Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 371 Origin Qi Absorption Method and Level

"Your harvest is enough. You haven't figured out the nature of the so-called adventurer's guild and mercenary guild. Don't cry poorly here. If you have the ability to send your juniors down to make a run for it or go for it yourself Chuang. Don't use others as cannon fodder, just tell me what you want." Chen Qiang looked contemptuous.

"Mr. Chen, we are here this time to tell you some good news. We found a lot of vitality in the meat of mutant animals. We hope to buy a large amount of mutant animal meat here on Earth, especially king-level mutant creatures. We hope that the more meat the better." Rothschild has no other way at this time, and any negotiation skills will be useless at all.

"If you want the meat of king-level mutant creatures, it seems that you have done a lot of research on this. But it's impossible. You can catch or hunt them yourself. Up to now, our military has only hunted three Head." Chen Qiang shook his head and said.

"Aren't there only two king-level creatures? How did you hunt and kill three?" Rothschild asked.

"No, that was in the past. Now there are more than 500 king-level creatures on the entire earth, all of which are in the sea. If you have this idea, I can provide you with the specific coordinates of these creatures." Chen Qiang now regrets taking on this task. Mess look.

"Five hundred, Mr. Chen, that means that the zombie virus has now begun to spread around the world." Rothschild stood up in shock.

"Not yet, but it will be soon. According to our estimation, it will be in the next year." Chen Qiang is now like a bad uncle who seduces children.

"Mr. Chen, can you provide us with some of the king-level mutant creatures you captured? We won't ask for more, just one ton. Let's do some research." Morgan interjected, although it is very tempting to capture it by yourself. Li, but he didn't believe that the Chen in front of him would always give them such a good thing. If it was simple, Starry Sky Group would have done it by itself.

"There is no way around this. We got a total of three tons of meat from the three king-level mutant creatures. You also know that the size of the Starry Sky Group is not enough to keep something." Chen Qiang also had a smiling face. At this moment, his thoughts are Let the people of these big families go to the sea to catch those king-level creatures and test the depth of these creatures. And it can also consume the strength of the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild, which kills two birds with one stone.

"Mr. Chen, how much power do you need to succeed if we want to capture king-level mutant creatures?" Rothschild asked tentatively.

"There are at least 2,000 people above level eight, and you must have a weapon that kills with one blow, otherwise there is no hope at all." Chen Qiang said after pretending to think for a while.

"Ah." No one is not surprised, because there are not many people above level 8 at all. Even if all the people in the Adventurer's Guild and Mercenary Guild are above level 8, there are only 5,000 people. Sending out 5,000 people at once is too much.

The Martial Artists Guild pushed Chen Qiang to compete with these two major guilds, because some people with higher military strength don't like the army, so they will choose to join a guild, which leads to the fact that the high-end power of the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild is still Very powerful. Therefore, in order to curb the strength of these two major guilds, the warrior guild must also be established.

"Mr. Chen, please give me the coordinates of these king-level mutated animals." Rothschild and the others are very conflicted now, because they want their own dignity and something to make them live longer. As the saying goes, you can't have both, so they chose longevity.

"Okay, I'll send it to you right now." Chen Qiang showed a slight smile.

Looking at the back of Rothschild and the others, Chen Qiang couldn't bear it, because the two thousand people might not come back again. But he still suppressed his terrible thought, and hypnotized himself again and again in his heart; "I'm for Star Group."

After sorting out his emotions, Chen Qiang came to the Star Tower. He needs to deduce both the law and the exercises. He is not sure whether Xingkong will succeed, but this is the shortest shortcut.

"Xingkong, take out all the information you have recorded, and use this set of exercises to deduce another exercise." Chen Qiang also entered the nameless exercises he had obtained. He had obtained this set of exercises a long time ago. After years of exploration, he felt that the potential of this set of exercises was still very huge, so he took it as the main skeleton.

"The deduction has started. The expected time for the deduction to succeed is thirty hours. Please wait." A lot of information began to be displayed on the screen, as if Xingkong was learning all the information and then forming its own things.

"It seems that the road is really right." Chen Qiang looked at the situation on the screen and he was very happy.

Thirty hours is actually not very long. During this time, Chen Qiang just leaned on the chair and read some materials collected by Wu Wudi. With his current body, it doesn't matter if he hasn't slept for two days and two nights.

But seeing that the time is coming, Chen Qiang is holding a copy of "Baopuzi" and reading it, but after this, an alarm sound appears on the screen: "Alarm, alarm, there is insufficient deduction data, and it is impossible to deduce the world master level vitality absorption method." , whether to lower the level of deduction."

"Yes." Although Chen Qiang didn't know what a world master-level exercise was, he still quickly chose yes. But the alarm sounded again: "Alarm, alarm, the deduction data is insufficient, and the domain master level vitality absorption method cannot be deduced. Do you want to lower the level of deduction?"

"Yes." Chen Qiang stood up right now, and stared at the screen. But an annoying voice rang out at once: "Alarm, alarm, there is insufficient deduction data, and the cosmic-level vitality absorption method cannot be deduced, whether to lower the deduction by one level.

"Yes." Chen Qiang has now understood that this level means the level of the vitality absorption method, and the world master level is the highest, and then the death domain master and the universe level vitality absorption method. Of course, the level of the vitality absorption method is higher. The higher the better, but now he has been awarded three levels in a row, which makes him very broken.

"The vitality absorption method has been deduced successfully, and the level is star-level, please name it." Finally came a voice that made Chen Qiang happy.

"Tian Xing Lu." It took a long time to say such a name, but compared to the previous names, this name is okay.

"The name of the vitality absorption method "Tian Xing Lu" has been named, and the level is star-level. Do you want to extract it now." The voice of the starry sky is very loud in the entire space.

"Wait, I want to know where your grades come from." Chen Qiang finally asked the question in his heart.

"It was analyzed from the vitality absorption method you input, boss. The highest level of the nameless vitality absorption method is the master level, but it seems that this set of vitality absorption method is missing a part, so humans cannot use it. After supplementing the existing information, only It can reach the star level." Xingkong explained, compared to the cold body just now, this time there was a trace of warmth in Xingkong's voice.

"Then what level am I now?" Chen Qiang asked curiously now.

"Boss, you don't have a level. According to the above description of the vitality absorption method, you can't even reach the lowest level of planetary level, and the condition of the planetary level is to reach the point where vitality is released." Xingkong said the words Sometimes I was a little cautious, for fear that Chen Qiang would get angry.

"Then are there any planet-level creatures on the earth now?" Chen Qiang asked again.

"No, even the mutated creatures that have been detected over level ten have not reached the planetary level." Xingkong answered very simply at this time.

"That's good, but can I practice the star-level vitality absorption method?" Chen Qiang suddenly thought of a very important thing at this moment. In many novels, some low-level people cannot practice the high-level vitality absorption method at all. .

"Cultivation is not allowed, but I can deduce a planet-level vitality absorption method from "Tian Xing Lu". The highest level is the planet level, then you can practice, boss." Xing Kong replied immediately.

"That's good, let's deduce the method of absorbing vitality, and directly deduce five parts. The degree of absorption of vitality is 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. level." This set of vitality absorption method must be promoted after deduction, but to promote the strongest one at once is not in line with the mentality of a superior. So Chen Qiang made a layering, which only reduced the degree of absorption of vitality, that is to say, the final state of the five sets of vitality absorption methods is the same, but the practice speed of the unreasonable vitality absorption methods is different, but as long as it takes Time can also reach that level.

"Yes, start the deduction, and it is estimated that the deduction will be successful in four hours." For the time being, I still can't understand the human thought starry sky, but I still carried out Chen Qiang's order completely.

Four hours later, Chen Qiang got five sets of vitality absorption methods, and then directly called Wu Wudi to the office. This set of vitality absorption methods must be pushed out quickly. At the same time, the military headquarters also received orders. He began to practice a set of vitality absorption method called "Basic Skills", and a vitality absorption method called "Basic Skills" (advanced version) also appeared on the military merit system. On the exchange channel within the Star Group, a vitality absorption method called "Starry Sky Jue" was launched, and there was also a set of vitality absorption method called "Starry Sky Jue" (advanced version) that was launched at the same time.

"Mr. Chen, you are looking for me. Did you succeed in deducing your skills?" Wu Wudi asked directly when he came in. Although he was a martial idiot, his mood at this moment was to find a way to enhance human physique as soon as possible. And he was also looking at these collected materials during this time. Although he gained very little, there was still some.

"The deduction was successful. There are a total of four sets of "Basic Exercises" and the advanced version, "Starry Sky Judgment" and the advanced version. I plan to publish the "Basic Exercises", and it has been launched on the military system for free. , but the advanced version needs to be exchanged with military merit. As for "Starry Sky Judgment" is the energy absorption method within the Starry Sky Group, I don't plan to announce it, and you should understand it. The reason why I called you today is that I plan to use "Basic Skills You can put it on the exchange page of the guild, and you should understand what to do next, but you only have one month." Chen Qiang said and handed the two sets of exercises to Wu Wudi .

"Understood, Mr. Chen. The Martial Artists Guild will suppress the Adventurers Guild and the Mercenary Guild in a month. I don't think anyone will refuse. With the reputation of the Star Group, I am confident that the Adventurers Guild will Bring 80% of the high-end combat power of the Mercenary Guild into the Warrior Guild." Although Wu Wudi is a martial idiot, he is still the former head of the Wu family, and he has some experience in managing him.

"That's good. Remember to maintain this high-end combat power. These people have the best chance to practice this skill to the highest level. Also, the Martial Artists Guild will continue to collect information on martial arts. Of course, it is not limited to martial arts. As long as it is ancient data." Chen Qiang has also tasted a little bit of sweetness now, so he plans to wipe out the civilization of the entire world, will he push "Tian Xing Lu" to a higher level.

"Okay, I'll do it well." Wu Wudi is now utterly devoted to the Starry Sky Corporation. Everything has changed so quickly from the despair some time ago to the hope now, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

Brothers, 290,000 words in 30 days, this month's task is considered complete, thank you brothers for your support, thank you very much.

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