Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 373 Hunting

At this time, the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild announced that they would mobilize the high-end combat power of the guilds to hunt and kill three level 5 mutant beasts.

Yes, these old men went crazy and planned to hunt and kill three mutant beasts of the same level as the Lion King and Snake King. After this news was released, the staff turnover of the two major guilds gradually decreased, and the whole world also turned its attention to the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild.

"Mr. Chen, the hands of these families are a bit long. It seems that we should set a limit on these two guilds." Zhukov was watching this hunting operation with Chen Qiang at this time.

"Is the military ready? We need to test the bottom line of these mutant beasts, but we must not let them land." Chen Qiang did not answer directly, but asked another question.

"The research institute has transformed a large number of fighter jets, and the fighter jets are equipped with a generation of laser cannons. We have completed all the arrangements. If their guild fails, we can kill them immediately. In fact, I plan to kill them this time. Leave a beast general behind," Zhukov reported.

"Don't think about the beast general. The beast general has a high ability to predict danger. I'm afraid that the laser cannon on our side will go straight into the water, and his defense should be very high. But We can use this time to test the strength of the beast general." Chen Qiang stared at the members of the two major mercenary guilds who were mobilizing on the big screen and said.

"You can have this, but it's a pity to have these high-end combat power." Zhukov looked at the two thousand people on the big screen and said.

"What's the pity, just take this opportunity to let everyone see the cruelty of our living environment. Sometimes I think it's too easy for human beings to be like this." Chen Qiang sighed.

"The name of the vice president of the Adventurer's Guild should be Sidney Elizabeth. According to military intelligence, he is the third heir of the Elizabeth family and the most powerful person in the family alliance. According to the latest The intelligence shows that this young man has reached the fourth level of a warrior, only below the leader of the martial arts." Zhukov directly changed the topic and began to introduce the commander in chief of the two major guild operations this time.

"The strength is indeed good, but he chose the wrong camp. When the family alliance chose to abandon the earth, the entire earth would no longer accept them. Even if they develop the guild well, it is just a wisp of smoke. It is indeed very good that Sidney Elizabeth can reach this level of strength. If he can enter the Star Group, he may become the most powerful person in the world. But now he has no chance, and he is destined to become a victim of interests." Chen Qiang said to this genius It's a bit of a pity, to be able to improve one's strength to this point from the starry sky body training technique and the dragon and tiger body training technique must be someone who has undergone transformation, and has also been killed in the infected area, so in terms of potential and qualifications It must be very high.

"Then why don't you send someone from the military to contact him after this time is over?" Zhukov also felt a little regretful.

"No need, the military's "Star Wars" will improve the strength very quickly. Besides, we don't lack talents at all. You just need to do a good job in the training of the army. I hope that when the zombie virus breaks out, the army's minimum The strength is all around Wuling, so that we have the strength to fight against the huge herd of beasts." Although Chen Qiang felt sorry for this man named Sidney Elizabeth, he had no idea of ​​recruiting, because there was no need at all, If the billions of people on the earth can't find a few geniuses, it will be a joke.

After a long swearing-in meeting between the two guilds, the hunting team finally set off. Two thousand people boarded the transport plane prepared by the guild and began to fly to the predetermined location.

"The two guilds have come out in full force this time. It seems that they really plan to hunt mutant beasts."

"I'm curious why there is no warrior guild."

"This problem is very simple. The Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild were established relatively early, so they have the most high-end combat power. The Warrior's Guild was only established in the last month. Basically, no one has deteriorated except Mr. Wu. High-end combat power. The level of the mutant beasts that the two guilds plan to hunt this time is the fifth level of beast soldiers, that is, the levels of the Lion King and Snake King a few months ago. You must know that the Starry Sky Group was trying to kill these two mutant beasts. A lot of people died."

"It seems that this time the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild are in a bit of a disaster." Everyone had such an idea, because even the Starry Sky Group sacrificed so many talents to complete this operation, this time the two guilds actually planned to use only More than two thousand people.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that their course of action is to go to the vicinity of Shikoku Island in Dongying. According to the latest observation information from the military, there seem to be only two mutant beasts nearby, but we seem to have detected a general-level mutant beast inside Dongying Island." Biological magnetic field. According to the analysis of the basic staff department, these two mutated beasts are likely to be pawns released by the generals to test." Zhukov, as the chief of staff of the headquarters, judged this time based on the flight routes of the planes of the two guilds. destination.

"The military should pass this information on to the two guilds. It looks like they have a plan." Let the Yalu River's forward base take off a plane equipped with laser cannons, and let the nuclear bomb troops prepare to launch, if the beast will appear If you don't want to support the idea, you must intercept it. "Although he wants many people in the world to know the cruelty of the outside world, if these people are wiped out at once, there will be riots in the whole world.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Zhukov also knew what Chen Qiang was thinking. Although the world needs pressure, it doesn't need despair. And if there is no support from the military at this time, it will be a crisis of confidence for the Star Group. Now that the Star Group has sorted out the whole world with great difficulty, it is unwise to do something that is not worth the loss at this time.

At this time, Sidney Elizabeth, who was the commander-in-chief on the plane flying to Japan, began to arrange the specific details of this mission: "Lance Flower, I need your attention to lead your No. 1 Mutant Beast, the first team." Remember, according to the information provided by the military, the weakness of the No. 1 beast lies in the eyes and pharynx, so your task is very challenging, and the next step is the second team."

"It's these details, do you hear clearly? Well, guys, we will definitely return with a rewarding experience. Remember that we are the top combat force of the two guilds. We are not only fighting for money, but also for the future of mankind. And fight." Sidney Elizabeth obviously knew this well and knew what to say before the battle.

Let's resume the 4,000 updates per day. Last month, I was almost schizophrenic. This month, I will slow down.

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