Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 362 Open

After hanging up the phone, Chen Qiang came to the window and squinted his eyes at the bright moonlight. No one knew what he was thinking, but he made a call after enjoying the moonlight for a while.

"Feng Zhengming, let Xingchen-1 take off all the satellites in outer space for me, remember what I said is all." Chen Qiang issued an order that Feng Zhengming didn't understand, but he still ordered the pilot of the starting point space station Complete this task as soon as possible. In fact, he is still very excited at this time, because these satellites are naked resources. Although there are not many satellites, there are still many resources contained in thousands of satellites. Recently, the starting point space station has obtained fewer meteorites from those satellite capture companies. If it weren't for the addition of three star series space shuttles to the starting point, I am afraid that the starting point and the moon base will have run out of food.

One disadvantage of the new shipbuilding method is that it cannot be stopped. If the supply of materials is insufficient, the entire ship needs to be re-refined with superphages for metal elements, and then rebuilt. Because once the supply of raw materials is cut off, the programmable microorganisms will pile up their corpses on the ship according to the pre-edited program. The corpses of microorganisms without metal alloys have no strength at all. The ship wonders if it is Scrapped.

The speed of the Star Group is very fast, announcing the time, location and requirements for the development of the infected area immediately. This news has been sent out that the iron and steel industry and the arms industry in the world have made great progress, but because the largest arms dealer in the world is the military, many people plan to buy firearms in the forward base, and the most exciting thing for many people What is exciting is that the battlefield simulation system that was once too real is also online. This also allows many people who are not very rich to have a place to practice marksmanship.

"Morgan, the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild must be under control. We need the most elite people. Don't be stingy with the low-level cell activation fluid. Now we have mass-produced it. As for the intermediate and high-level ones, we are studying them. Since the Star Group If we don't have the intention to take back these two guilds, then we can't push ourselves too far, and remember to behave with our tails between our legs." The head of the Yan family said to an old man next to him.

"There is no problem with this. I have already arranged it. As long as the infected area of ​​​​Bangzi Country is released, the team we formed will enter immediately. However, because the defensive cover has the function of resisting detection, we have no restrictions on the infected area. The information is still pending, and our plan may be delayed for a while." Morgan spoke very carefully at this time.

"It doesn't matter. What we need are some vigorous plants and the meat of mutated animals. According to the information from the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild, the Star Group has also released information on collecting plants with vitality, so we need to get ahead of them." Take these plants into your hands." Rothschild said directly that they must get this kind of plant with mysterious vitality.

"I think we can discuss it with the Star Group. We can directly put the acquisition department directly into the forward base. Adding our price, our harvest should be greater." The team leader of the Junker family suggested.

"That's fine, let Rothschild discuss it." The head of the Yan family made a direct decision.

When the whole earth was still under their control, the first batch of troops sent by the United States to Japan got a plant that could eat people, and the American soldiers completely wiped out this plant at the cost of sacrificing five people. This plant was finally acquired by a biological company under the Rothschild family. In recent research, it was suddenly discovered that this plant had the same function as the cell activation liquid, and the function was even more powerful than the cell activation liquid. Now that these families know that there are two types of cell activation liquid, intermediate and advanced, they don't want to miss it. Since the effect of the low-level is so powerful, the effect of the intermediate and high-level cell activation liquid will be even more amazing. They are all a group of old men, so the pursuit of longevity is extremely fanatical.

There is never a shortage of fools in the world. In the face of huge benefits, all the people who have gone through the transformation plan are crazy. The purchase price of an active plant is 100,000 stellar coins per kilogram, and the wet weight is still mentioned here. And those who have not gone through the transformation plan also signed up to undergo transformation one after another, because now the entire earth is one army, so the efficiency of transformation has also been greatly improved. In addition to the announcement of the dragon and tiger body training technique, the probability of each person's transformation success has increased a lot. Now, basically every 100,000 people will have one transformation failure when they transform. This number is acceptable to everyone. So during this period of time, basically people under the age of 50 and over the age of 15 all over the world have signed up for the transformation plan.

Perhaps it was because of the temptation of money. The first time the infected area was opened, a total of 800,000 people entered the infected area. Everyone carried food, water and some necessary supplies in their bags. For this open starry sky game, the doomsday mode has been added to the battlefield simulation system, in order to prepare everyone who enters the infected area.

Compared with Japan and Australia, the danger in the infected area of ​​Bangzi Country is the lowest, because there are no intelligent creatures at all from the current exploration, so the entire infected area is still in a chaotic era. There are only some zombies and mutated animals. As long as the psychological quality is passable for the degenerates who hold thermal weapons and fighting knives, they should be able to come back safely. But it would be hard to say if he was submerged in a crowd of zombies or besieged by mutated animals. That's why Chen Qiang ordered everyone to sign a life and death certificate when they entered the infected area, in order to scare some people from giving up this idea, but he still underestimated human's yearning for money. One hundred thousand star coins is like picking up for nothing, anyone who doesn't go is a fool.

"Brother, will we come back alive this time?" A man who looked silly asked a tall and thin man.

"You crow's mouth, there is nothing you can't come back. I just saw that the population near the Yalu River is relatively sparse and the forest is relatively dense, so we don't have to go too far this time, just search the vicinity. The forest There are the most plants in it, and there should be that kind of mutated plants." The tall and thin man analyzed, it seemed that he had done his homework seriously, but what he didn't expect was that compared to the various plants in the zombie forest Mutant creatures are the most dangerous.

In fact, there are not a few people who have the idea of ​​being thin and tall. No one is not afraid. Everyone has a sense of fear of the unknown, but they are now suppressing their fear in their hearts because of money.

"Now you can go in, remember to protect yourself and don't be too greedy. The map in your hand is our 100 supply points in the whole area. We will distribute supplies at the supply points every two hours. If You can come to the supply point if you need it.” The person in charge of the entire forward base was called Qin Tian, ​​he was a major general of the Hua Kingdom, and he was supposed to be the division commander of a certain base city in the northwest, but Zhukov temporarily recruited him to the forward base as the person in charge of the entire base .

800,000 people entered the entire space directly with the flow. Of course, some wealthy teams directly hired military planes to send them to their destinations, and some teams entered with cars that had already been refitted. the infected area. Of course, more people entered the infected area through their legs, and no one wanted to go deeper.

Many people on the earth are very concerned about this operation, but Chen Qiang has no time to pay attention to these things at this time, because at this time the army composed of mutant animals has started to attack the base again, this time even more violently than before. The first reinforcements have arrived, and I fear the city has fallen.

"Mr. Chen, we can't continue fighting like this. Gather all the fuel in the base, throw it under the city wall, and set the corpses on fire. This can effectively resist the attacks of these mutated animals. Animals have an instinct to be afraid of fire." " Xiao Ran reported loudly.

"No, now the entire city is completely covered by corpses. The burning of such a large number of corpses will cause a sharp decrease in the oxygen in this area, and we will not be able to survive." Chen Qiang said while watching the battle above the city wall.

"We can open the defensive cover, increase the density of the defensive cover, and minimize the gas exchange. We only need to last for six hours and the corpses will be burned, so our defense will be easier." Xiao Ran explained .

Chen Qiang thought for a while and saw a soldier on the city wall being swept down by a tail and said decisively: "It can be carried out immediately. Take out the left and right oxygen cylinders in the base to ensure the minimum oxygen demand of the soldiers."

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Xiao Ran immediately conveyed the order and KS made arrangements.

"Old Yang, these animals are really smart and they will cheat. There is a poisonous snake in the 30th direction, kill it for me." An officer also said to a man next to him with a laser weapon.

"Who knows, isn't it said that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals are not allowed to become sperm." The man named Lao Yang said and shot. I saw that the head and seven inches of the poisonous snake in the 30th direction were directly smashed.

"The third battalion and six platoons are now listening to the order, all retreat for me, and give me the crenelation of the city wall." The officer suddenly shouted loudly after receiving the order, and at the same time all the defenders on the city wall received this order.

"What's wrong with the platoon leader? Why did we back off? Without our suppression, these animals would have rushed up in less than a minute." Lao Yang asked with some doubts.

"The order from above, are you going to disobey the order, since we have evacuated, let's take a good rest." The platoon leader leaned directly on the stone and narrowed his eyes.

Everyone knows what the fate of disobedience on the battlefield is, so Lao Yang can only suppress his doubts. At the moment when all the soldiers pulled down the city wall, a blue hood covered the entire city, and the mutant creatures that touched the defensive hood all fell down one by one, but they didn't mean to stop at all. .

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