Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 361 Australia Advance Base

And this time, the global reorganization of the Starry Sky Group actually has nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads, which is a huge number. And the most important thing is that the Star Group has no experience in dismantling nuclear bombs at all, so these nuclear warheads can only be concentrated and piled up. If the matter in Australia is resolved smoothly this time, then these nuclear warheads will be destroyed. It was poured directly on the four small islands of Dongpu, and according to some investigations by the Star Group, it seems that command animals were also produced on this small island. The last Australia will remain as a trial area for the entire human race.

"Mr. Chen, I'm finally looking forward to your arrival. If you don't come, we will kill you all." A strong-looking man immediately shed tears after seeing Chen Qiang and others.

"Zhong Fan, I know that you have worked hard, but you have to believe that your hard work is worth it. Stay here for a while. The officers have already started transporting troops here. It may take about seven days to arrive at Sydney Harbour. Then you can retreat and rest for a while, and I will settle the next account." Chen Qiang's eyes showed a murderous look, even if animals are intelligent, they are still animals, and their instincts will not change, so he will never allow these creatures Alive, the threat these creatures pose to humans is simply too great.

"Mr. Chen, I am not complaining, but the sacrifices of the brothers are too great. Yesterday those animals attacked the city again, and thousands of animals rushed directly, and their wisdom seemed to increase again. I started to know how to cooperate. Our personnel once again sacrificed more than a thousand, and many brothers have no bones left." Zhong Fan burst into tears as he spoke. Although the long-term war has made him develop a tough heart, when he mentions those brothers who have no bones left, his heart hurts like being cut piece by piece by a knife.

"Let's go, let's go ahead and take a look." Chen Qiang knew that the brothers had sacrificed a lot, but he didn't expect that the sacrifice would be so great, so he walked directly to the top of the city wall.

City walls are now standard equipment for all cities, because unless it is a flying creature, it takes a lot of effort to climb a tall city wall. The soldiers guarding the city can use this gap to cause laughable damage to the animals below the city wall.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

When Chen Qiang walked up the city wall, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. Countless animal bones had been piled up under the 30-meter-high city wall, while the top of the wall was full of traces and paw prints corroded by venom. You must know that this city wall was poured with a high-strength special alloy, and now it is destroyed like this, which means that the entire war is unprecedentedly tragic.

"You have worked hard. Really, you are the heroes of Starry Sky Group and all mankind." Chen Qiang said to all the security personnel of Starry Sky, and then bowed to these people. At this time, his eyes were full of tears. He thought that these intelligent creatures were just an instinctive reaction, and they wouldn't come again if they were afraid of being beaten, but now he probably made a complete mistake.

"Mr. Chen, this is our responsibility. You don't have to do this. Besides, the benefits given to us by the Star Group are enough. Even if we die in battle, we don't have to worry about our family." At this time, a man in his twenties was very shy. Said.

"No, it's not enough. I'm announcing a reward of one advanced cell activation solution and one hundred thousand star coins for each person participating in this battle." Chen Qiang announced directly. Everyone shouted happily. The exchange price of an advanced cell activation liquid in the military merit system is 100,000 military merit. This will be the last time for such a generous reward, so many people who came with Chen Qiang are very envious, and even more so. Not to mention the reward of 100,000 star coins, you must know that the unified currency on the entire earth is now the star coins. Although the prices on the earth are soaring now, the star group's requirements for minimum living allowances have also increased. Even that one penny can get an average family of four rich for a week.

Chen Qiang circled around the city walls, and found that all the corpses of mutant creatures were piled up under all the walls. He was very surprised. After all, these meats are also meat, so he directly asked Zhong Fan: "Zhong Fan Fan, why don't you clean up the corpses of these mutated animals, and these are very good meat."

"Mr. Chen, it's not that we don't clean up, it's that we don't have manpower at all, and now the intelligence of animals is improving rapidly. They will hide some snakes in these test questions, and all of these snakes are highly poisonous. We have already lost a lot of people because of this, and we don’t want food anyway, so we can take care of it. Also, these animals have eaten zombies. Have you noticed that there are no zombies in the entire Australian continent now? It existed, and was eaten up by these mutated creatures, and now they have started to eat other animals, if it weren't for the lion king and snake king above, I am afraid that the whole of Australia would have been in chaos." Zhong Fan said with a wry smile.

"Oh? Then the reason they attacked the city crazily was because of food?" Chen Qiang's eyes sparkled.

"Maybe." Zhong Fan also guessed.

"Since they want food, we can kill all these creatures with poison." A man in the staff behind Chen Qiang said suddenly.

"It's simply impossible. We tried this method and found that our current poison has no effect on these creatures at all." Zhong Fan shook his head.

"This is good news. It shows that the energy contained in the meat of these mutated animals is very pure. I think our current target can directly target the Lion King and Snake King. As long as these two mutated creatures in the entire Australian continent are dead It will become a plate of loose sand, so that we can turn the entire Australian continent into a meat supply place and a trial place." Another staff officer said.

"But how do we find the Lion King and the Snake King now? They are too cunning. I basically used all the technological means, and I didn't find anything at all." Zhong Fan understood the plan, but he couldn't find it. way.

"Don't look for them, they must be nearby. I saw the traces of the battle just now, and we can draw a very scary conclusion from what Captain Zhong said, that is, these mutated creatures are also using us to train troops, using this city To cultivate mutant animals' familiarity with human technology, the only animals with such high intelligence are the lion king and the snake king." A staff officer with eyes in his thirties said directly, and the whole scene was silent down.

"Xiao Ran, isn't what you said is too detrimental to people's ears? Do mutated animals have such powerful wisdom? Also, even if what you said is correct, then it shouldn't be the lion king and the snake king who command this battle. , Their subordinates should also have all mutant creatures with high intelligence." Everyone present felt that these staff officers Xiao Ranxiao were a bit sensational, so another staff officer stood up and questioned.

"No, it's the Lion King and the Snake King. Although they have high-level intelligence, their instincts cannot be changed. For example, in terms of territory, the Lion King and the Snake King simply don't allow two outsiders to appear in their populations. A mutated creature with the same intelligence as them, otherwise the population will split. According to the survival rules of animals, there can only be one king of a population." Xiao Ran said wisely.

"Then what do you think our next plan will be?" Chen Qiang said with interest. His staff team has assembled the top talents in the world, so he is not surprised at all.

"I think our task now is to defend the city. It would be good to defend this city, so as to consume these mutated creatures. For this training, the Lion King and Snake King must have summoned 90% of the mutated creatures in the entire continent. Here. As long as the Lion King and Snake King see that their military training goals have been achieved, they will definitely show up and destroy the city, this is our chance." Xiao Ran said confidently.

"Officer Xiao, do you know how many people we will sacrifice by doing this? This plan is simply disregarding human lives." Zhong Fan directly objected, he understood the madness of those mutated animals, so he didn't want to make any more sacrifices.

"Officer Xiao, this plan is indeed unacceptable. Although we have 10 million people this time, we can't consume it like this. Your staff department should come up with another plan." Chen Qiang also rejected this plan. This city is on the plain Except for the city wall, there is no danger to defend at all, and the most important thing is that this plan is a refueling tactic, which requires a lot of sacrifice. He is not the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Xiao Ran was obviously in a bad mood.

Chen Qiang did not deliberately cover up when he came to the Australian Continental Star Group this time, and the most important thing now is that the families of various countries still have satellites and some TV stations in the hands of various countries. It is a big deal for ten thousand giant ships to gather at the same time A scene where no one will not notice. And the most important thing is that now the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild very much hope that the Starry Sky Group will open the infected area, because this matter will have a great impact on the two guilds, otherwise there is no need for the two guilds to exist.

So this time they spread the news through the TV station, and the whole world knew about it. So the mercenary guild and the adventurer's guild became lively again, as well as the military garrisons in various cities. It may be that people in the whole world have been idle for too long and want to do something. They did not consider the danger of this matter. Now the mood of the people can be described by the word anger, so Chen Qiang, who had just settled down, received a call from Yang Zhicheng from Starry Sky City.

"Chen Qiang, now we have been kidnapped. It's really useless if we don't open up. Our military bases in various cities have been surrounded by youths and blocked. Now our troops can't even go out." Yang Zhicheng also suppressed However, the force should not be too hard, so there is no effect at all, so he can only turn to Chen Qiang for help.

"Then let's open it up. A forward base is proposed on the border between Huaguo and Bangziguo. All people who enter the infected area need to sign a life and death certificate. Also, you can contact the Xingkong Research Institute to release all the collection tasks. , since they want to enter the infection so much, let them go, I want to see what the hell they are going to do." Chen Qiang said with a sneer.

"Then shall we open up the sale of guns?" Yang Zhicheng also knew that there were people behind this, so he also wanted to see what these people were doing, but many mercenaries and adventurers were applying for guns, so he still had to discuss this issue with Chen Qiang. It's better to report.

"Yes, but firearms need to be specially modified, and a safety device is installed on them, which will lock themselves after entering the city." Chen Qiang said after thinking for a while, the current gunpowder weapons are very suitable for many zombies and mutant creatures. There was still a threat, so he chose to open up the gun business after adding insurance. This time the global military reorganization, the Star Group has obtained a total of 500 million firearms, and it is good to release some of them now.

"Okay, I'll contact the research institute to work." Yang Zhicheng heard that this is not bad, at least it can reduce some crimes.

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