Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 372 New Level

The information released by "Basic Exercises" was immediately discovered by the media. The effects of the starry sky body training technique and the dragon and tiger body training technique are now experienced by everyone in the world, especially those who are currently entering and leaving the infected area. , They never let go of these two sets of body training techniques. The first thing they do when they enter the infected area is to practice these two sets of exercises, and the second is to look for mutated plants and mutated animals.

Moreover, in this set of vitality absorption method, the Xingkong Group re-divided the entire realm of strength in this way. Human strength is divided into warriors, warriors, warriors, martial spirits, military generals, martial kings, martial emperors, martial saints, and extraordinary nine levels. Each level has three levels: low, medium, and high. That is, human strength is divided into nine levels in total. Twenty-seventh grade. The strength of beasts is divided into three levels: Beast Soldiers, Beast Generals, and Beast Kings according to the strength of humans. Each level is divided into ten levels, and the strength is divided into three levels and thirty levels. Compared with the level and strength divisions released by the Star Group in a hurry, this one is obviously very detailed, so everyone accepted this setting at the moment it was released.

According to this level, the highest level of all detected mutant beasts on the earth is around the third level of beast generals, while the snake king and lion king that Chen Qiang killed before are only around the fifth level of beast soldiers. As for the current highest combat power of human beings, Chen Qiang is only at the low level of warriors, and Wu Wudi is at the high level of warriors, so human beings are indeed not as high as mutant beasts in terms of high-end combat power. However, with the current scientific and technological strength of human beings, it is not that there is no resistance at all, so now the two parties have formed a strange balance, and now there is a lack of an outsider who can break this balance.

Vitality absorption method, this is a new type of address, but in this era of great changes, people's acceptance of new things is still quite high. Moreover, after the military's merit exchange system released this set of exercises, basically everyone on the planet downloaded and learned them. The military merit system does not need to be registered, but as long as you are sixteen years old, you can automatically have it. That is to say, in the military's planning, all people who are sixteen years old or older will be future The main force and soldiers against mutant beasts.

But when everyone downloaded "Basic Skills", they found that there was an advanced version. Just from the name, they knew that it must be more advanced than the original version. Many people were stunned for a while, because they used to learn the exercises for free, and now they need to exchange for military merits, which makes many people uncomfortable. Especially those nerds and nerds who plan to die in the city, they must know that the only way to obtain military merit is to complete the tasks issued by the military. For these people, it will be impossible to enter the infected area.

In fact, few people can collect the numbers required for the advanced version of military merit exchange. Maybe a team can get a thousand military points, but military points have a very terrible feature that they cannot be transferred, so After the release of the advanced version, there are only three people who have redeemed it so far. However, just when the public was planning to discuss with the Star Group, the warrior guild opened in various bases, and there was an advanced version of "Basic Kungfu" on the exchange table of the warrior guild. At this moment, many people basically understand the situation behind this. The Star Group may have opinions on the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild, and plans to start restricting these two guilds.

"The Star Group is deceiving people too much, and the competition is just starting to use tricks." The high-level members of the family alliance gathered together again, and everyone's faces were ashen this time compared to the previous few times.

"Isn't this normal? Starry Sky Group's attack on the Adventurer's Guild and Mercenary Guild has long been in our expectation. If Starry Sky Group doesn't act, it will be abnormal. Now our task is to get the "Basic Skills" The advanced version authorization, the mercenary guild and the adventurer guild need this set of vitality absorption method. Our people have already experimented. This set of vitality absorption method is much more comprehensive than the dragon and tiger body training technique and the starry sky body training technique. The growth of strength is rapid." Rothschild tapped the table with his right finger regularly, as if he was thinking about how to obtain the advanced version of "Basic Exercises" from Star Group.

"I think it's better to wait. As the first two guilds, the Adventurer's Guild and the Warrior's Guild have not made any major mistakes, so we are still very credible in the eyes of all adventurers. And now the Starry Sky Group supports the Warriors The purpose of the guild is very obvious. Even if we go, there will be no results. Aren’t we going to hunt and kill mutant beasts above the fifth level of beast soldiers? As long as we broadcast the global live broadcast while hunting, then our two guilds will directly It's invincible." The head of the Yan family said with a smile, in Hua Guo's Sun Tzu's art of war, this is called attacking the east.

"This is a good way. We can compete with the Star Group only if we have absolutely powerful force." Elizabeth also said with a smile.

"Well, let's do it like this, let the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild stop the hunting power this time, and use all the laser cannons we have researched during this time. This time we will let the Star Group's plan Chicken-and-egg fight." Rothschild agreed with the idea.

In fact, many adventurers are still waiting and watching, and many of these people who are waiting and watching are already registered members of the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild. Because this identity is unique, they are still waiting to see whether their guild is It is not to add the advanced version of "Basic Exercises" to the exchange library. But they were still disappointed. For a week, no one from these two guilds took any action. So many people began to cancel their membership and go to the Warriors Guild to register. In fact, everyone is free in name. They can also not register as members of the union, and they can also use star coins to buy all the guilds in the exchange library. thing. But in reality, if you don't register as a member of the guild, you can't get the items in the exchange library at all, even if you have money. And the most important thing is that the cell activation liquid, which is a necessity for improving strength, is directly monopolized by the two major guilds, which also leads to the fact that basically the left and right people who enter the infected area have their own guilds. Of course, cell activation fluid can also be obtained in the military merit exchange system, but the ultimate goal of everyone accumulating military merit is to obtain intermediate cell activation fluid, and the most important thing is that there are not too many tasks issued by the military, so it is really difficult to obtain military merit of.

In the face of the mass loss of members, the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild seem to have not seen it at all. Compared with the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild, which have their own traditional sphere of influence, the Warrior's Guild does not have these things. Spread out your own guild clubhouses in all base cities around the world. So with the acquiescence of the two major guilds, the warrior guild began to rapidly expand and expand. In just two weeks, the number of direct members has reached the level of the two major guilds.

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