forward base to negotiate with the lion and the snake. I brought so many people in just to scare them. The arrangement on the side of the starry sky is out. I need You should take control of your own army as soon as possible, and there are too many concentrated cities in the world, I have already asked Wu Aiguo to plan the scale of 800 base cities, I need you to cooperate with Wu Aiguo's actions." Chen Qiang refused.

"Yes." Seeing that Chen Qiang disagreed with Zhukov and MacArthur, they could only sit down. Soldiers can only show their value on the battlefield, and MacArthur and Zhukov are pure soldiers, and they yearn for the battlefield.

"As for the rest of the appointments, you can inquire on the military's internal website through the soldier's bracelet. There is an exchange system here. All exchange items must be exchanged with military merit. Proceed. Now you can leave, but this time ten commanders have been appointed and I have something to tell you.” Chen Qiang directly announced the end of the meeting, and then left several commanders behind.

"Claudy, do you feel dissatisfied with asking you to go to South America?" Chen Qiang asked straight to the point.

"No, soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty." Claudine said solemnly.

"Actually, I planned to keep you in Europe, but the animals in the Amazon forest seemed to have signs of mutation, so I temporarily changed your position. I need you to surround the Amazon forest after taking office, use a defensive cover, and don't deliberately Stop the virus, there are too many giant animals in the Amazon forest, if they develop intelligence, then South America must give up, so your task is very heavy." Chen Qiang said very seriously.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Claudy did not expect that he would face such a huge task, but he obviously would not be afraid of this challenge.

"The first purpose of asking you to stay today is to tell you that now the last line of defense for mankind is us, so I need you to seize the army under your command. You also know that many elites in the world They have already planned to take root on the moon. According to our agreement, they can still carry out commercial activities on the earth. These families are very powerful. I know that some of you have contacts with these people, but I hope you will stop me. I know you don't want human beings to become extinct, right? The earth has become a paradise for mutated creatures." Chen Qiang stared at the ten old men and said.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, I promise to complete the task." Zhukov was the first to express his opinion, followed by MacArthur, and Fang Cheng was the last to express his opinion, and he was a little reluctant when he spoke. Chen Qiang took a deep look at the old man After a glance, he said: "The second purpose is to improve your body. Although your body is very good now, you will inevitably come into contact with the virus on the front line. The immune system in your body is already a little aging, so it is not necessary at all. It can't resist the virus, so you need to make some changes." Chen Qiang pressed his watch, and then ten Starry Sky security personnel brought ten boxes to the side of the ten commanders, and handed the boxes to these old people.

"Mr. Chen, this is." MacArthur seems to have some guesses. When he was in the Pentagram Building, he had a lot of contact with the US intelligence agencies and collected some secrets of the intelligence agencies. Among those secrets, some documents were guessed to be owned by the Star Group. A life-extending agent that is more powerful than Cell Activation Liquid.

"Advanced cell activation liquid, you used to inject low-level ones, but now you use intermediate-level ones for the army, but the cell activation liquid used by the army is indeed biased towards physical transformation." Chen Qiang did not let these old people guess, but Just say it.

"Sure enough." Zhukov was very excited at this time, and he directly opened the box. Inside was a tube of lavender medicine fangs and a watch with a metallic texture. He picked up the medicine and drank it without any hesitation at all. After finishing, he put the cap of the medicine bottle on the original position, then picked up the watch and put it on his wrist, but Chen Qianglan took it off.

"You have to think about it. If you wear this watch, you can't take it off. This tube of advanced cell activation fluid is a reward for you. If you don't feel like doing it at any time, you can quit at any time, and then go to the moon base to enjoy it. In later years, if they don't want you, I can give you a house in the moon base of the Star Group." Chen Qiang confessed.

"President Chen, this is my choice, I understand." Zhukov nodded firmly.

"Okay, I'll bring it for you." Chen Qiang picked up the watch and put it on Zhukov's right wrist. At the moment when the watch strap was buckled, Zhukov felt a needle pierced into his veins , It hurts but he still held back.

"Okay." Chen Qiang said after dripping his own blood on the watch screen above Zhukov's right hand.

"Then I'm a member of the Star Group now." Zhukov looked at the watch curiously and said.

"Yes, if you need, you can use your contribution points to go to Star Group's internal website to buy any products of Star Group."

"Including Advanced Cell Activation Solution?"


At this time, MacArthur also directly opened his own box, picked up the advanced cell activation liquid and drank it directly, and then the others drank it without hesitation. And MacArthur, who was the leader, directly picked up the watch and handed it to Chen Qiang, asking Chen Qiang to wear it for him. Perhaps this was their persistence in their hearts.

To be able to achieve the position of marshal in the army, no one is a fool. This is because the person in front of them is forcing them to stand in line. Although they can let them go, they know that this rest assured will not be in the future but now. You don't need to take office anymore, just take the space shuttle prepared by Star Group and leave the earth.

Chen Qiang knew that these people could see the form clearly, that's why he made this scene. What he needs now is his only voice in the whole earth, so the army as a violent institution must be in his hands. Everyone chose to wear a watch, but when Fang Cheng was the last one, Fang Cheng asked hesitantly: "What is the function of Mr. Chen's watch?"

"Nothing, this watch allows you to directly contact me, and there will be a protective shield covering your whole body beside you, so that your safety will be guaranteed. The last point is surveillance. In fact, this function I haven’t used them either, these watches were made earlier and were intended to be given to some personnel of the Star Group, but your safety is more important, so I took them here and used them first.” Chen Qiang said with a smile, but there was no One would believe that such nonsense had never been used, but one had to bow one's head under the roof.

"Then can we take it down by ourselves? After all, we have our own lives." Fang Cheng continued to ask.

"No, only I can take it down. Don't try to brute force it, or it will release a virus into your blood, and within three minutes you will go into shock and die." Chen Qiang knew that these people would have But there is no way, the entanglement between these people and those families is too deep, he has to guard against it. With an army of nearly 10 million in a military region, this strength can already be called a king. He doesn't want to end up taking advantage of others by being busy.

"Then Mr. Chen, can I quit now." Fang Cheng was very entangled in his heart at the end, and gave up everything.

"Okay, Xingkong Airport has already prepared a space shuttle to take you to Kyoto. There should be someone there to meet you. You can tell them about the advanced cell activation solution. It doesn't matter." Chen Qiang said and made a request gesture.

"Goodbye, Mr. Chen." After Fang Cheng finished speaking, he turned and left, but Chen Qiang saw the cold eyes when he turned his head when he turned around. Looking at this back, Chen Qiang couldn't help but sneered, and then let Zhukov They hurried to take office.

These families in Huaguo are having a lot of fun during this time. They use their connections to acquire land in various base cities. Put it there and ignore it, and then after a certain period of time, it will be taken back by the managers of the concentrated cities and sold again. They even use another company to continue to buy land and still not build.

The methods used by the middle and middle school children are actually used in this place. Chen Qiang really doesn't know how these families have such huge strength. Don’t you just want to slow down the progress of the entire city’s construction, but what does it matter? Now the entire Huaguo’s concentrated cities are under the control of the Xingkong Group, and the matter of taking back those lands is just a matter of one sentence. There is no chance. As for the pawns they placed in the army, the entire army has long been wiped out in this global reorganization.

You must know that there is such a saying in the army, mandatory retirement. In this major reorganization, Chen Qiang removed all the pawns in the global army. As for the vacated positions, some people filled them up. As for the command ability, there is no need for it at all, because there is only one kind of war against mutant creatures. The way is face-to-face hard steel.

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